November 16, 2022
ITC Minutes 11.16.22
Attending: Angela Neria, Barbara Winter, Megan Swafford filling in for Becky McDaniel, Scott Donaldson, Luecrita Haraughty, Cherona Hicklin, Tammy Higgins, Shelby Hutchens, Bob Frisbee, Emily Regier, Randy Roberts, Michael Woodrum and Gina Henry Matter. Attending by Teams: Susan Dellasega, Heather Eckstein, Wei Sha, Michelle Hensley, and Cindy VanBecelaere.
Angela welcomed the group and shared the agenda:
- IT Project Management
- Project Updates
- SFP (financial aid system and scholarship system)
- HCM: (student system)
- EAB Navigate
- Infrastructure
- Phone System Upgrade
- eSports
- Trainings
- EDUCAUSE Top 10 Issues (FYI for you)
- IT Costs and Funding (quick update of the changes happening)
- IT Project Management – Luecrita Haraughty
Luecrita gave a brief introduction into Project Management. She described the ticketing system and how to get a request to IT, what a project is and how IT determines how the project will be placed into the pipeline. Luecrita explained how to view the pipeline on the website. She also gave examples of two infrastructure projects, the new phone system and upgrade of the tunnel. She explained that our projects are often state projects based on a dollar amount and that they can assist with ensuring we stay on budget, managing our resources, and give advisement.
- Project Updates
- SFP - Michael Woodrum and Scott Donaldson gave a power point presentation on the new Student Financial System.
They explained they have been working with Oracle since late March/early April and now Sierra Cedar is working as their implementation partner.
They showed everyone the dashboard of the new system where they can see a list of tasks, what tasks still need completed, and allows the administrator to assign the tasks. They can see if the student’s FAFSA is on file and for which year and see any offers and changes from year to year. They also gave everyone a glimpse of what the students will see when they log in and that students will be able to submit documents electronically. They have recorded How to videos which will be available for students mid-December.
- HCM (Student System) – Angela Neria
Angela provided a quick update on the student system and stated they hope to have it completed by the end of 2025. They are looking at various implementation partners for that piece right now and hope to begin work early next year. We are now looking at what is in the student management side of Gus Classic and what must move to another system. All decisions need to be made in the next 12 months on those processes that are still in Gus Classic. Angela sent out a survey and completing that will help us identify those processes.
- EAB Navigate - Heather Eckstein via Teams
Heather explained EAB is our new system for assisting students from the point of connecting with PSU as an admitted student through graduation – but will now act as an early alert system. This will be a campus wide system, not just academic advising. EAB will help target students before they are in trouble and hopefully increase retention and graduation rates.
Angela stated the tunnels are crumbling and dangerous and we are going to begin working on the primary tunnel (between the physical plant and Whitesitt) as this is where the need is immediately. Lindell is working on how that tunnel can be rebuilt and ITS is going to bore fiber and copper across a different path replacing the copper for phones, and fiber for network and fire alarms, etc. This work will NOT be in the tunnels and will position PSU for many years into the future. We will begin boring fiber this winter break to avoid as much of a hinderance to students and staff as possible. Expected completion date is Summer of 2023.
Angela also noted that ITS would like the new phone system to be in place before the tunnel construction takes place. Phone system upgrade – Angela
Phone upgrade is still on target for summer of 2023. A large portion of campus chose soft phones. Emergency phones such as the blue phones, elevator phones, etc. use analog phones and they will continue to exist.
- eSports - Angela
Steve Erwin has worked very hard to get esports to Pitt State and as of this past fall, PSU has an official eSports club. It is being ran out of the Student Rec area and they have their own space at Horace Mann. It is being led by a former student who has been gaming for a long time and they hope to receive some sponsorships and hold tournaments soon.
- Trainings - Angela
ITS will be offering some training in the coming weeks, and we wanted to let you know the sessions are posted and you can go out and sign up for them through our website or Abby will be sending out some information and will have a link to sign up for them at that time.
- EDUCAUSE and Top 10 Issues - Angela
Angela shared the Top 10 IT Issues that Educause came out with this year. The EDUCAUSE group will study, and work on gathering data, sharing thoughts and ideas on those top 10 issues.
- ITS Costs and Funding – Angela
Angela shared a look at how IT Costs have increased over the last 12 months and how Funding had decreased 17% each year for the past 5 years. ITS is also down 9 Full time employees and the number of help desk tickets and projects have not decreased. Angela shared that a grant from the federal government has helped offset some of the costs on the internet/network side of our department.
Angela thanked everyone for their time and adjourned the meeting.
September 21, 2022
Attending: Angela Neria, Susan Dellasega, Scott Donaldson, Heather Eckstein, Luecrita Haraughty, Michelle Hensley, Cherona Hicklin, Tammy Higgins, Shelby Hutchens, Becky McDaniel, Shannon Nicklaus, Dory Quinn, Emily Regier, Randy Roberts, Rachel Schenker, Wei Sha, Barbara Winter.
Angela welcomed the group and shared the agenda:
- ITC Mission
- Introductions
- Current IT Strategic Plan
- FY's 23 and 24 Focus Areas
- IT Project Management (Hold for Next Meeting)
ITC Mission: The meeting started with Angela sharing the ITC mission. The ITC Mission is as follows:
Pittsburg State University seeks to create an environment that aggressively employs the application of emerging and proven technologies in support of all aspects of the university's activities and initiatives. The Information Technology Council plays a critical role in creating this environment.
To do so, the ITC provides a mechanism for campus-wide input on the use of information technology resources. The council develops and recommends to the PSU Leadership Team appropriate policies, standards and procedures that facilitate the effective and efficient use of these critical resources.
In addition, the council will develop an IT plan and oversee its implementation, ensuring the plan is in alignment with the university's strategic plan.
