Recycling Services

One of the more direct means of sustaining our environment is through consistent and efficient recycling practices. Recycling reduces harmful greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution created from landfill use, conserves energy and natural resources and reduces the destruction of natural habitats.

Pitt State Recycling strives to divert as much waste as possible from our landfills. We reuse or re-purpose material and/or items where possible and recycle the rest. We work to provide convenient means for recycling across campus and are currently in the process of installing recycling stations in University buildings where office and other recycling may be deposited and will serve as collection points for pick up by recycling staff. The stations have been designed to accept paper, bottle/cans, and cardboard. Recycling services also provides free desk side recycling containers for those who need them. Outdoor containers have also been installed and are provided across campus. Recyclables are picked up on a regular basis and transported to an on-site location for further sorting and delivery to SEK Recycling Center.

Mission Statement

Pittsburg State University Recycling Services is committed to supporting University sustainability objectives and goals and to providing a clean and safe campus and community environment for current and future generations.  We strive to foster relationships and partnerships with student and community groups and area businesses to create opportunities for advancement and education of recycling and sustainability wherever possible.




Recycle Program Initiatives

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Recycling Services partners with the Office of Facilities Planning and with contractors to recycle materials from new construction and remodel projects across campus. Materials such as light fixtures, ceiling tile, doors, cabinets, miscellaneous metals, etc. are recovered from these projects and re-purposed, donated or sold. Materials such as cardboard, glass, pallets, metal, etc. are also collected and recycled from these projects and distributed to our local SEK Recycling facility.

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Our Pitt State Recycle team works all home football games collecting recyclables during game-day activities. Recycling containers are provided at numerous locations inside and outside of the stadium for collection and, with help from the Athletics Department, recycling bags are handed out to tailgaters as they enter the parking lots. The recycling team walks the parking lots and tents during tailgating activities working with students and fans to collect recyclables while promoting awareness about recycling practices at Pitt State. Recycling Services also partners with Sodexo to recycle cardboard and other materials used by food services for concessions and skybox needs. Recyclables are also collected in all skybox seating throughout the stadium.

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Recycling Services partners with the Office of Information Systems and SEK Recycling to provide the University E-waste recycling program. Pickup of electronic equipment is provided at the request of offices/departments via the University E-Waste Form. Forms should be downloaded to your computer, filled out, and emailed to When using this form, please make sure that you are using the most recent version as updates are made to it as needed. All hard drives must be removed or wiped to DOD standards by Information Systems prior to pickup by Recycling Services. If you need assistance with step, please contact Gorilla Geeks at extension 4600 or

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The "Move-In Mayhem" program was initiated in 2012 as an effort to divert the large amount of cardboard and other recyclables from the landfill. Recycling Services partners with University Housing, the "Students for Sustainability" group, and SEK Recycling to collect all recyclables on "Move-In" day every August.  Containers for cardboard, plastic, paper and bottles and cans are provided by SEK Recycling and are placed at conveniently located areas outside of all dorms due to the high volume of waste generated during this time.  University Housing staff and the "Students for Sustainability" group direct and assist students with their recycling to help ensure we are diverting as much material as possible.  Recycling Services works to keep containers emptied and performs any sorting needed.  Due to this group effort, we have been able to divert large numbers of recycles from our landfills.
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The "Move-Out Madness" project was started in 2010 in an effort to divert material from the landfill and to reuse those items left behind when students move out of the dorms in May.  The program is currently managed by the student group "Students for Sustainability".  The group partners with SEK Recycling and PSU Recycle Services to set up collection stations at all dorms and to collect all useable and recyclable materials generated by this event. The group collects items for several days leading up to spring Commencement ceremonies and then hosts an annual sale in the fall when students return for classes.  The funds generated by the sale are used to support attendance of an annual sustainability conference in Iowa.
Pitt State Recycling holds a public tag sale, at least once per year to facilitate the re-purposing of items that cannot be reused on campus. These sales are open to the public and are internally and locally advertised when a date has been set for the sale.  One of the main focuses of the our sales is the effort we make to price items at a far lesser price than other community sales.  This low pricing allows items to be available to everyone and to help ensure that more items might be re-purposed and re-used.  Items are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis and no items will be sold prior to the sale date or start time of the sale. Presently, the only method of payment we accept is cash.  Items not sold are either held back until the next sale or donated to Habitat for Humanity. donations are also made to other non-profit organizations or schools as needs arise.
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In an effort to reduce the use of plastic bottles on campus, Recycling Services provides bottle refill station retrofits for wall-mounted water fountains across campus as budget allows.  Not all water fountains will accept the retrofit kits, so there may be areas where the refill stations are not possible at this time.  However, all new fountains purchased will allow for the retrofit kit.  If you do not have a bottle refill station in your area, and you believe there is a need for one, please call Tonya Pentola at ext. 4780.


Scott Broyles

Facility Operations



Alex Beach

Recycling Services





