The main campus is heated by steam that is produced by natural gas fired boilers located at the Physical Plant building and piped to buildings through utility tunnels. Each building receives steam at a temperature of nearly 375 degrees Fahrenheit and at a regulated pressure of about 65 PSI (pounds per square inch). The plant literally recycles steam -- using 85 to 88 percent of the steam energy that is normally lost as "waste heat".
Steam that has been used (condensed in the system) is circulated as condensate back to the boiler room at the Physical Plant building and still contains some heating energy (about 180 - 190 degrees F.). The condensate is converted to steam and brought back up to about 400 degrees F. before being released back into the steam "recycling" system thereby achieving a high level of energy conservation. The steam heating system has other economic advantages. In milder weather, the water temperatures can be lowered to correspond with the weather conditions.
The Garfield Weede Building, Kansas Technology Center, Student Recreation Center, Tyler Research Center, and the Bicknell Family Center for the Arts have independent boiler systems in mechanical rooms within the buildings, while both the McPherson Building and Timmons Chapel are equipped with geothermal systems.
The heating systems are controlled by a computerized energy management system. A computer terminal, located at the Physical Plant building, monitors information from thermostats in individual buildings and controls valves that regulate the flow of steam and heat. It also analyzes flue emissions to key the boilers at peak efficiency.
The plant keeps 40,000 gallons of fuel oil in underground storage tanks for use if the natural gas supply is curtailed. This reserve would heat the university for four to six days in weather below 30 degrees F. and longer in milder weather.
Steam Tunnel Distribution System
Steam is distributed through a system of tunnels beneath the campus. Pipes in the tunnels transport steam throughout the main campus. Temperature of pipes runs high as 300 degrees Fahrenheit and therefore presents a danger to anyone who is not trained to work in these tunnels.
Air temperatures reach as high as 375 degrees Fahrenheit in some of the tunnels during normal operations. The temperatures are allowed to become high because complete ventilation would be a waste of heating energy.
Facility Operations has a policy of never allowing a worker to negotiate a steam tunnel alone. Only experienced workers may service a steam tunnel. They must know where the exits are, where the access doors are, and have keys to get through these passages. Anyone not familiar with the tunnels runs the risk of being trapped in a dead-end or a passage blocked by a locked door. A person trapped in the tunnel faces serious consequences if a steam pipe ruptures and releases high pressure steam.
Because of building security, Facility Operations must lock access doors between the buildings and the tunnels to prevent unauthorized access. This creates a dangerous situation for anyone without keys; therefore, unauthorized persons are prohibited in the tunnels.The Physical Plant is responsible for custodial services in all campus buildings except the Overman Student Center and the Wilkinson Alumni Center. Most custodial work is occupied areas is performed between 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Floor areas swept, wastebaskets emptied, chalkboards cleaned, chairs arranged, restrooms cleaned and other tasks performed on a daily basis.
A daily shift is assigned to each building. Work during hours when classes are held is coordinated to minimize interference with school activities. Offices are usually cleaned by the day shift between 6:00 AM and 8:00 AM or by the night shift after 4:30 PM. Custodians can be called to perform custodial tasks generally during daily activities. This activity is directed by the Custodial Manager, whose office is located in the Physical Plant building.
Custodial Work Performed
Clean restrooms and replenish supplies; dust and clean offices, classrooms, conference rooms, laboratories and elevators; polish furniture.
Vacuum carpets; dry mop and wet mop floors; strip, wax and polish floors; shampoo carpets.
Collect and remove waste; sweep steps and sidewalks.
Clean light fixtures; change light bulbs; clean drinking fountains.
Clean windows and glass doors; clean blinds; wash walls.
Report needed maintenance and repair items to supervisors; request supplies; lock and unlock buildings, offices and rooms; move furniture as needed for cleaning purposes.
Request and store cleaning materials and supplies; keep storage closets and custodial rooms in order.
Perform related work as requested.
Where the surface is appropriate, (wood, tile, concrete, etc.) floors are scrubbed, sealed as required and waxed once or twice a year. Additional waxing or finishing is provided if needed whenever such service can be worked into the schedule.
Opening & Closing of Buildings
The security of all campus buildings, offices and equipment is an important part of the custodial service. The objective of this department is to assist with building security through key control.
Each building is opened and closed according to a rearranged schedule. As a rule, only the outside doors and selected classrooms are opened by Physical Plant employees, and it is the responsibility of the departments to open their own offices and laboratories.
The evening shift is responsible for locking or securing buildings. Keys are assigned to custodians by their supervisor. It is the custodian's responsibility to see that the keys are not lost or stolen. All keys are checked in at the Physical Plant at the end of each shift and picked up again at the beginning of the next shift. Keys are not loaned.