Angela explained the importance of sharing out what members learn about in ITC to the groups that they represent and bringing feedback to ITC from the groups that they represent.
Introductions: Next, introductions were made by each member as ITC has new members beginning their 2-year terms. Each member shared their name, title, the campus group that they rep on ITC, etc. The group took time to get to know each other on a personal level in order to work closely over the next 2 years.
Campus Wide IT Strategic Plan: Next, ITC reviewed the current Campus Wide IT Strategic Plan. Angela explained the Goals, Objectives, and Accomplishments that have taken place in the recent years. She also explained the need to continue focus on the new Financial Aid system (implementation in progress) and the replacement of the last ERP module: The Student Information System (SIS) located in GUS Classic. Angela shared that the move will entail the many other systems sitting on GUS Classic like HRS processes moving to Oracle, the Physical Plant ticketing system moving to School Dude, the Scholarship program being built by PSU Dev Team, etc. She explained that ITS will be working with departments on what home-grown applications they have residing in GUS Classic to see how to move them to a 3rd party or develop them before GUS Classic is decommissioned (likely sometime in 2025). Barbara Winter shared that the Business Office documents will need to be relocated to a secure location that allows access for PSU employees. Angela said that she will add that to the list of items to relocate.
FY's 23 and 24 Focus Areas: Focus areas for ITC were discussed. Sharing the importance of the new PSU Strategic Plan (coming in Spring or Fall 2023) to drive the development of a new Campus Wide IT Strategic Plan.
IT Projects; Phone Upgrade: The PSU IT Project Management discussion was tabled until the next meeting due to time constraints. However, Tim Pearson joined the ITC group as a guest to share the status of the Phone System Upgrade Project. Tim explained the process of the upgrade and the current phase that we are in: Information Gathering from each department on desired phone needs. An RFP will be released to the State of KS for approval and then to vendors for bids. The hope is to have a vendor decision in late Dec 2022 or early Jan 2023, with implementation configuration to follow during the Spring of 2023, and a completed implementation Summer of 2023. Tim and team have been meeting with departments across campus since May to share information about the upgrade and answer questions. Tim will be doing open Teams call on phones during the month of October. Shannan Nicklaus shared that meeting with Tim and team to learn more about the phone upgrades was very helpful to their department.
The meeting Prezi can be found here.
April 27, 2022
ITC Minutes 4.27.22
Attending: Angela Neria, Chris Childers, Heather Eckstein, Lori Scott Dreiling, Luecrita Haraughty, Mark Diacopoulos, Michelle Hensley, Randy Roberts, Scott Donaldson, Shari Brogan, Tammy Higgins, Tracy Holzem, Vince Daino, David Hurford and Gina Henry Matter.
Angela welcomed the group, shared the agenda and notified members the meeting would be recorded.
Campus Wide IT Project Updates
- FA and SIS Progress and Timelines - Lucretia Haraughty – Work has begun replacing PSU’s Student Information System, beginning with the Student Financial Aid system. The implementation plan got underway on March 31, 2022, with implementation partner Sierra Cedar. There will be 7 releases beginning October 2022 and ending October 2023. Oracle was chosen for several reasons. Banner and Workday were also considered but were found not to be options for PSU. Scott added Sierra Cedar has completed multiple implementations and he is happy with the progress. Work on the SIS system would not begin until the Fall of 2023 with a target completion date in the Fall of 2025. The implementation partner for the SIS system will be chosen closer to the begin date. Angela wanted everyone to be aware that ITS will be looking at all applications on GUSClassic. The Physical Plant is currently in the process of moving their ticketing system to SchoolDude. A meeting has been scheduled with HRS to discuss the screens they are using in GUSClassic, and other departments will be contacted and will begin the task of moving their processes.
- Replacing Admin (GUSClassic) Hardware – Angela Neria – The system is approaching 14 years of service. There was a hardware failure in August 2021 and moving to a new box will allow us to do repairs and receive service support, a newer operating system and security issues being corrected are also advantages of moving to a new box. ITS is in the testing phase with the new system and hope to go live this summer.
- GUSMail (Google) Email Transition – Angela Neria – All alumni, former and current employees and Emeritus faculty and staff have been completed. Students will begin moving to Outlook the week of 5.19.22. Lucretia added the final notice will be sent out next week with instructions on what students need to do. Gorilla Geeks will be available to assist. Heather added that guest students and new/transfer students are having difficulty with the process, and she is working with David Nance and the Geeks to address. Luecrita will follow up with Jeff regarding the CARES students to ensure the language sent to them and their move to outlook proceeds smoothly. Angela suggested Luecrita meet with Heather to discuss further.
- Phone System Progress – Angela Neria – ITS now has the pricing available for all options. Suggestions for departments are in progress and Telecom will be holding meetings with all departments to address the available options.
- Wifi – Angela Neria – ITS is continuing to replace Access Points with newer models in buildings around campus. Delivery delays due to the supply and demand issues may hinder our progress. Luecrita added that we are waiting on 100 access points that were ordered in July 2021 and it may be October 2022 before they are received.
- Data Center – Angela Neria – ITS has been configuring switches and racking them in the data center. This summer is our target completion date for this project.
- Construction Projects – Angela Neria – ITS works with the engineers on any construction project and follows worldwide standards to provide great service around campus. Upcoming construction projects include the McPherson Simulation Hospital, Kelce Renovation/Addition, Russ Hall Office Consolidation and Crossland House Update. It is likely we will experience the same wait times on equipment for these projects.
- Policy Review – Angela Neria – No changes to the ITC policies were made. However, we do expect some password and multifactor authentication policy changes in the next few years.
