Design Review Committee | Pittsburg State University
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Design Review Committee

Our Mission

The primary function of the Design Review Committee (DRC) is to support the goals and objectives of the Master Plan. DRC representatives are appointed from Academic Affairs, Administration & Finance, Student Life, University Advancement and the PSU Student Body.

All building projects, landscaping projects, major graphic projects, signage, and any project that visually affects the physical environment of the campus should be reviewed and recommended by the DRC to the Facilities Master Planning Committee for approval. The DRC meets the third Wednesday of each month and needs to receive any requests for project reviews at least one week prior to the monthly meeting.

Committee Members

Lindell Haverstic (chair), Planning, Design, and Construction,

Melinda Roelfs, Registrar's,

Holly Page-Sagehorn, Family and Consumer Sciences Faculty,

Gerald Thomas, Building Trades and Landscape Maintenance,

Vince Daino, Student Life,

Kathleen Flannery, University Advancement,

Abigail Fern, Marketing and Communication,

Marci Heatherly, SGA Campus Affairs,