Trash Removal
Emptying wastebaskets, sweeping floors and removal of material which is obviously trash is the responsibility of the Physical Plant and is done by the custodial crew.
The trash is taken to pickup points where it is removed from campus by contracted trash services.
Additional Duties
Cleaning of football stadium
Setting up, working and tearing down for many campus events, ie. Commencement and ball games.
Tasks Not Performed By Custodians
Move heavy furniture
Any major moving of furniture
Run errands
Perform personal service
Watch laboratory equipment (turn off equipment, etc.)
Collect mail from offices
Loan keys to anyone
Answer telephones
Please contact the Director of Custodial and General Services for special requests.
The Physical Plant has the responsibility for the visual impact of the University. Appearance of the grounds and buildings is very important. National surveys indicate that more than half of all prospective students consider this when deciding where to go to school. Appearance also makes a difference in faculty and staff attitudes and influences legislators, parents and the general public.
The work of the Landscape Maintenance department is most notable in the spring when flower beds are in full bloom and the trees are alive with new color. Flower beds are used to their maximum to achieve the greatest effect. Spring flowers are replaced with summer flowers in May and removed after the first killing frost.
The Landscape Maintenance Department maintains an office, greenhouse nursery and storage facility located directly east of the Weede Building. In addition, the Department also maintains an outdoor nursery and related materials.
The Landscape Maintenance crew is responsible for the maintenance of trees, grass, shrubs, flower beds, new plantings and athletic fields. They are also responsible for clearing snow from campus sidewalks, removing leaves and other debris and keeping storm sewer inlets clear and unobstructed.
All other requests for Landscape Maintenance services should be submitted using the on-line "General Work Order" form.Storeroom
The Facility Operations Storeroom stocks and maintains a perpetual inventory of equipment, materials, and supplies required for all building, grounds, and custodial maintenance performed by Facility Operations personnel. Storeroom employees are responsible for maintaining necessary inventory levels, as well as ordering and inspecting stock.
All freight, UPS, Federal Express, and other express delivery services are delivered to the Storeroom on a daily basis. Storeroom employees log all packages and freight and prepare them for campus distribution by the General Services department. While efforts are made to assist with the placement of campus freight orders, unfortunately, the Storeroom does not have enough space to store freight for campus departments at the Physical Plant. Please consider the size and shipping times of orders prior to order placement. This is particularly important when ordering large shipments of furniture.
The Storeroom also assists campus departments with product ordering if needed. If you need the Storeroom to order a product for you, please submit an online "Work Order Request”. Please include funding information on these work orders. If you need assistance with product ordering, please contact Tonya Pentola at ext. 4780.
General Services
General Services' employees are responsible for the delivery of all UPS, Federal Express and other express delivery packages shipped to the Pittsburg State University. Delivery of packages is performed daily beginning at 12:30 PM and are delivered to the designated drop location in each building. Unfortunately, due to varying mail quantities and job duties, it is not possible to provide a set delivery time for each building. Below is a list of the drop locations in each building.In the event of unforeseen circumstances that will not allow for the delivery of the daily mail, the packages will be held until the next day.
The General Services department also delivers all University freight that is delivered to the Storeroom. Every attempt is made to deliver the freight as soon as possible following arrival; however, during very busy times, delivery may be delayed until time-sensitive work has been completed. If it is necessary that freight be delivered within a certain time frame, please contact Scott Broyles at ext. 4057.
Additional responsibilities of the General Services staff include assisting with delivery and retrieval of equipment for various special events on campus, as well as, delivering and retrieving all folding tables and chairs requested for these various activities and events.
Currently the University has 140 folding tables and 500 folding chairs which are available for use for campus events and activities. These tables and chairs are reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis; therefore, it is important that you submit your work order requests as far in advance as possible to ensure reservation of the number of tables and/or chairs needed.
This department is also responsible for all requests for movement of furniture, equipment, file cabinets, musical equipment, etc. on campus. General Services staff will try to accommodate all requests for moves and deliveries if it is reasonable, safe, and within our ability. The expense of professional assistance brought in due to the inability of the General Services staff to perform the move will be charged to the requesting department. Any requested moves that may present possible safety hazards to employees will be denied.
All requests for services, including requests for tables and chairs, must be submitted using the online " Work Order Request" system located on the Facility Operations web page. All work orders are scheduled in the order in which they are received. Every effort will be made to accommodate all requests. During busy periods, it is possible that a work request may not be possible due to previously scheduled work; therefore, it is best to submit your work orders as soon as possible to ensure that scheduling is possible during the time frame needed.
Please see the "Policies and Procedures" section for more information regarding table and chair use and other Facility Operations guidelines.