- State Infrastructure Dollars – Angela Neria – Regent institutions as a group will receive $20,000,000 in technical infrastructure monies. The Board of Regents will divide the money between the Regents and PSU could receive close to $1,000,000. What money we do receive will be put toward the cost of the SIS system.
- Annual IT Survey Slide Deck – Angela Neria – Results from the annual survey are back and are very positive. ITS will be reviewing the comments and evaluating all areas of improvement. David added that being in Whitesitt he has had the opportunity to hear positive feedback regarding the Geeks when tours are given.
- Angela asked if there were any additional issues – Vinnie addressed the camera system and hopes when the mobile piece is in place that will address any concerns. Dr. Hurford inquired if an incident occurs on campus and there are cameras in the area are they able to view those. Angela stated to contact the University Police Department and they can access and view footage.
- Thank you – Angela Neria – We appreciate your time and service to ITC. If you have not already, you will receive a certificate of appreciation very soon.
Meeting Slide Deck:
February 10, 2022
ITC Minutes 2.10.22:
In attendance: Angela Neria, Randy Roberts, Paul Grimes, Scott Donaldson, Mark Diacopoulos,
Jae Choi, Shari Brogan, Lori Scott Dreiling, Heather Eckstein, Tammy Higgins, Christopher
Childers, Jeff Burns, Tim Pearson, Michelle Hensley, Susan Dellasega, David Hurford and Gina
Angela welcomed the group and shared the agenda.
• New Members: Tracy Holzem and Tammy Higgins (glad to have you!)
• Library Checkout Machines
• Policy Review (watch your email)
• State Infrastructure Dollars
• IT Pricing On the Rise Again
• CHECK Conference May 18 & 19 WSU
• IT Project Updates:
o GusMail (Google) Email Transition
o Road Map Phase II
o Star Rez
New members (Angela Neria)
• Angela introduced and welcomed new members to ITC. Bill Hoyt is retiring, and Tammy
Higgins will take his place. Tammy has previously been on ITC, and we are happy to
have her back.
• Jordan Harding changed Divisions and moved to Doug’s Division as Assistant Director of
Payroll. We will miss Jordan! We are lucky to have Tracy Holzem joining ITC. Tracy was
previously part of ITC representing the Technology Round Table and then moved to
Library Checkout Machines (Randy Roberts)
• Randy explained when we went virtual in March of 2020, they were trying to meet the
needs of students. ITS, the Library and Academic Departments throughout campus
assisted him in rounding up machines that they were able to check out to faculty,
students, and staff.
• When the old machines went back to their respective departments, they used CARES
money and were able to acquire 50 new laptops that they could utilize as checkout
machines for students.
• Randy states they believe this is meeting the needs of the students. They tried short
term checkouts but have found the primary need has been for semester long checkouts.
• We have a few laptops left and Randy explained that he wanted ITC to know that if they
see a need with a student who may be struggling with a device or may need an upgrade,
etc., the student can go online to the Access Services page on the Library Home page.
Policy Review (Angela Neria)
• Angela reminded ITC that ITS has several internal policies that are required by auditors
and several external policies that are required by the State, Federal Government,
auditors, and that are just best practices.
• Some of these policies were created through ITC groups.
• ITS does a yearly review of all these policies. Angela will send a link to ITC to access the
policies for ITC to review. Look for anything you feel is out of order, or that gives you
any concern.
• If you are interested in a particular policy and want to know more about it, please let
Angela know.
State Infrastructure Dollars (Angela Neria)
• Angela stated the State of Kansas was looking at possibly giving the Regents
$20,000,000 to put towards infrastructure for technology. This was a recommendation
by the Governor. The Board of Regents thought it would pass in the Legislature and
came to the Regents and believed as a system that we should focus on Cyber Security.
• The Regents worked together to come up with items that we were interested in and
that would help our universities under the pillars of Cyber Security.
• The proposal was not initially viewed favorably given competing projects.
• Dr. Grimes asked what the primary objection was to the proposal. Angela indicated she
does not yet know and is anxious to learn as well. Angela stated they were all very
disappointed as this was a way to help the Regents address Cyber Security which has
been a focus for the Legislative Post Audit, and this proposal seemed to fit very well.
• There is also Federal Covid Funding that we can pursue. There is $900,000,000 in Spark
funding with much of it geared toward broadband. This will be good for Kansas!
• Tammy Higgins inquired if we were still eligible to apply for funding. Angela stated we
are still able to apply for Spark Funding.
IT Pricing On the Rise Again (Angela Neria)
• If you are looking to order new items, we are seeing changes in pricing, especially in
networking equipment and we are seeing a price increase of 50 – 70%.
• As we are adding new things on Campus, adding access points, additional wifi,
renovations, etc. we need to be aware all are going to cost more.
• Wait times have increased as we are waiting for items that we ordered in July.
• Just be aware that this is ongoing. If you are looking at projects coming up, upgrading,
purchasing, etc. if you let Angela know we can possibly order in bulk and may get better
pricing and bulk orders may allow vendors to put our orders ahead of some others.
CHECK Conference May 18 & 19 WSU (Angela Neria)
• This is our State Technology Conference for all Higher Education, not just the Regents. It
is held at a Regent institution and this year it is at WSU. It rotates every year and will be
an in-person conference this year as opposed to virtual the last couple of years.
• We have submitted several proposals and will be speaking at the conference.
• Anyone can attend and even present if you are doing something great and unique in
your own areas IT wise and you think others can learn from, please come share. Angela
will share links to the conference registration and proposal links.
• The conference is free to attend. Mileage and Hotels are the only expenses.
