AMMT Overview of the program provides a few video shots of some of the labs and equipment that students use.
Student Perspectives
Student shares about selecting AMMT as her major and her experience in the program.
Labs and Equipment
AMMT is comprised of a AMMT Lecture Room and eight (8) major laboratories: Wood Science Lab Primary Processing Lab (including Outdoor Lab) Design and Engineering (CAD) Lab Machine Processing Lab Advanced Panel Processing Lab Veneering and Assembly Lab Finishing Lab Tool Technology Lab
Videos of using three of these labs are shown below, as well as equipment associated with modern industrial facilities.
Design and Engineering (CAD) Lab was totally designed, engineered, and constructed by AMMT students.
Veneering and Assembly Lab Five (5) major pieces of equipment are featured in six-step veneering process in this lab.
Wood Science Lab and equipment serve as backdrop for micro-identification of wood species.
Demos and Info Sessions
Demo: 5-Axis CNC Router--use of the router to machine parts requiring more than 3-axis is shared.
Demo: CNC Panel Saw--Application of this CNC machine is shared and shown.
Demo: Edgebander--Basic operation of Edgebander is demonstrated
Student Organizations
Society of Architectural Woodworkers (SAW)--Interview of SAW member about the organization.
Alumnus - Corporate Minute
Perspectives on AMMT Program - This 5-minute video features faculty, student, and corporate perspectives about AMMT program, including preparation of students for future employment and employment opportunities in the industry.
Three students share about their internships experiences at Gator Millworks.
PSU AMMT student and Gator Millworks representative discuss his internship experience.
The 2-year AAS program prepares automotive service diagnostic technicians to work in service centers and dealerships. The program is MAST (Master Automotive Service Technology) accredited through the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF), which ensures students receive the highest academic quality automotive service instruction available.
The following video about Automotive Service Technology provides an overview of the program, student perspectives, and shows some of the labs and equipment (not necessarily indicated or named)
Student Perspectives
Information available in video above.
Labs and Equipment
The automotive laboratories encompass 32,000 square-feet of space and are among the most advanced in the nation. Thanks to partners in industry, students have the opportunity to work on more than 40 donated automobiles and use the same tools and technology currently being used in the workplace.
Automotive Service Technology students primarily use the following laboratory facilities: Automotive Service Technology Lab (includes Auto Part/Sales Area) Service Managers Office
These spaces are used for conducting “live work” on customers’ vehicles to fulfill requirements for NATEF accreditation and prepare students for ASE Certification. Additionally, students may utilize one or more specialty labs associated with Automotive Technology, as needed. Some of these labs, equipment, and vehicles are shown in the “Overview” video above.
Student Organizations
SkillsUSA – Students regularly compete in Automotive Service and state and national competition. Historically, PSU has produced multiple gold and silver medalists at the national level and two silver medalist at the WorldSkills Competition.
The following Automotive Technology video provides an overview of the program, student perspectives, and shows some of the labs, including designating some of the major pieces of equipment used by students in specific courses.
Pittsburg State is one of only approximately 10 colleges and universities in the nation to offer a 4-year degree in automotive technology. In fact, this program is considered by industry to be one of the top 3 of its kind in the country. The 4-year Automotive Technology degree (BST) offers students a choice of six different emphasis areas:
Advanced Vehicle Systems Collision Repair and Insurance Management Diesel and Heavy Equipment Dealership and Corporate Transportation Management Automotive Mechanical Design Automotive Technical
Student Perspectives
Information available in video above.
Labs and Equipment
The automotive laboratories encompass 32,000 square-feet of space and are among the most advanced in the nation. Thanks to partners in industry, students have the opportunity to work on more than 40 donated automobiles and use the same tools and technology currently being used in the workplace.
Automotive Technology students use the following laboratory facilities: Engine Analysis Lab Transmissions Lab Diesel Heavy Equipment Lab Fuels and Lubricants Lab Dynamometer Testing Lab Collision Repair Lab Main Automotive Lab
These labs are industry supported with some of the best equipment, software, vehicles and components available. Some of these labs, equipment, and vehicles are shown in the “Overview” video above.
Demos and Info Sessions
A student developed an interest Wood Gas Generation as a result of discussions in an automotive class. He was provided opportunity to pursue this interest in an independent project.
