Discovery and First Response

Emergency situations call for prompt action.  If you are the first to have knowledge of a real or potential critical incident, first ask, should I call 911?  If in doubt, or if the answer is yes -- dial 911.  Upon calling 911 from a university phone, the university is notified of a critical incident on campus.

Assess, to the extent possible, what has happened, who is involved, potential existing dangers, other witnesses, and as many details as possible.  Communicate these observations to the appropriate responders.  Provide whatever assistance that you are capable of without putting yourself or others in harm's way.  Make every effort to preserve the scene of an incident exactly as discovered if a potential crime scene exists.  If necessary, move to a safer place in the building or evacuate entirely.  Please let others know where you are as soon as you can.

Questions that supervisors and others at the scene responding to a crisis might ask include:

  • Has the safety of the employees, students and visitors been ensured through evacuation or alternate assembly?
  • Do emergency personnel have access to the site?
  • Are building occupants accounted for?
  • Have the most visibly affected persons been identified?
  • Should the facility be secured or closed?
  • Is transportation needed for anyone?
  • Are the facts of the incident being documented?
  • Are there business valuables that need containment?

Please advise University Police if there are family members or others who should be contacted.

For incidents not involving 911, the individual discovering the critical incident will notify their supervisor or University Police who will in turn notify the Office of the President of the nature of the occurrence.