IT Project Updates
Luecrita Haraughty is out today, and we have a couple of guest speakers to provide updates.
o GUSMail (Google) Email Transition (Tim Pearson)
• Tim recapped why we are transitioning. We were initially told Gmail accounts could
be kept forever. However, we have found that Google will impose limits on Gmail
• One of the things we found was that we were going to have to pay $250,000 a year
to Google to continue with the 60,000 plus accounts we had created in their
• We are down to the point where we have only the students that are currently
enrolled, summer and fall students, that we need to migrate emails from their Gmail
accounts to their Microsoft Outlook accounts.
• Email addresses will still be the same and students will need to login to their 0365
Office accounts. We have some Emeritus folks that we are assisting as well.
• Eventually we will turn off access to Gmail. May 19th will be when all our remaining
Gmail accounts will be expected to use new outlook accounts and when all the new
emails addressed to those accounts will begin getting emails into
the outlook accounts.
• Angela stated we worked with Heather Eckstein on this, and it has been an
interesting process and appreciate her assistance.
• Tammy Higgins asked if as employees are we using 0ffice 365 or do we have to use a
desktop – we can still use our
• Tim stated current employees will not retain a GUSMail account and Heather stated
employees lost access on December 15, 2021.
• Angela stated schools nationwide were really upset about how we had built massive
communication around Google. We found that not many people were using their
GUSMail accounts. But we were worried about the Alumni and we found that the
number of Alumni using Gmail was extremely low.
• Angela stated she and Colton Montgomery were speaking with Google and found
they were not offering any apologies or solutions.
o Road Map Phase II (Jeff Burns)
• Jeff stated that Phase I had been rolled out and we went right into Phase II with
the following features.
Advisor Notes – allows information to go along with the student
Degree Audit Update from Road Map – degree audit dynamically updating
from the road map screen
Versioning for Saves – we had feedback from advisors wanting to save
without overriding what the student had saved and vice versa with the
students not overriding what the advisors had inputted
• Jeff stated these changes are coming along with the advisor notes being fleshed
out and the structure under the versioning for saves has been looked at but
haven’t started the work to facilitate that piece.
• Due to the work involved with these three features, this will likely be all that
Phase II entails.
• Once we are ready to roll out Phase II, we will be talking about timelines and
o Star Rez Update (Angela Neria as Tracy Holzem could not attend)
• Angela stated that Star Rez is a huge piece of our student world if they live on
campus. It is our housing system and where students enroll for housing and where
housing data is maintained.
• We just opened up the PortalX application on 2/9/22 to all students living in the
same dorm who want to stay in the same room.
• Starting the 2/16 students who want to live in the dorms but want a different room
can apply and pick a new room.
• On 3/1 anyone wanting to live at B22 can come into the office and pick their room
• Also starting 3/1 any new Academic Year 22-23 students will be able to pick their
rooms for next year.
• Angela stated we always get housing numbers at President’s Counsel. We know
students have applied for housing as they were able to do that the end of last
semester and March 1, they will be able to pick their rooms.
• Angela stated housing numbers look good and that is a good indicator of enrollment
• Scott Donaldson visited with Tom this morning and we are still plus 5 over last year
same day. Would love to see it plus 40/50, but still feeling good.
• Angela stated she believes Star Rez to be user friendly and seamless for students
and that technology is not an obstacle for students.
o FA/SIS Status (Angela Neria)
• Committee has reviewed Oracle Cloud FA and SIS
• A smaller group has been working with Banner and Workday on possible demos. We
are finding it hard to get vendors in to provide Demos.
• Angela stated there is no perfect product out there. We will all have to do things
• Banner could work on SIS implementation soon, but not the Financial Aid piece right
now. Unfortunately, the FA piece must come first for PSU due to the new Fed
• Workday requires that if you buy their SIS (which has a Financial Aid package with it)
- you must also purchase their HR and Business Office package as they will not sell
just their SIS package as a stand alone or best of breed.
• A smaller group has visited with implementation partners
• We expect some news very soon on next steps from Dr. Smith and Dr. Scott
• 2 interesting articles on ERPs and IT employees in higher ed: see the prezi for links.
• Scott Donaldson stated he spoke with Dr. Smith and Jim Hughes today and indicated
if they go with Oracle, they have already met with 3 or 4 implementation partners.
Jim has been advised to get bid pricing for both the SIS and the Financial Aid
• Christopher Childers states it is going to be a big move/big change, just need to
know what we have and get moving and we will adapt.
• Tammy stated we do know the situation with Oracle and have obstacles with
Workday and Banner. If we know that Oracle is the best product for both SIS and
Financial Aid, we could start that implementation with Financial Aid and be working
to clean our data and prepare ourselves for the next 10-18 months.
• Angela stated Oracle thought it would be smoother if we know how we are going to
re-engineer our processes prior to implementation.
• Scott agreed and stated Rutgers is implementing Oracle SIS this fall and they have
been working with them for the last 1 ó years. As they had a home-grown system
like we do, and they have been preparing for some time.
• Scott asked about the November 2023 date and what is a spinning up in regard to
the Oracle SIS.
• Jeff Burns states you must have the instance there as a begin date to start the
configuration of the system. The 4th quarter of 2023 is when they would start
general availability past the early adopter stage of spinning up those instances for
their first flight of general availability customers. That would be the first opportunity
for anyone that is not in the early adopter program that could get an instance.
• Angela stated that Jim Hughes really pushed Oracle on Pittsburg State to be an early
adopter as we were in the Financial and HR side and felt we were in a great position.
We spoke to one of the Oracle VP’s and they told us they were not going to take
anyone else. She did put in writing they were confident that we would be ready to
go the last quarter of 2023 and that we would be in the first flight.
• Angela also stated that Workday has had a lot of trouble with their implementation
of SIS. Ohio State was in the middle of their Workday implementation and just said
forget it and backed out.
• Angela stated in ITS, we are having a hard time keeping and hiring people at the
salary we offer. With people leaving and newer personnel, brings additional
challenges as we must know the old system to move over to the new system.