Info: A Taste of BajaSAE--The 2017 Baja SAE Kansas (Teaser)- For those not familiar with BajaSAE, video provides a “taste” of the collegiate design competition, PSU has participated in since 1991.
Student Organizations
Baja SAE Team - The Baja Competition began in 1976. Since then it has evolved into a premier international design event for university students enrolled in the Engineering and automotive technology programs worldwide. Pittsburg State has been competing in SAE Baja since 1991. The school’s twenty-nine years of experience has allowed the team’s facilities to grow along with the universities reputation. Pitt State has several Top 15 finishes in international completion in the U.S., and is the only team from the United State to ever win the BajaSAE- Korea competition. PSU has also hosted BajaSAE-Kansas, an international completion (25% of teams from outside US), four times in 2011, 2014, 2017, and 2018.
Automotive Mentorship Program (AMP) – This is a peer mentoring program in which experienced, knowledgeable automotive majors offer advice, auto-related classwork assistance, and career development advice. The goal is to help automotive majors be successful academically and in their career.
Christian Automotive Majors (CAM) - The purpose of CAM is to encourage friendships and support for automotive majors who share the Christian faith and a love for cars, motorcycles, tractors, and trucks. The group typically meets twice a month during the school year for Bible study social activities.
SkillsUSA (Skills) – The mission of the organization as stated on their web site is as follows: "SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled work force. We help each student excel."
PSU students and nationally-recognized faculty are regularly involved in SkillsUSA at the state and national level. Historically, PSU has produced three WorldSkills silver medalists—more than any other school in the nation.
Currently, two faculty are key figures with the WorldSkills Completion. Professor Scott Norman is the US Delegate for World Skills (highest position in US), serving as the U.S. representative for competitions in all areas. Professor Mike Elder is the World Skills USA Automotive Expert, and is responsible for facilitating the training of U.S. automotive competitor. The previous USA Automotive Expert, Ron Downing, was also a PSU faculty member prior to his retirement. All three of these faculty are PSU alumni, too.
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) – The mission of SAE is to advance mobility knowledge and solutions for the benefit of humanity. Participation in PSU Collegiate Chapter can develop or enhance important skills, including: leadership, time management, project management, communications, organization, planning, delegation, budgeting and finance. The local SAE chapter hosts at least one Car Show each year. Some member also participate in the BajaSAE Team.
Three Communication students each share their media production and broadcasting experiences on their respective real-world production projects.
Student Organizations
Student Association of Broadcasters – Purpose is to allow the students to gain the necessary skills and experience to enable them to enter and excel in the broadcasting field; to encourage unity, creativity, and professionalism for a better future for broadcasting and students of broadcasting
The Construction Management degree (BST) provides a greater focus on management of construction activities. Program requires students to take a strong core construction curriculum supported by an emphasis Students select from one of the following six emphases: Building Information Modeling (BIM), Civil Construction, Company Management, Field Management, Residential Construction, and Safety Management.
The Construction Engineering Technology degree (Bachelor of Science Engineering Technology) was created in 1979 to provide our construction program with an engineering concepts emphasis and to support industry needs. The Construction Engineering Technology program requires students to complete a strong core construction curriculum supported by engineering concept courses including statistics, mechanics of materials, concrete/wood/steel structures, foundation/soils, and temporary structures.
Student Perspectives
Student, faculty, and construction share personal perspectives about the PSU Construction program, which provide a unique overview.
Labs and Equipment
Students in the Construction Management and Construction Engineering Technology program have access to the School of Construction (SOC) labs which include some of the best industry supported software and equipment.
The SOC also provides access to: dedicated construction computer labs material testing/structures lab surveying lab equipment simulator lab electrical lab mechanical lab (plumbing/Heating-Ventilation-Air-Conditioning)
Additionally, a dedicated outdoor lab and outdoor spaces provide opportunity for teaching steel erection, tilt-up construction, construction methods, and construction equipment use.
Demos and Info Sessions
Info: American Concrete Institute Competition – PSU Construction students compete in national completion. Click the image to read the full story.
Info: Construction Expo – Annual Spring event hosted by PSU School of Construction provides students the opportunity to operate construction equipment, explore new technology, and get hands on experience using construction related tools.
