Respondus LDB and Monitor | Pittsburg State University
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Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor

What is Respondus LDB?

The Respondus LockDown Browser (LDB) is a customized web browser that prevents students from printing, copying, going to another URL, or accessing other applications during a quiz in Canvas.

A teacher can choose whether to require this browser inside of Canvas. The exam won't be accessible with a standard web browser such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Instead, students must use a computer that has the LockDown Browser software installed, and when they launch it they will be taken directly to the Pitt State Canvas login page to access and complete the test. Once students begin the assessment they will be locked into it until the student submits it for grading.

Respondus Monitor is a add-on product for the LDB that promotes the integrity of non-proctored, online exams.

Initial Use of LDB and Monitor

It is highly recommended that instructors create a practice, non-graded Canvas quiz that requires students to use Respondus LockDown Browser and/or Monitor. This will familiarize students with the software and ensure everything is installed correctly.


Below are resources for using these tools in Canvas for both you and your students. Your Instructional Support Consultant can provide additional assistance in implementing these tools.

View the Respondus videos below for an overview of both products.