Facility Operations Polices & Guidelines

  • Facility Maintenance
  • Locks & Keys
  • Utilities
  • Emergency Work Order Definitions
  • Fire Extinguishers
  • Pest Control
  • Hazardous Waste Management
  • Tables & Chairs

This policy defines institutional and departmental responsibilities relating to Pittsburg State University maintenance, repair, and alterations. To ensure adherence to PSU standards and regulatory requirements for health and safety, the University employs professional staff dedicated to the effective planning, construction, and operation of all campus facilities. The construction, maintenance, repair, and alteration of university facilities shall not be performed by non-authorized departments, employees, students, or volunteers.

Only Facility Operations and/or Planning, Design, and Construction (PDC) may authorize facilities work on campus properties and all work must adhere to PSU standards.

For the purpose of this policy, “facilities work” is defined as any work that modifies campus buildings or grounds (such as replacing, modifying, relocating, removing, or painting doors, walls, windows, shelving, flooring or landscaping; the alteration or penetration of corridors or ceilings; adding on to or dividing existing space; and work on any building utility system).


Service Requests and Completion

Requests for departmental or building services should be directed to Facility Operations by submitting an online Work Order request.  Requests for new carpet installations must also be submitted using the Work Order request process. The request must fully describe the services desired and Funding codes should be included in the work order request if, at all, possible.

Please see “New Carpet Request Procedures” for the complete process for requesting and ordering new carpet.

Emergency requests should be directed to Facility Operations by calling extension 4777 (during normal working hours of 8:00 am to 4:30 pm M-F) or 4779 (outside of normal working hours).  The request should be followed by submitting a Work Order request which will be routed to the appropriate person/department.

Please see “Emergency Request Guidelines” to determine if your request meets the "emergency" criteria.

Once a request is received, Facility Operations will determine whether the services will be classified as chargeable or non-chargeable.  If chargeable, departments will be billed the actual cost of services when the work is performed. This may include overtime labor rates if work must be performed outside normal business hours.  If the requesting department disputes the determination that the services are chargeable, it should contact the Director of Facility Operations.

Facility Operations will provide an estimate for larger service work upon request from a department.  The estimates are non-binding and are intended to assist the department in determining whether it wants to authorize Facility Operations to proceed with the requested services.  If the requesting department wishes to have the work order executed, it should reply to the estimating department of Facility Operations in writing.  Work will be billed at the actual cost of performing the services. This may include overtime labor rates if work must be performed outside of normal business hours.

All work orders will be prioritized and scheduled by Facility Operations; however, every effort will be made to schedule work orders to meet the requirement of a specified completion date and time whenever possible and will notify the department if the services cannot be performed as requested. 

Inquiries about work orders in process should be made via email to workorders@pittstate.edu or by utilizing the “Work Order Messages” field at the bottom of the work order being inquired about.  Additional work orders should not be sent inquiring about previously submitted work orders.


Institutional Responsibilities

Pittsburg State University provides basic facility services, such as custodial services, pest control services, waste disposal, recycling and building maintenance and repair, through Facility Operations. These services may be free of charge or chargeable, depending on the unit and source of funding. The University also has funding for minor repairs and improvements, covering basic building renewal and safety projects.  Alterations work on components and systems of University buildings and grounds must be coordinated or performed by either Facility Operations or PDC, depending on project scope. This includes gifts in place (in-kind donations) and foundation supported contracts and ensures compliance with applicable codes and University requirements.


Departmental Responsibilities

Deans, directors, and department heads are responsible for ensuring that space is used for the purposes assigned and used in ways that promote the health and safety of all who use or visit the department's facilities.

All members of the PSU community have a responsibility to treat campus facilities with care; to avoid any actions that create dangerous, hazardous, unsafe, or unhealthful conditions; and to report any such conditions that they may see. The University relies on department heads and supervisors to inform and educate the students, faculty, staff, and visitors to department facilities about their use.

Department responsibilities include:

  • Authorizing access to space in restricted or secured areas and after hours;
  • Having unit emergency plans and identifying unit responsibilities for the safe storage, handling, and disposal of hazardous materials; and
  • Following all University policies and procedures for facility alterations, maintenance, and repair, including this policy.



Departments that violate this policy, whether with paid staff or volunteers or using an outside contractor, will be responsible for all costs associated with bringing work into compliance with PSU standards. Any fees, fines, or penalties that are assessed for violations of public codes and requirements are also the responsibility of the department. Individuals violating this policy may be subject to disciplinary action.