Student Organizations
Associated General Contractors (AGC) Student Chapter – AGC student chapters exist to encourage and support student interest in the professional construction industry. Exposure to the working industry is vital to the preparation of future industry practitioners. AGC of America in conjunction with AGC's local chapters supports over 150 student chapters nationwide.
Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) Student Chapter - DBIA Student Chapters develop strong working partnership between students and industry professionals, regarding the education and research objectives required for the continued growth and excellence of design-build.
Mechanical Contractors of America (MCA) Student Chapter - The purpose of the Pittsburg State University MCA Student Chapter is to introduce and promote mechanical contracting among the students.
National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Student Chapter - The NAHB Student Chapters program is dedicated to enriching the educational experience of students by offering them first-hand exposure to the real world of the building industry through NAHB membership, educational programming, and networking opportunities.
National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) – Objectives include: Unite for the mutual benefit of the women who are actively engaged in the various phases of the construction industry. Promote education and contribute to the betterment of the construction industry. Encourage women to pursue and establish careers in the construction industry.
Sigma Lambda Chi Mu Chapter (International Construction Honor Society) - The fundamental purpose of Sigma Lambda Chi is to provide recognition to outstanding students in construction curricula. Sigma Lambda Chi is the society that offers students the opportunity to be recognized locally and internationally for their academic accomplishments as a construction major.
The electrical industry offers a wide array of career opportunities for the well-trained electrician or electrical technician. The Pittsburg State University Electrical Technology program provides in-depth training for each of the three broad areas of the electrical industry. These areas include:
Residential Electrical Wiring Commercial Electrical Construction Industrial Electrical Construction and Maintenance
From wiring a residential single-family home to installing the large switchgear, conduits, wiring and data systems in a multi-million dollar commercial building , to the system installation, analysis, design, and troubleshooting of an industrial automated control system with programmable logic controllers, variable frequency drives and robotics, program graduates are prepared for a wide range of employment opportunities.
The Electrical Technology Program is a 2-year “hands-on” technical program with emphasis given to preparing graduates to become certified electricians by attaining Journeyman Electrical Certification. The outlook for careers in the electrical field is very good and has been for a number of years. The average electrician is in their late 50’s and has or will soon be retiring. The lack of skilled electrical workers to replace them has caused a severe shortage in the marketplace.
Student Perspectives
Interstates Signs Electrical Technology Students
Labs and Equipment
The Electrical Technology students make use of the following laboratories: Residential Wiring Lab (Fall) Commercial Wiring Lab (Spring) Automated Controls Lab Electric Machinery Lab Home Automation and Structured Wiring Lab/Classroom
Demos and Info Sessions
Info: Service Project-Ronald McDonald House - Article highlights Electrical Technology students completing a second major electrical upgrade of Ronald McDonald House.
Student Organizations
Students may participate in SkillsUSA as part of PSU SkillsUSA
The Electronics Engineering Technology (EET) program produces graduates that are valued by industry regionally and across the globe. The ABET-accredited EET program prepares graduates to be successful in a variety of industry settings and across a wide spectrum of electronic venues.
Students may pursue either of the following emphases: Electronic Controls Computer and Embedded Systems
Student Perspectives
Black and Veatch Scholars Program Renewed for Academic Year 2021-22
Labs and Equipment
Electronics Engineering Technology students primarily use the following laboratories: Electronics General Lab Electronics Control Systems Lab Electronic Telecommunications Lab Electronics Fabrication Lab
Demos and Info Sessions
Demo: PSU [LED] Display – Electronics Engineering Technology student demonstrates and explains operation of LED display system he designed and built.
Demo: Digital Lock – Electronics Engineering Technology student explains and demonstrates operation of digital lock system he designed and built.
This project uses the light detector and the tri-color LED on the Dragon12-Plus2 microcontroller trainer to make a proximity detector. If no hands are over the light detector, the tri-color LED will be green. As a hand is moved closer to the light detector, the tri-color LED will gradually change color from green to red. Pulse-width modulation (PWM) to used to control the brightness of the green and red LEDs inside the tri-color LED which will determine the color.
This video highlights previous PSU students who impacted the program from previous years. Shawn "DJ Bigdad" Brandt was presented with a Double NASAInKansas Scholarship for his digital marketing work with Electronics Engineering Technology at Pittsburg State University.
