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English Major

Dive into the works of major authors, explore various time periods, genres, and themes, and emerge as a skilled communicator and critical thinker.

Explore Global Literature

In the English program at PSU, you'll analyze great works of British, American, and international authors. Our students engage with ideas and themes found in the best literary works of history. Explore how authors across time grapple with universal human experiences, societal shifts, and evolving perspectives.

Technical Writing Skills

Craft thought-provoking pieces that communicate effectively and resonate with depth and clarity. Our students hone their skills in grammar and syntax. 

Variety of Emphasis Areas

Select from our four specialized emphasis tracks tailored to cater to your specific career interests. Whether you're drawn to the imaginative realm of creative writing, aspire to shape young minds through English education, or delve into the nuances of literature and culture.

Bachelor of Science degree at Pitt State
Comprehensive Curriculun
Explore a mix of different time periods, genres, and themes, taking a trip through both classic and modern times.
Student at liberal arts college pitt state
Community Involvement

Poetry slams, creative writing showcases, and public readings are regularly scheduled with downtown Pittsburg businesses.

Student on Pitt State campus for college courses
Publish Your Work

Cow Creek Review, Pitt State's journal of literature and art, accepts student submissions of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and art.

Poetry Nature Walks and Open Mic Nights

Find inspiration for your next writing piece by immersing yourself in your surroundings. Whether it's a stroll through nature or an exploration of downtown Pittsburg, let your environment fuel your creativity.

"Not only did I meet some amazing people and read mind-blowing novels, but I also learned skills and techniques that landed me a job I love."

Reagan Greenwood, English major

English Careers

In addition to technical writing skills, the English program trains students to succeed as communicators. Graduates are prepared to hold positions like:

  • Professional Writers: Craft compelling and impactful written content across various genres and mediums.
  • Grant Writers: Secure funding through persuasive and well-crafted grant proposals.
  • Editors: Polish and refine written material for clarity, coherence, and style.
  • Web Content Developers: Create engaging and informative online content to captivate audiences.
  • Legal Assistants: Support legal professionals by drafting, editing, and organizing legal documents and communications.
  • Academic Advisers: Guide and mentor students in their academic journey, providing valuable insights and support.
  • Business Managers: Oversee and coordinate business operations, utilizing strong communication and analytical skills.

English majors acquire the proficient writing and research skills necessary for success in graduate school, enabling them to excel in advanced academic pursuits. Develop a solid foundation in critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and effective communication — essential attributes for the demands of graduate-level studies across various disciplines.

Emphases available

Immerse yourself in the world of literature and explore diverse cultures with a Literature and Culture emphasis. Gain critical thinking skills and prepare for a career in fields such as publishing, journalism, or academia.

Explore the connection between language and culture, and prepare to teach English as a second language with a Language and Teaching emphasis. Develop your skills and make an impact in a globalized world.

Inspire the next generation and make a difference in their lives with an English Education emphasis. Learn how to teach and engage students in literature and writing.

Develop your unique voice and prepare for a career in writing or publishing. Unleash your creativity and hone your writing skills with a Creative Writing emphasis.