Pittsburg State University
Reporting Compliance and Ethics Violations


Pittsburg State University is committed to conducting its affairs ethically and in accordance with applicable laws, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures. Each PSU faculty member and staff is expected to share this responsibility. As a publicly supported institution, PSU has a fiduciary responsibility to conserve, preserve, and efficiently use all university resources and property. PSU is committed to upholding the highest standards of honest behavior, ethical conduct, and fiduciary responsibility with respect to university funds, resources, and property.


The purpose of this policy is to establish the appropriate reporting mechanisms to be used for notification of known or suspected violations of laws, rules, regulations, policies, or procedures in order to prevent, deter, and detect such violations.


This policy applies to all PSU faculty, staff, student employees, customers, vendors, contractors, consultants, or other parties related to PSU.


All PSU faculty, staff, student employees, customers, vendors, contractors, consultants, or other parties related to PSU are responsible for reporting suspected or known violations of laws, rules, regulations, policies, or procedures.


Responsibilities of PSU Administrators:
Administrators, with supervisory responsibility at all levels within PSU, are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures. Each Administrator is responsible for the adequacy of financial and other controls within her/ his area of responsibility. This responsibility requires acting prudently and inquisitively while being aware of activities and locations where violations of laws, rules, regulations, policies, or procedures are likely to occur. Administrators are responsible for reporting any suspected or known violations of laws, rules, regulations, policies, or procedures.

Responsibilities of PSU Employees:
PSU employees are responsible for acting with appropriateness in the use of any PSU resources. PSU employees are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures. PSU employees are responsible for reporting any suspected or known violations of laws, rules, regulations, policies, or procedures.

Responsibilities of Others:
Customers, vendors, contractors, consultants, or others parties related to PSU are responsible for reporting any suspected or known violations of laws, rules, regulations, policies, or procedures.


Suspected or known violations of laws, rules, regulations, policies or procedures should be reported in accordance with Appendix A.


PSU employees are encouraged to first bring any suspected or known violations of laws, rules, regulations, policies, or procedures to their direct supervisor or the appropriate PSU resource as listed in Appendix A. If an employee prefers not to report any suspected or known violations of laws, rules, regulations, policies, or procedures through the traditional channels listed above, the employee should use the Compliance and Ethics Hotline to report the suspected or known violations of laws, rules, regulations, policies, or procedures.


The Compliance and Ethics Hotline is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service. Do not use the Hotline to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through the Hotline may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact University Police and Public Safety Services at 620-235-4624 or 911.

Compliance and Ethics Hotline:

The Compliance and Ethics Hotline provides confidential and anonymous telephone and internet systems for reporting suspected or known violations of laws, rules, regulations, policies, or procedures for individuals who do not want to personally contact a University Official. The individual making the report (Reporter), will be asked to describe the issue in as much detail as possible so there is sufficient information for PSU to review the concern.


The Reporter may choose to remain anonymous. The PSU investigator may anonymously dialogue with the Reporter for additional information. The Reporter will be provided with a unique reference code that can be used to obtain the status of the review.


All matters significant enough to require a response are monitored until the necessary resolution action is planned or taken. Allegations with limited specificity or merit may be held in abeyance until further specific details are reported.


No disciplinary or retaliatory action shall be taken against any PSU employee who, in good faith, reports or causes to be reported suspected or known violations of laws, rules, regulations, policies, or procedures or who assists in an authorized review of alleged suspected or known violations of laws, rules, regulations, policies, or procedures. The prohibition against disciplinary action does not extend to disciplinary action for self-reported violations.

Appendix A

Concern Type/Contact Information
Any suspected or known violations of laws, rules, regulations, policies, or procedures must be reported to the employee's supervisor or the Compliance and Ethics Hotline (844-410-0003 or www .lighthouse-services.com/pittstate)


Accounting and Financial (for example: falsification of contracts, reports or records; fraud; improper disclosure of financial records; theft, waste, abuse or misuse of university resources; and mishandling of donor funds)

Director of Internal Audit (620-235-6167)


Athletic (for example: NCAA violations, gambling, improper giving of gifts, recruiting misconduct, misuse of assets or student athletes financial aid misconduct, and substance abuse)

Director of Athletics (620-235-4510)


Financial Aid (for example: fraud and regulatory non-compliance)

Director of Student Financial Assistance (620-235-4226)


Sexual Harassment and/or Discrimination (for example: race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, ancestry, genetic information, or disabilities)

Director of Institutional Equity/Title IX (620-235-4189)


Personnel (for example: nepotism, time and leave abuse, and employee benefit abuses)

Director of Human Resources Services (620-235-4188)


Research (for example: conflicts of interest, environmental and safety matters, fraud, misappropriation of intellectual property, inappropriate use of humans or animals in research, and grant misconduct or misappropriation)

Chief Compliance Officer (620-235-4175)


Risk and Safety (for example: environmental health and safety and unsafe working conditions)

Campus Environmental Officer (620-235-4774)


Information Technology (for example: data privacy and integrity, inappropriate use of technology, misuse of resources)

Information Security Officer (620-235-4657)


Unethical Conduct (for example: violation of conflict of interest and/or time commitment, illegal interest in a contract, and improper giving or receiving of gifts)

General Counsel (620-235-4136)


Criminal (for example: theft; threats; destruction, damage, or vandalism of property; assault; and stalking)

Director of University Police (620-235-4624)


Approved August 24, 2015
Page revision date: 12/19/2022
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Pittsburg State University

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