Shawn Brandt explains, "This video is intended to promote the Aerospace Program at PSU. Dr. Jim Lookadoo, now retired from PSU, received this NASA video showing zero gravity in both a box and in the well known 'vomit comet'. While getting clearance for this video was a tricky one, I thank Dr. Lookadoo for diligence in getting this footage cleared. "He presented me with an opportunity I never expected. It was the first time I'd be tasked to writing music to match the overall story" - DJ Bigdad - Dr. Lookadoo originally named the video AntiGravity University as many student studied on technologies involved in such gravity experiments. One of the experiments showcases anti-gravity in a box, which makes the substance as simple as water look from out of this world. Students were also subjected to an artificial pre-flight testing chamber where they would be asked questions. This chamber simulates air pressure equivalents to 25,000 ft in altitude. You can tell the lack of oxygen is taking its toll. Later in this video, Jacob Sitch talks with experts from around the country about his project in measuring crystal frequency shifts due to reduced gravity. Lastly you witness, space shuttle Discovery launching from Kennedy Space Center in 1984.
After this video was removed in 2019, I felt the opportunity to re-upload it as it was an amazing start of my career musically and digital marketing. The original video had over 400 plays when it was removed from YouTube due to Dr. Lookadoo's retirement. Thank you again to Dr. Lookadoo for everything!"
Student Organizations
International Society of Automation(ISA) - strives to build a better world through automation. Membership provides increased career opportunities; broadens knowledge and exposure to the world of automation; indicates to prospective student is actively involved in pursuing his or her professional future.
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) - is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Its objectives are the educational and technical advancement of electrical and electronic engineering, telecommunications, computer engineering, and allied disciplines.
PSU Combat Robotics- is a destructive robot creating organization where we build bots and then go to competitions to destroy or incapacitate bots of enemy teams. Our goal is to eventually have a popular team that can beat nationals.
Environmental and Safety Management is a broad-based program that exposes students to several aspects of environmental and workplace safety. The following emphases are available:
Environment and Safety Construction General Industry Environmental Management Fire Safety Human Resource Management
This program is on the list of national board-approved programs. A student earning an environmental and safety management degree from a board-approved institution is automatically qualified for the Associate Safety and Health Manager (ASHM) credential offered by the ISHM...
Labs and Equipment
The Environmental Safety Management (ESM) students primarily conduct lab activities in the Environmental Safety Lab and Outdoor Safety Lab. The outdoor lab has a confined space structure, scaffolding wall and climbing wall. Additionally, the students have access to the entire Kansas Technology Center facility for equipment safety and safety inspections, etc.
Demos and Info Sessions
Safety Olympics – PSU hosts safety competition for six Midwestern universities. Click the image to read the full story.
Rebar Climbing Wall– Students are videotaped as they climb rebar to evaluate proper fall protection climbing technique. Students tie themselves in using a fall restraint lanyard and maintain 3-point contact (minimum 2 hands and one foot or two feet and one had) with the wall.
Demo: HAZMAT (HAZardous MATerials) Leak Training--Students are videotaped wearing gas mask and air tank as they participate in a simulated “HAZMAT” leak exercise.
Student Organizations
American Society of Safety Engineers [Professionals] (ASSE) Student Chapter– Contribute to shaping the future of the safety field by participating in task forces and committees, and working with other safety professionals on issues facing the industry today. Leaders also are provided opportunities to gain additional leadership skill training that assist them in their committee work as well as their job. Skills volunteer leaders gain include: leadership, management, networking, presentation, time management, team work, meeting, project skills and much more!
The B.S.T. in Graphic Communications is a 120-credit Graphic Communications Degree that can be completed in four years of full-time study. Students are asked to declare one of the following areas of emphasis: Digital Media, Graphic Design, Graphics Management, Print Media, Packaging Graphics, or Web/Interactive Media. [Note: A video of each emphasis is featured in Demos and Info Sessions below.]
All six areas of emphasis within the Graphic Communications program share a core curriculum, classes necessary for the field of graphic communications. In addition to these classes, each of the six distinct areas have specific emphasis and support courses, to round out the major, as well as elective graphics classes, allowing students to customize their degree.
GIT Program Accredited As One of the Top 12 in the Nation. Click the image to read the full story.
The curriculum offered by the GIT department is under constant review and is always updated to ensure students get exposure to contemporary changes in this dynamic field.