Security of University buildings and rooms is essential for the protection of individuals and University assets. To ensure security, the Facility Operations Carpentry Shop is responsible for issuing keys for and installing and maintaining a standard lock system for all University facilities. All keys issued remain the property of Pittsburg State University. Keys for University facilities cannot be produced, duplicated, or obtained from any source other than the Facility Operations Carpentry Shop.  All electronic lock systems requested must be pre-approved and maintained by Facility Operations.  All installation and maintenance costs of the electronic lock system will be the responsibility of the requesting department.  Padlocks and other unapproved lock systems are prohibited on campus doors and all locks must comply with the Life Safety Code. 

Unauthorized possession, use, or reproduction of a University key or electronic lock code may constitute theft or misappropriation of University property and lead to disciplinary action.

This policy applies to all facilities under the control of Pittsburg State University.


Assignment of Keys

All requests for keys must be approved by the Department Chair and the Director of Facility Operations.  Selected keys may require the approval of your Dean or Director.

The Facility Operations Carpentry Shop may issue keys to authorized faculty, staff, and students. Keys for student employees must be requested by the employee supervisor.  Responsibility for student employee keys lies with both the student employee and the supervisor. Employees will not be issued more than one (1) key with the same number.

The Director of Facility Operations may authorize the Carpenter Shop to issue keys to non-University employees who work for organizations affiliated with the University, including vendors, contractors, and consultants doing business with the University. Non-employees issued keys are subject to the same requirements/responsibilities as employees.


Key Requests

Please route all key requests through the "Work Order Request" system.  Work orders should also be submitted for any core changes or other lock-related requests.  GL Strings must be included on all work orders for billing purposes.  Costs for new keys or for replacement of lost or stolen keys will be the responsibility of the requesting department.


Key Usage

Employees may use University keys and key access codes for access to their assigned work areas and should lock doors when leaving their work area. Employees must ensure that keys and key codes are safeguarded and properly used. Keys must be returned to the Facility Operations Carpentry Shop in accordance with the “Key Return” procedures. Employees MAY NOT lend or exchange an assigned key or key code.


Departmental Keys

Departmental keys may be issued to by submitting a work order request that contains the following information:

  • Approval of Department Head (Yes/No).
  • Reason for an additional key.
  • How the key will be checked in and out (the process for a person to check it out and how is it recorded and tracked)
  • Where and how the key will be secured while not in use.
  • Name or contact information for the responsible party if the key should be lost or stolen.

Each request will be evaluated by the Director of Facility Operations and the Facility Operations Carpentry Shop and approved on an individual basis.


Key Return

Employees/Supervisors must return keys to the Facility Operations Carpentry Shop when:

  • The keys are no longer needed.
  • The employee quits, retires, or is terminated.
  • The employee changes departments.
  • A supervisor requests the keys be returned.
  • The keys are unusable due to re-keying or remodeling.

New or replacement keys will not be issued to an employee until unused keys are returned. 

Supervisors are responsible for collecting keys and making sure they are returned to the Facility Operations Carpentry Shop from employees under any of the circumstances listed above.


Broken Keys

Broken keys will be replaced without charge if broken parts are returned to the Facility Operations Carpentry Shop.  To request replacement of a broken key, please submit a work order request.


Lost or Stolen Keys

Anyone finding a University key should turn it into the Facility Operations Carpentry Shop at Hartman Hall or to Lost and Found at the University Police & Public Safety. Individuals must immediately report lost or stolen keys to the Facility Operations Carpentry Shop via email to keys@pittstate.edu, to their supervisor, and to University Police & Public Safety.

Facility Operations is responsible for deciding whether an area must be re-keyed due to lost or stolen keys. The cost of key replacement and/or re-keying locations made unsecure due to the lost or stolen key(s) will be charged to the responsible department.  The cost to re-key locations is very expensive and will vary due to the number of doors and buildings effected.


Installation of Locks

Facility Operations provides for standard lock and key lock systems throughout campus. Departments may decide to install an electronic security system for the protection of specialized facilities, such as biomedical research facilities, telecommunication facilities, animal research facilities, or computer rooms. The purchase and installation of such systems must be approved and coordinated with Facility Operations.  Facility Operations will ensure compliance with safety and security requirements, including the provisions of this policy.  All installation and maintenance costs of the electronic lock system will be the responsibility of the requesting department.  Padlocks and other unapproved lock systems are prohibited on campus doors and all locks must comply with the Life Safety Code.

Departments will be charged for locks installed, removed, or re-keyed during a remodeling project.



In cases of emergencies outside of normal working hours or when campus is closed, employees can enter a building and/or office by contacting University Police & Public Safety.


Electrical power supplied directly from Evergy is distributed at 12,470 volts to the buildings on campus. Transformers located near most buildings further step-down electricity to 480, 277, 208, and 120 volts.

