Pregnant and Parenting Student Resources | Pittsburg State University
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Pregnant and Parenting Students

Facilities, resources, and accomodations.

Title IX prohibits educational institutions from discriminating against pregnant students because of childbirth, false pregnancy, or recovery from related conditions, or based upon their marital status.

Title IX provides for equal educational opportunities for pregnant and parenting students, and the University seeks to treat all students equitably, regardless of their actual or potential parental or familial status.

It is the policy of the University to provide appropriate, reasonable adjustments to educational programs and activities to support pregnant and parenting students allowing them to continue their education at the University.

Educational Adjustments

A student in need of an educational adjustment should consult with the Title IX Coordinator and work with her professors to develop an educational adjustment plan to make up missed assignments and exams.

If a student is unable to consult with the Title IX Coordinator because of her condition, an appropriate representative of the student may contact the Title IX Coordinator on her behalf, and the student may confirm the request when she becomes able to do so. The Title IX Coordinator will consult with the student/appropriate representative and appropriate University officials, including faculty members and department chairs, to develop an educational adjustment appropriate for the student.

Necessary Medical Leave

Absences due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions must be excused and cannot be treated or penalized like unexcused absences. Professors must provide the student a leave of absence for as long as it is deemed necessary by the student’s medical doctor.

Pregnant or parenting students who must take a medically necessary extended leave shall be allowed to return to the same academic and extracurricular status as before the leave began. Financial aid does not have a leave of absence option.

Any student looking to take time off must review the refund and Return of Title IV funds policy. The student should also speak with the Registrar and Financial Assistance offices before ceasing attendance.

After returning from an excused absence, professors must allow a reasonable amount of time for the student to make up missed assignments and exams. The makeup assignments and exams must be reasonably equivalent to those missed but need not be identical. If a professor provides specific “points” or other advantages to students based on class attendance, the student must be given the opportunity to earn back the credit from classes missed due to pregnancy.

Under Title IX, pregnant students are entitled to the same benefits offered to students with other medical conditions, illnesses, or injuries. To request a medical leave and accompanying academic adjustments, a student should follow the request procedure outlined above. Please contact Student Financial Assistance directly for questions regarding absence away from the university, including incompletes and withdrawal.

When questions arise as to whether or not it is reasonable to grant a student extra time to make up course work and exams missed because of pregnant or parenting status, the Title IX Coordinator, appropriate faculty member(s), and the department chair together shall make this determination based on, among other things, the length of the absence requested and the ability of the student to complete coursework outside of the classroom. If it is unreasonable for a student to receive extra time to complete a course, the student will be given the option to withdraw from the class without penalty.

Lactation Room

PSU cares about helping nursing mothers feel welcome on campus and to have the resources they need to balance school, work and family.

A Lactation Room is located in the Overman Student Center, Room 104. This is a Lactation Room and Personal Health Room open to all members of the campus community and guests. This clean, private space has an electrical outlet, locking door, chair, countertop with sink, and paper towels.

While some people prefer to nurse their babies in a private, distraction-free environment, it is important to stress that this is a choice, not a requirement. Kansas law (KSA 65-1,248) gives a woman the legal right to nurse her baby in public.

Reporting Harassment or Discrimination

Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex – including pregnancy, parenting, and all related conditions – in education and in programs and activities that receive federal funding.

Pregnant or parenting students who believe they have been discriminated against or harassed because of a qualifying condition may file a complaint with the Title IX Coordinator.

Complaints of discrimination or harassment under this policy will be processed in accordance with the University’s Sexual Harassment Policy. The law prohibits anyone from retaliating against a person for filing a complaint or raising a concern.