Student Perspectives
Gold and Silver ADDY winners. Click the image to read more.
Labs and Equipment
Graphics Communication Majors have access to a wide variety of laboratories for their core course and emphasis course. These labs include: Graphics Imaging Lab; Web/Interactive Media Lab; Screen Printing Lab; Photo Studios (3); GIT Senior Project Lab; Electronic Imaging Lab; Packaging Lab; Digital Output Lab; Media Studio with Video Production/Editing Bay and Audio Editing Bay; Print Media Output Lab, including Press and Bindery Lab. Students also use dedicated computer labs using specialty software.
Demos and Info Sessions
The six video that follow respectively highlight each of the six emphasis area of Graphics Communication major. Some videos show equipment and processes associated with the emphasis.
Graphic Design
Digital Media
Packaging Graphics
Graphics Management
Print Media
Web/Interactive Media Project
Student Organizations
Graphic Arts Club (GAC) – The purpose of the organization is the study and evaluation of new developments in the graphic arts industry. It is open to any student who wants to become a member. Activities in this club include fund raising/field trip projects, guest speakers’ presentations, and socializing events.
Gamma Epsilon Tau - is a national co-ed collegiate graphics arts honors fraternity. Membership into Gamma Epsilon Tau is by invitation only. Attendance in designated activities is required to maintain membership. Activities of this group are of service to the department.
Alumnus - Corporate Minute
Abigail Cook makes the right choice. Click the image to read the full story.
The Bachelor of Science in Interior Design degree emphasizes design as an integrative, multidisciplinary education that includes interior design, construction, and graphic design courses for a holistic approach to the interior design profession. The interior design curriculum takes a creative, problem solving approach involving the application of materials and processes for creating environments, promoting sustainability and universal design standards, developing an understanding of global awareness and diversity, and improving the quality of life while protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
The curriculum is based on professional practice in the field of Interior Design. The degree prepares students for professional practice as an interior designer in the fields of commercial and residential design, with opportunities in the construction and graphic design fields.
Student Perspectives
See video and article in Demos and Info Sessions below.
Labs and Equipment
The Interior Design program has a dedicated lab and lecture room; and makes use of specialized technical labs associated with the School of Construction and Kansas Technology Center.
Demos and Info Sessions
Interior Design Student Projects - video show work completed by graduating student using SketchUp 3D Design Software
Interior Design students propose designs for new family fun center. Click the image to read more.
Student Organizations
International Interior Design Association (IIDA) Student Chapter– This professional organization helps develop and connect students, teachers, and professionals in the Interior Design field. In the PSU Student chapter, we have monthly meetings with speakers who are in the Design field. Each meeting and time depends on the speaker’s schedule. Please contact our Adviser or Student President if you have any questions
Manufacturing Engineering Technology gives students the knowledge and flexibility needed for a rewarding career in a broad range of engineering technology fields. Career choices range from the aircraft industry to the metal casting industry to the plastics and electronic industry.
Labs and Equipment
Laboratories, primarily used by Manufacturing Engineering student, include:
Advanced Manufacturing Lab Machine Tool Lab; Fabrication Lab Welding Lab Metrology and CAD/CAM Lab Metallurgy Lab Metal Casting Lab (Foundry) Investment Casting Preparation Labs (2)—Wax Pattern Injection Lab and Pattern Assembly and Investment Lab
Additionally, students utilize specialized computer labs for teaching CATIA, MAGMA, and MasterCAM software. Some labs and equipment can be seen in Part 4 videos.
Demos and Info Sessions
Demo: Investment Casting – Video shows investment casting shell molds being removed from the burnout oven. Following removal, molten metal is poured into the shells using a ladle. The aluminum was melted using the InductoTherm electric induction furnace.
Demo: Entry Level Hacksaw Project. Video shows the production of a hacksaw, including machining of aluminum handle (permanent molded in PSU foundry), pin chuck and frame, in the Machine Tool Laboratory.
Students win Viking axe competition. Click image to read more.
Student Organizations
Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) – is a student organization affiliated SME, an association of professionals, educators and students committed to promoting and supporting the manufacturing industry. SME helps manufacturers innovate, grow and prosper by promoting manufacturing technology, developing a skilled workforce and connecting the manufacturing industry.