• With Banner, we feel we need the Financial Aid system first. But Banner has no one
available to do the Financial Aid piece first. They could do the SIS system, but we are
not ready to do that first.
Angela opened the meeting to any additional questions.
• Michelle Hensley asked about the phone system
o Tim Pearson stated Jeff Burns and his team created some bandwidth to help
absorb the programming that was in the existing phone system in a way we
can use it to make certain we can replace every phone that needs to be
replaced. We felt the existing phone system is the authoritative source on
what phones are in service and in what locations. Data was created and has
been put together and received.
o ITS is reviewing the data. We will then meet with department heads with the
information that they currently have and make recommendations to the
department. The soft client will likely be recommended for most as it offers
a lot of flexibility. But we understand there will be some high-volume users
and 911 phones, and they will require a physical phone.
o Department Heads can expect to hear from us in the coming weeks.
o Angela stated some of the tunnels are caving in and this can affect our fiber
as well as copper for the phones. If tunnel repair is not complete, it can
change the installation and design of the phone system.
Angela thanked everyone for their time.
The next meeting will be in Teams on April 27, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
November 10, 2021
ITC Minutes November 10, 2021:
In attendance: Angela Neria, Bill Hoyt, David Hurford, Heather Eckstein, Jae Choi, Lori Scott Dreiling, Luecrita Haraughty, Mark Diacopoulos, Michelle Hensley, Paul Grimes, Saivardhan Reddy Banoor, Shari Brogan, Susan Dellasega, Tim Pearson, Vince Daino and Gina Henry Matter.
Angela welcomed the group, introduced Gina, and asked Luecrita to share the updated agenda:
Updated Agenda:
New tool in Canvas to improve digital accessibility
Happy Veteran’s Day to our PSU Veterans!
IT Project Updates:
- Phone Upgrade
- IT Security update
- Feedback on PSU Road Map
- FA/SIS Search Underway
Angela asked Susan Dellasega to share information regarding the new tool in Canvas.
- Susan shared her screen and demonstrated accessing the new tool, showing the home page and that the tool was developed by City Labs, a company that started out of Utah State University.
- Susan advised that UDOIT is a cloud course checker and provides a full search at the course level in contrast to a page by page check we currently utilize.
- UDOIT Cloud shows up in the course menu. Once you click on the course menu it will run a scan on the course. The scan checks for errors and provides recommendations for best practices.
- UDOIT also provides a report with errors and what suggestions are best to resolve the errors.
- Susan also shared how to add UDOIT Cloud to your course menu navigation (Settings/Navigation/UDOIT which is in the hidden category and then you slide it to the top).
IT Updates
Angela thanked the PSU Veterans and asked Tim Pearson to address the phone system upgrade.
Tim Pearson shared an update regarding the ongoing process of replacing the phone system.
- He stated the current system has given us great service for many decades and was state of the art in 1982/83, but we are looking to migrate to a new system due to the increasingly difficult task of obtaining spare parts for the current system.
- We are looking for a replacement system that will give us additional features and options that we don’t currently have with our system. Covid brought out a cumbersome issue regarding voice communications with the transition from the office to remote work - taking and returning calls coming to our extensions.
- The new system will give us mobility options. Allowing us to install the client on laptops, mobile phones, tablets, and other devices inexpensively and working very similarly to Teams.
- We are beginning data collection, pulling out programming from our existing system to use as a guide for the universe of extensions.
- Will be talking with Department Heads over the Spring Semester on what features are needed and additional information each department might need. We are not at the point of scheduling installation and cutover.
IT Security Updates
- Multi-factor Authentication – Many are already using tokens and we have 892 users. Unfortunately, tokens are on back order, and we will get everyone else interested enrolled as soon as they arrive.
- Cyber Insurance evaluations – we are currently completing paperwork for our new cyber security insurance. Due to an increase in Cyber Security incidents during the pandemic (last 18/24 months) the insurance companies are asking everyone to evaluate what they have in place. One of the things they have asked about is MFA. Having this tool in place allows us to obtain more cost-effective insurance as well as any other tools we have in place. All insurance will be going up across campus, but Cyber Security will go up 100 to 500%.
- Cyber Security Training – Every October we have training that is required by the state of Kansas for all employees and student employees. As of Friday, we had 1,538 go through the training but had to lock 41 accounts. Those 41 accounts were mostly students who had not read their email. We are working on getting those 41 addressed, taking their test, and unlocking them.
- Cyber Security Event on the Oval – We had popcorn, a wheel to spin with Cyber Security questions for prizes. We were surprised at how well prepped our students were – very cyber secure aware.
Feedback on PSU Road Map
Angela asked for feedback regarding the PSU Road Map. Heather and Luecrita worked closely with the committee. We would like to take comments back to the committee on what everyone is hearing, experiences, etc.
- Heather Eckstein shared the committee met yesterday (11/9) and stated the Deans and chairs have weighed in and are wanting to know what is in the phases. She stated the rollout has been very good. A few little bugs that Si Luc took care of very quickly. Heather shared with anything new there is always some frustration with use., but mostly due to persons unable to attend the training.
- David Hurford stated it is working well for them and will work things out as they continue.
- Saivardhan Reddy Banoor said everything is working fine.
FA and SIS Searches
- Prior to the pandemic, the search committee for FA lead by Tammy Higgins met and recommended Oracle Cloud for their FA system. Due to COVID and coursework going online the purchase was halted. In the process of looking at pricing, the Purchasing Office learned if we were to purchase FA and SIS together it would be more cost effective.
- The large portion what PSU has left on Gus Classic is the Student Information System (SIS) and a difficult piece of that is Financial Aid. Angela explained that the FA piece is difficult due to being homegrown and anytime there are changes at the federal level it requires FA personnel to learn the changes, translate it to IT, where code changes are made, and much testing is needed to ensure everything is correct.
