Disability Support Services | Pittsburg State University
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Disability Support Services

What Does This Do?

The Office of Institutional Equity works to promote diversity and inclusion through fostering an open, accessible and inclusive learning and working environment. We strive to create and maintain a campus free of all barriers. Pittsburg State University is committed to ensuring that qualified individuals with disabilities are not denied the benefits of, excluded from participation in, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in employment, educational programs and all activities of the University.

The University acknowledges its responsibilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Those obligations include providing reasonable accommodation to otherwise qualified persons who have a disability as defined by the ADA. It is the responsibility of persons with a disability to notify the University of that disability and the need for accommodation. Assistance and/or documentation from qualified experts may be necessary to determine whether an accommodation requested is reasonable.

Student Disability Accommodation

Located in Student Success Programs, 113 Axe Library, Student Accommodations is responsible for ensuring that currently enrolled students with documented learning and physical disabilities are provided the tools, appropriate accommodations, and support from the University to fully participate in all aspects of campus life.

Employee Disability Accommodation

At Pittsburg State University, individuals with disabilities are entitled to access, support, and when appropriate, reasonable accommodation. The Office of Institutional Equity supports the ongoing development of an accessible university that embraces disability as diversity. We provide disability-related information, services, and resources to assist applicants, employees (including student employees), hiring officials, supervisors, managers and visitors.

The Office of Institutional Equity facilitates reasonable accommodation needs for employees (including student employees) with disabilities. If you are interested in pursuing reasonable accommodation, please complete the Employee Request for Accommodation Form and return the completed form along with any necessary medical documentation to the Office of Institutional Equity, Russ Hall 218, 1701 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, KS 66762, or email equity@pittstate.edu, or FAX to 620-235-4190. It may be necessary for the Director of Institutional Equity to meet with you and your supervisor to discuss implementation of accommodation(s).

Confidentiality: All documents and information related to an employee's medical condition, disability, or illness will be kept confidential. However, the law allows us to share information regarding your need for accommodation with individuals who are considered to have a legitimate need to know this information. These persons can include your supervisor(s), human resources personnel, first responder and safety personnel, and other persons considered to have a legitimate need to know. The law does not prohibit you from voluntarily discussing your condition or medical information with others.

Reasonable Accommodation: A reasonable accommodation is any modification or adjustment to a job or the work environment that will enable a qualified applicant or employee with a disability to participate in the application process or to perform essential job functions. Having a medical condition alone is not enough to make an employee eligible for an accommodation. Under the ADA, a disability is physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as breathing, eating, sleeping, walking, talking, manual tasks, etc.