As transformers are taken out of service because of age, malfunction, or obsolescence, they are replaced by ones with similar capacity, all PCB free, that are owned by Evergy. All transformers owned by the university have been tested by an Environmental Protection Agency approved laboratory for the concentration of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyl's). PCBs are a family of 209 manufactured chlorinated organic chemicals widely used in electrical equipment. Because of their toxicity, PCBs are regulated by the EPA. Transformers containing concentrations of PCBs greater than 500 PPM (parts per million) are no longer allowed near public buildings. All transformers containing PCBs in concentrations greater than 500 PPM have been removed from campus and disposed of by a licensed contractor according to federal regulations.

There is no departmental charge for electricity except to Auxiliary Services.


Steam Tunnel Distribution

Steam is distributed through a system of tunnels beneath the campus. Pipes in the tunnels transport steam throughout the main campus. Temperature of pipes runs high as 300 degrees Fahrenheit and therefore presents a danger to anyone who is not trained to work in these tunnels.

Air temperatures reach as high as 375 degrees Fahrenheit in some of the tunnels during normal operations. The temperatures are allowed to become high because complete ventilation would be a waste of heating energy.

Facility Operations has a policy of never allowing a worker to negotiate a steam tunnel alone. Only experienced workers may service a steam tunnel. They must know where the exits are, where the access doors are, and have keys to get through these passages. Anyone not familiar with the tunnels runs the risk of being trapped in a dead-end or a passage blocked by a locked door. A person trapped in the tunnel faces serious consequences if a steam pipe ruptures and releases high pressure steam.

Because of building security, Facility Operations must lock access doors between the buildings and the tunnels to prevent unauthorized access. This creates a dangerous situation for anyone without keys; therefore, unauthorized persons are prohibited in the tunnels.

There is no departmental charge for steam except to Auxiliary Services.


Natural Gas

Natural gas is distributed throughout the campus for use in laboratories and for heating equipment.

There is no departmental charge for gas except to Auxiliary Services.


Water & Sewage

Water for the campus is purchased from the City of Pittsburg at a usable pressure so that it is not necessary to "re-pump" the water to maintain working pressure.

The university has adopted a policy of strict adherence to city pretreatment ordinances that specify substances that cannot be poured or flushed down the sanitary sewer. A copy of this ordinance is on file at the Physical Plant and has been distributed to all departments.

Tests have been conducted to identify any potential cross-connection between the storm and sanitary sewer that could cause mixing of sewage and runoff during periods of heavy rainfall. None have been identified, and any backup of water is considered to result from hydraulic overload in the city's nearby interceptor sewer.

The sewer system on campus is owned by the university and maintained by Facility Operations. Sewage from the campus is discharged into the city sewage system at the perimeter of the campus.

There is no departmental charge for water except to Auxiliary Services.


Manholes on Campus

There are manholes located throughout the campus, serving a variety of uses.  Only authorized and trained personnel are allowed to enter manholes.


Underground Utilities

Most on-campus utility lines are underground. Buried utilities may carry electricity, potable water, storm water, sewage, natural gas, data, telecommunications, or steam. Damage to these utilities may result in a range of outcomes, from minor service interruption to grave personal injury.

Driving stakes, fence posts, or other pointed objects into the ground on campus is a form of excavation, and all excavation in Kansas falls under the Kansas Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act (KS Statutes Chapter 66, Article 18). The Kansas 811 system, whose slogan is "Always Click or Call Before You Dig," provides a one-stop resource for those wishing to excavate in Kansas.

Facilities Operations can help answer questions related to on-campus excavation, and in certain cases, may also be able to help submit utility-locate requests through Kansas 811. Therefore, Facility Operations should be contacted in writing prior to any excavation-type activities being conducted.

All repair costs for damaged utility lines will be the responsibility of the department if Kansas 811 and Facility Operations is not contacted in writing prior to any types of excavation.


  • The cleanup of broken glass.
  • A ceiling leak dripping on the floor or equipment.
  • Any substance on the floor that presents a safety concern.
  • A stool, urinal, sink or floor drain is stopped up; creating a floor hazard.
  • Any custodial work order that presents a safety concern.


  • Irrigation system on during the day with no Physical Plant employee present.
  • Debris on a campus street, sidewalk, or steps.
  • Broken limbs or trees.
  • Sink holes or any holes in the ground.
  • Broken glass outdoors.
  • Car accidents on campus where there is a chemical spill, broken glass, or car parts.
  • Vandalism that poses a threat to life or limb.
  • Snow and/or ice removal.
  • Icy spots in front of doors or on steps.
  • Icy spots in general (streets or sidewalks).