- The University needs to get to a place where there is a third party that has their experts, and they push the changes down to us.
- Angela explained that a search committee for the SIS was developed by The Provost and others in Academic Affairs (the names were shared via Teams Chat with ITC).
Scott Donaldson and Luecrita have been asked to co-lead the group. The committee is in the process of contacting vendors now and since Oracle has the FA piece that was recommended by the FA search committee, they are the first vendor we will have come to campus.
- Angela encouraged everyone to attend the meetings of all the different modules and see the demonstrations and share your feedback.
- Angela went over several different companies that may be asked to demo but stated whatever we get will not fill every need we have, but we will need to find the best fit and the group will do a gap fit analysis.
- ITS is involved as they will be looking at the code and integration to ensure the the product purchased works well with the many other campus products already in use on campus.
- Luecrita stated the committee would be working on getting Oracle here for a demo and will request the committee bring the hard to address/unique items.
- Angela asked everyone to bring those anomalies to Scott and/or Luecrita.
- Angela asked if there are any questions. Shari Brogan inquired about the scholarship system and students meeting donor criteria for scholarships. It would be difficult for the foundation to go back to all the donors (1200) that have specified. Angela requested Luecrita ask Oracle and share those concerns and obtain clarification. Angela encouraged Shari to attend the sessions.
- Angela addressed the other things that are on GUS Classic that are not being addressed in the SIS system search. For example, the Physical Plant will be moving to a new ticket system. Anything that is on GUS Classic outside of the SIS and FA systems will need to be evaluated and decision made on how to manage these in the future after GUS Classic is gone.
Angela asked if there were any other IT questions, concerns, red flags. There were none and Angela encouraged everyone to reach out if there is anything we can help you with.
The next meeting will be February 10, 2022 3:00 pm.
Prezi Link for ITC 11.10.21 Meeting:
September 30, 2021
ITC Minutes 09.30.21
In attendance: Angela Neria, Bill Hoyt, Brighid Dawson, Chris Childers, Heather Eckstein, Jeff Burns (guest), Jordan Harding, Luecrita Haraughty, Mark Diacopoulos, Paul Grimes, Rachel Schenker, Randy Roberts, Scott Donaldson, Shari Brogan, Si Luc (guest), Susan Dellasega, Tim Pearson (guest), Vince Daino
Angela welcomed the group and shared the agenda:
- IT Project Update: Luecrita
- Defender Antivirus
- GUSVerify (DUO)
- CircleIn Trial
- GUSMail Transition
- Infrastructure Improvements
- Roadmap Demo: Jeff
Admin System Outage Recap and its Future: Tim and Angela
IT Project Update: Luecrita covered several of the current IT projects. Angela reminded ITC that all projects in the pipeline and coming up can be found at: PM Page:
- Defender Antivirus: Luecrita shared that: 2951 machines now have Defender AV installed! 150 to go! Many machines in labs have it installed but not activated (521) because several labs have yet to be used.
- GUSVerify (DUO): Luecrita stated 624 employees are signed up and active to date. Amanda continues to work with groups department by department to bring people on board.
- CircleIn Trial: Luecrita shared that this was a quick project that was squeezed in. Per web site: CircleIn is where classmates gather to study in unity, share skills, attack really difficult problems, build better study habits, and push each other to succeed.Heather shared her screen and use data. Angela asked where PSU learned about the product and Heather stated she learned about it through an organization that she is involved in. It is the 5th semester of it being used nationwide.
- GUSMail Transition: Luecrita and Angela spoke to this.
- Why? Google Storage Policy change will cost PSU $250,000+ annually if we stay 'as is'.
Groups Impacted & Messaging:
Alumni (grads and non-grads) Notified Transition by 12.15.21
Current Employees Notified Transition by 12.15.21
Former Employees Notified Transition by 12.15.21
Some Emeritus Faculty/Staff Notified Transition by 12.15.21
Current Students To Be Notified in Oct & Transition by TBD
Directions/FAQs/Etc at the GMT Web Site:
- Angela added that there were many avenues that could have been taken. ITS presented the options to the President and VPs at their quarterly meeting and this solution was determined the most viable long term.
- Heather asked that we consider the dates of messaging to current students carefully as a large number of messages go out to them in October. Luecrita shared that Registars has been notified and that we had set it for the week of October 18th and Heather agreed that this would be a good week for messaging current students.
- Infrastructure Improvements Luecrita and Tim spoke to this.
- Update Wifi Access Points (late Fall/early Spring)
Data Center Switch Upgrade
Graphics Virtual Desktops:
powerful graphics-accelerated VD
available in limited quantity (24 total)
grant funded
Exploring a new phone system
very little desktop phone usage
investigating soft phones for where it makes sense
ITS will poll users for feedback
- Roadmap Demo: Jeff. Angela thanked the committee that working on this product
Admin System Outage Recap and its Future: Angela explained the reason for post mortem analysis and that ITS does this during any major outage to track their steps and look at possible improvements in the future.
Monday, Aug 16th (Day 1 of the '21 Fall Semester)
4:00 am: ITS discovered an out of memory/paging space issue on the Admin System.
The system was powered off to clear the issue, but would not restart.
Error codes indicated a problem with RAM memory and a problem with one or more cooling fans.
- 4:30 am: ITS Leadership was notified and began working on alternate ways to deliver information to students/faculty/staff (specifically course schedules). President's Council was notified.
- 5:30 am-6:30 am: After exhausting all protocols with the hardware, the vendor was notified of the issue and parts were ordered and arrangements for vendor engineers to be on-site. Discussions for alternate options for data access were discussed/tested.
- 6:30 am: Campus was notified of the outage.