Mechanical Engineering Technology students primarily use the following laboratories: Fluid Mechanics Lab; Strength of Materials Lab; Rapid Prototyping Lab; and two (2) Computer Aided Design (CAD) Labs. Additionally, students work in several other labs associated with supporting technical courses and to fabricate solutions to their design problems, throughout the Kansas Technology Center.
Demos and Info Sessions
Demo: Ductility Testing – This is an actual demonstration in the Strength of Materials lab using a Universal Testing Machine, extensimeter, and software.
Demo: Torsion Testing Materials – This demo describes the preparation and procedure for testing the torsion and change in angle of a variety of materials.
Info Session: Rover Telemetry– PSU Electronics Engineering Technology and Mechanical Engineering Technology won the AIAA Telemetry/Electronics Award, which “recognizes the development of the most innovative and useful real-time telemetry system at the Rover Challenge. Click the image to view the students’ presentation of the award-winning electro-mechanical system.*
Your computer, the phone in your pocket, even the toothbrush you use each morning are not possible without plastics and polymers. Plastics and polymers literally shape the world around us and Plastics Engineering graduates determine what that shape will be. Pittsburg State’s Plastics Engineering Technology program provides students with detailed technical knowledge and the ability to hone their skills on state-of-the-art equipment. This blend of academics and real-world problem solving is the reason why Pittsburg State Plastic Engineering graduates enjoy a 100 percent placement rate after graduation.
Recently, a 2-year Plastics Technology program was implemented to address a critical need for employees with the knowledge and skill sets this program provides.
Student Perspectives
Labs and Equipment
Majors in Plastics Engineering Technology primarily use the following labs:
General Plastics Lab Plastics Processing Lab Composites Lab Plastics Testing Lab Chemical Resins Lab
Additionally, students have access to specialized computer labs with software for design (e.g., SolidWorks) and specialized plastics engineering software (e.g., MoldFlow), as well as access to other KTC labs associated with support courses. Some labs and equipment can be seen in videos in Student Perspectives, Demos and Info Session, and Alumnus sections.
Demos and Info Sessions
Demos: “Plastics Engineering Virtual Open House” video features multiple process demonstrations; labs and equipment; and perspectives of six seniors.
Sophomore earns national attention for research in plastics, polymers. Click the image to read the story.
Student Organizations
Society of Women Engineers (SWE) – Purpose is to provide support for women of STEM education and promote community involvement.
Society of Plastic Engineers (SPE) - The purpose unite plastics professionals worldwide –helping them succeed and strengthening their skills through networking, events, training, and knowledge sharing.
The Technology and Engineering Education program prepares educators who are certified to teach in a middle or high school environment. Our curricula leads to a Bachelor of Science in Education or a Master of Science in Education. Housed in the Kansas Technology Center (KTC), a modern, state of the art facility designed to prepare future teachers to utilize the latest in educational technologies to teach with and about technology. The Technology and Engineering Education Program is proud of its students and the accomplishments of their local Technology and Engineering Education Collegiate Association (TEECA) chapter. Most students choose to participate in TECA so they can take advantage of social and professional opportunities.
Fast Facts: Recognized as one of the leading Technology and Engineering Education programs in the US; near 100% placement of graduates over the last 10 years. There is tremendous need for graduates throughout the United States.
Student Perspectives
Two PSU students share their testimonies regarding the Technology and Engineering Education program.
Labs and Equipment
The Technology and Engineering Education Lab (also Known as CASE—Center for Applied STEM Education) is one of the most innovative labs of its type in the entire country. It is regularly visited by educators from throughout the country that are seeking ideas for developing a similar facility. Click on the image to the 3D tour and navigate the lab to see some of its features and equipment.
Demos and Info Sessions
Demo: CNC Lathe– Time lapse video showing CNC late programing, simulation, and machining.
Demo: Laser Printing/Engraving – Laser engraving of curved surface and sheet material cutting demonstration.
Student Organizations
PSU Technology and Engineering Education Collegiate Association (PSU TEECA)– is affiliated with the national TEECA student association sponsored by the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association. The purpose of TEECA is to promote leadership, fellowship, scholarship, and a philosophical foundation for future technology teachers and technologist through college chapter coordinated activities at the campus, state, regional, and national levels. Two PSU TEECA students share why they are a part of Technology and Engineering Education and TEECA.