  • Door glass is broken.
  • Window glass that is broken out.
  • Windows that will not secure which are on ground level or at a fire escape access.  This is a security issue.
  • Entrance doors that will not lock or unlock.
  • Classrooms, labs or offices that will not unlock.
  • Classrooms, labs or offices that have valuable items inside them that will not lock.
  • Core changes that are required due to a breach of security.
  • Roof leak that is dripping on valuable equipment.
  • Roof leak where a potential safety issue is present.
  • Any floor safety issue, such as tripping or opening in floor.
  • Any other work that presents a safety concern for students, staff, general public or the building itself.


  • Anyone trapped in an elevator or any elevator not working.
  • Any campus building reporting no electricity.
  • Lights not working in classroom or office.
  • Campus wide power outage.
  • Receptacles not working in classroom that is needed immediately for teaching purposes.
  • Fire alarm sounding in any building.
  • Emergency, short notice or priority dig safe One-Calls.

Plumbing & Welding

  • Any stool or urinal that is running continuously.
  • Any time the smell of gas is present in any building.
  • Any time the smell of sewer gas is present in any building.
  • Any time there is no water to a building.
  • When the sewer system, drains, stools or urinals are stopped up.
  • When water is running on any electrical devices.
  • When water is leaking through a wall, floor or ceiling.
  • When there is no heat in the entire building or section of the building.
  • When water is coming out of the ground.
  • When the tunnel system on campus has a large amount of water in it.
  • When any large cover plates for water meters, sewer manholes or irrigation valve box lids are missing or not on properly.
  • When any faucet is leaking continuously.
  • When the window wells are full of water.
  • Any time dish machine is not working properly in Gibson Dining Hall or Overman Student Center.
  • Loud noises coming from mechanical room.

Refrigeration, Heating & Air Conditioning

  • Air conditioning not working in entire building.
  • Loud noise coming from mechanical room.
  • Loud noise coming from cooling tower.
  • Cooler or freezer not working in Overman Student Center, Gibson Dining Hall or Heckert-Wells.
  • Air conditioning not working in telecommunications rooms in Kelce (ITS).
  • Air conditioning not working in main computer room in Kelce (ITS).
  • Air conditioning not working in computer labs (Rooms 103, 104, and 105) Kelce.
  • Air conditioning not working at KRPS studio at Grubbs
  • Air conditioning not working at KRPS tower at Weir.
  • Air conditioning or exhaust fan not working in Heckert-Wells, Room 207.
  • Loud noise coming from air conditioning equipment located on outside of building.

Facility Operations provides appropriate type portable fire extinguishers as an institutional service.  All fire extinguishers, except those of Auxiliary Services, are serviced without charge.

Service includes required recharging, monthly inspections, annual inspections, and testing according to governing regulations (NFPA, IFC, LSC, etc.).  Both internal Pittsburg State University staff and qualified vendors are utilized to perform these inspections. Complete records are maintained for portable fire extinguishers. 

For additional information regarding portable fire extinguishers, please contact the Custodial Maintenance Supervisor at extension 4787, or for emergency situations, call 911.

Insect and rodent control is accomplished by a regular routine maintenance program performed by contractors. Specific problems dealing with pest control should be reported to Facility Operations via extension 4777 or by submitting a work order request.  The problem will then be referred to the pest control operator for specific treatment. Exceptions are rare emergency problems with rodents and bird control.

Some locations on campus are excluded from pest control treatment.  Any area may be excluded from treatment upon request in writing from the department head to the Director of Facility Operations.

Facility Operations has a supply of folding tables and chairs that are available to Pittsburg State University campus departments for official functions. The tables and chairs must not be taken off campus without specific prior approval for special University-sponsored events, left outside overnight, nor are they available on a permanent loan basis.

Tables and chairs must be requested by submitting a work order request including all pertinent information regarding time, date, location, drop off date/time, pick up date/time, etc. of the event. Tables and chairs and are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. However, Facility Operations will make every effort possible to accommodate each request.

Tables and chairs are delivered during business hours only.  If your event ends after working hours, you will be responsible for storing the tables in an inside, secure location until the next working day or returning them to the Physical Plant (via Boiler Room personnel at extension 4779).  If neither of the above options can be accomplished and Facility Operations staff must pick up tables and chairs outside of normal working hours, overtime rates will apply and are chargeable to the requesting department.

The requesting department is responsible for any and all damage to tables and/or chairs while in their possession.  Tables will be charged out at the cost of replacement to the requesting department.  Tables - $100.00 ea.  /  Chairs - $50.00 ea.  If you receive tables and/or chairs that are damaged, please notify Facility Operations at Storeroom@pittstate.edu as soon as possible.