- Monday, Aug 16th (Day 1 of the '21 Fall Semester)
- 6:30 am-8:15 am: The D&I team developed and tested accessing student course schedules through the PSU App.
- 8:16 am: Messages to campus regarding how to access course schedules via the PSU App were released.
- ALL DAY: The D&I team worked with various PSU dept's on making any data (where it was possible) available to them.
- 2:45 pm and 5:28 pm: Campus updates were released.
Tuesday, Aug 17th
- 10:00 am: Parts arrive, are installed, backups performed, system tested
- 1:30 pm: Campus is notified that GUS Classic is accessible.
- 5:00 pm: After backlogged updates had been processed, the system was taken offline and ITS (again) took both a “DR” backup, and a CommVault backup of data.
Angela explained the below on the Future of GUS Classic and a new SIS/FA:
ERP replacement began several years ago:
- Financial: DONE
Lead with FA (common and makes sense for PSU). Search committee is in place and has made a recommendation.
Diverse committee will be named by AA to review all other SIS modules for consideration. Howard Smith with work with this group. He plans to visit all the senates.
Campus will be asked to review how they use Classic now and given notice that the system will go away at some point in the future (years).
Heather Eckstein asked if there was a way that class information could be populated in Canvas as well as in GUS Classic. Jeff Burns, Susan Dellasega and Angela agreed to explore this option. Angela reminded Heather that ITS created a way for class info to be ported to the PSU App.
Chris Childers asked who would make the decision what the SIS would look like. Angela explained that whatever 3rd party product is selected will not likely have customization options. He explained that an intuitive system like GUS Classic is helpful. Angela explained that the reason that GUS Classic is that way because it is so highly customized. The issue is that PSU has never had the manpower to keep it updated. Heather commented that the new products being built by ITS are not built in GUS Classic. They are built in a modern language that is integratable with other modern off-the-shelf products.
Jordan Harding explained that during the 1.5 day outage she did not have access to the HRS Power Grid in GUS Classic and asked if we knew the future of the Power Grid given that we have GUS Cloud HR. Angela explained that keeping the Power Grid was a decision made by HRS at the time of the Oracle transition and that it is not being maintained by ITS and will eventually be dissolved when GUS Classic is decommissioned. Angela noted that she would share this concern with the Dir of HRS.
Prezi Link for ITC 09.30.21 Meeting:
March 16, 2021
Angela Neria, Bill Hoyt, Brighid Dawson, Heather Eckstein, Jae Choi, Jordan Harding, Lori Scott Dreiling, Mark Diacopoulos, Paul Grimes, Randy Roberts, Scott Donaldson, Shari Brogan, Susan Dellasega, Tracy Holzem, Vince Daino
Campus ITS Project Update-Angela
- COE Session-based project.
- Unifyed-Admissions-Scott Donaldson demonstrated Unifyed dashboard. Doing a soft launch, in 3-4 weeks will be reaching out to departments to get them set up with their dashboards.
- Is everything in Secure Shell in Unifyed? Angela will ask Jeff. The answer is No. Secure Shell is used for a much higher variety of items on campus, where Unifyed is just focused on engagement of students (applications, recruitment, etc).
- Degree Audit/Course Schedule-up and running and there are little things being tweaked here and there. ITS survey asked for feedback.
- Heather Eckstein gave an update and relayed things are going well. A few bumps in the road when people cannot find things, but they can be walked through it.
- Undergrad and graduate degree audits are separate.
- Tracy-GG has so far had very positive comments about it.
- I&S projects: Looking at a new Antivirus product, Microsoft Defender.
- VDI upgrade-with CARES grant funding, were able to put an upgrade in place that will allow students to log in to machines from off of campus and access software instead of having to purchase a new machine.
- Campus Surveillance-Stu Hite has wanted to streamline and update campus surveillance. He has worked with us on the details and we have received quotes. Now University Police and ITS are working together on getting 65 new cameras along with the current 110 cameras on campus this Spring.
- Financial Aid System-first step to replacing old SIS. The 1st module is always the financial aid piece.
- Physical Plant Ticketing System-replacing ticketing system with SchoolDude Solutions. Ticketing system will be more electronic, lots of training involved. You will be able to follow your tickets.
- StarRez housing system upgrade-beginning stages of this update. Students who live in housing with register and pay for housing. Will be cloud based and have a chat feature and will allow students to do things from a mobile perspective.
- Survey/Ballot campus wide solution-putting together a search committee now. If you know of someone for this committee, please let us know. We are looking for one enterprise license to serve campus.
- GUSVerify Update (DUO/MFA)-193 people using GUSVerify which is ahead of the state’s requirement. They will require everyone to use it so we are working towards that goal. The feedback is good, there are pros and cons. Pro is that it is simple to use. The biggest con is when I change a computer, I get asked to identify again. That is what it is designed to do. Roll-out is moving quickly.
- Heather suggested putting the direction of needing your phone in bolder print where everyone will see that instruction. An additional suggestion is to put that you will be able to identify using your Apple watch.
- Image Now product review-campus survey results showed 21 department responses (out of 87 campus dept’s). 12 use Image Now (10 daily, 2 weekly). 9 departments do not use Image now at all.
- Department interview results showed out of 28 departments we requested to meet with, 14 interviewed with us and several use as a repository only and would like to move to OneDrive/SharePoint/etc.
- The price has gone from $28,000/year to $58,000/year for very few departments to use.
- Heather Eckstein relayed that in her opinion all departments use Image Now due to the registrar has all student records in Image Now. SharePoint will not work for Student Success because they attach records to students permanent file.
- Angela-our focus is to see how many departments use this product and the funding to cover the cost to move forward. There are about 6 departments on campus that Image Now is necessary so we want to figure out how to fund this product until we move to a new SIS product.
