Program review is the periodic and comprehensive self-assessment of all academic programs offered. The Pittsburg State University program review process is formative in nature and designed to enhance overall institutional quality and accountability.
The focus is on providing campus-wide input to help departments align programs with the institutional assessment process, institutional strategic planning, and resource allocation. Program review is the primary opportunity that departments have to conduct a comprehensive self-study in order to demonstrate that their programs are current, of sufficient size and quality, and help the institution serve its mission.
It is also the major process departments have to demonstrate their resource needs and make their case for significant enhancements.
At Pittsburg State University, all academic degree programs are reviewed by discipline. In addition, academic programs such as minors and certificates that do not mirror curriculum already slated for review participate in an abbreviated process.
Pittsburg State is currently piloting a new cycle format. All academic degree programs will participate in a Program Review process in Academic Year 2027.
The academic program participating should expect to spend a significant amount of time on the review process. While the process and the templates have been designed to integrate unit level planning, mid-term assessment reporting, and programmatic accreditation documentation where applicable, it is not intended to be a perfunctory exercise in paperwork completion. The focus is formative and has been designed as a method to help programs identify areas for improvement and innovation.
Programs to be included in the next year’s cycle will be contacted by the Director of Assessment regarding the appropriate self-study template for completion. After the self-study has been submitted, the faculty and director/chair of each program will be invited for a face-to-face discussion with the Program Review Committee.
Following the conversation with the program, the committee will consider each program, drafting concerns and recommendations based on a complete and thorough review of all material. This response will be shared with the Department director/chair, the college Dean, and the Provost. This feedback provides a brief list of committee concerns, accompanied by a set of recommendations.
To view the Program Review process flowchart, please visit the Academic Program Review Process.
For additional details on Program Review at Pittsburg State University, please visit the Program Review Guidebook.
All non-accredited programs will complete the PR Self-Study Template. In addition, non-accredited programs must utilize an external reviewer. For details on facilitating an external reviewer, please see the following:
Accredited programs will complete the Accredited PR Self-Study Template. It is recognized that some of the responses for the self-study template mirror what accreditors typically request in their evaluation and is understood that the same responses to accreditors can be utilized for the self-study template where appropriate.
Brand-new degree programs will complete the Progress Review Template. This review will be scheduled during the program's third fall semester.
Programs that are completing the abbreviated self-study as a stand-alone certificate or minor where the curriculum is not duplicated within a degree program are expected to prepare a report following the Cert-Minor PR Self-Study Template.
The Program Review Committee (PRC) will conduct the review and make recommendations to the Provost. The committee composition is as follows:
Terms of service for the PRC include:
Questions regarding Program Review should be directed to the Director of Assessment.
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Learn about the periodic and comprehensive self-assessment that the academic programs offer.
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