- Tracy mentioned that GG uses Microsoft Forms and if anyone wants to see it used, please let her or Darrell know.
- CHECK conference-May 19 and May 20-free and virtual
- MS O365 Advisory Team and Charge-Amanda Williams, Daryl Needham, Jon Cooper, Nathaniel Shaw, David Nance. If you have a question about if we could utilize a feature on O365, let Angela know and this team will take a look.
- Campus IT Bulk Orders-3 have been completed. Bulk #4 is underway now. On the first 3, a total of 552 items total were ordered.
- COOP-Continuity of Operations Planning. If you would like to put together a COOP plan for your department, contact us and we can get an account for you so you can be prepared.
- Annual IT Surveys-we are working on pulling the data together so that can be shared with you
- Review of ITC policies-please review and contact Angela with comments by April 9th
- Next meeting is April 21st at 1:00pm on Teams
Prezi link used during this meeting:
October 6, 2020
ITC Meeting 10.06.20
Angela Neria, Amanda Williams, Andrea Kent-Mcconnaughey, Bill Hoyt, Brighid Dawson, Christopher Childers, Filipe Santos Araujo, Heather Eckstein, David Hurford, Jae Choi, Jeff Burns, Jordan Harding, Lori Scott Dreiling, Luecrita Haraughty, Mark Diacopoulos, Michelle Hensley, Paul Grimes, Rachel Schenker, Scott Donaldson, Shari Brogan, Susan Dellasega, Tim Pearson, Tracy Holzem, Vince Daino
- Luecrita Haraughty-ITS current projects
- Rewriting assessment of financial aid screens-COE is going to a session-based format for Spring 20/21 for their Teaching and Leadership Masters Program. This will open things up for future programs to be able to accommodate a shorten session-based student.
- Degree audit is complete and students and advisors can use it for enrollment.
- Outside Wi-Fi-Tim will address
- Multi-factor authentication-two forms to authenticate into our systems. Amanda will address
- Admissions-CRM system-include an online application for prospects. Working on getting the new system to speak to the current system.
Angela: Pipeline is used in PM to manage ITS calendar and share that calendar with the decision makers, we have this pipeline set and we share every quarter and how long we think these things will take. Then they guide us on what things we need to focus on based on the strategic plan for campus. Unofficial requests are requests that we have heard about that we take to that area and see if it’s something they want us to address.
- Jeff Burns
- 8-week session-based courses for COE
- Demonstrated new Assessment Screen/Student Account Screen
- Terminology with billing/assessment addressed
Angela: This is a big deal for Pitt State and I want to stress the work that went into this. Some of the assessment code was built in 1979. It is much easier on the eyes and will allow students and those working with students to share information much more quickly and accurately. Just so you know why we are sharing this, it’s a big move for Pitt State.
Heather: How much thought is being given to what is the public facing portion of this that students would be able to access. Having the $45 housing fee on there over and over is what makes parents and students crazy. Are we working on not having this being shown? Jeff: That is on the student billing side, I can tell you Barbara Winter is looking at the whole billing statement and e-bills that students do see and they are looking at that side of it. That’s technically not a part of this process but this is for sure building blocks for that.
Susan: Something that might help with communicating with overall campus is terminology used in some of the programming pieces overlaps with the academic piece. Assessment and course develop means a completely different animal to faculty and those of us in CTLT. I can see someone might mis-interrupt what you are working on. Jeff: we will keep that in mind, I was not aware of that. We borrow language from the functional areas of what we are working on.
Angela: Jeff that would be a good thing to take back to that group and share it came out of ITC, that’s their decision to change language not ours but it’s excellent feedback.
4. Financial aid system-still built around the traditional terms. Took some from what we learned from the online professional MBA and started translating that into the award maintenance screen for Financial Aid. We’ve tried to simplify to help them get into the information they need in a faster way.
Q: On the financial aid side are they still working on the secure shell and then the new on-line MBA or are they going to a new system? How much more complicated this will be for them? Jeff: Their entire team almost is involved is in the design of this. We did mock-ups of this beforehand. They’ve been very involved; the goal is to replace the screen and the scholarship screen and tie it into one place.
Andrea: I have run into issues in the past with our students doing a scholarship application and the only verification they get is an email that says they did it. When we go to get our list, they aren’t showing up and I have to call financial aid and we find out errors that could have been caught before, will students be able to use this new system to check their status or what they qualify for? Jeff: We are not rewriting the aid system itself, we are putting in the ability for financial aid to award on a session basis vs. a term basis. End goal is to replace financial aid system with a purchased package that they are still researching.
Angela: I can tell you that Dr. Scott and Dr. Smith are very onboard with moving forward on replacing the financial aid system and they want a scholarship module with that system to replace the current one. Tammy Higgins and Luecrita were on an initial search to discuss the 4 products they found to see what fits the needs of campus. Luecrita: We are taking what we found and hopefully moving forward to replacing the financial aid system. Jeff: the implementation of a system like that will take some time to complete.
5. Roadmap - more in concept than anything else, something we’ve been requested to do and move on with, I believe it’s our next in line project. We don’t have the resources yet, but it will probably be the first part of the year. These are initial concepts. The idea behind it is basically is to be able to lay out the courses needed for future terms. It will allow a student to place things on the timeline. Also, when they get to a semester they are taking those courses, it may change to a “in process”. And when it’s time to enrollment, they can map out their projected courses for that semester. It’s very early in the conceptual phase, it may not end up looking like this. Thank you, Filipe, for showing us your previous University’s information, we got some ideas from there.
- Amanda Williams-Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) or GUS Verify- this is a State of Kansas security requirement and we will get audited against when the auditors come back. A factor of authentication of verifying who you are. The 3 are something you have, something you know, something you are. Currently we do something you know which is your password, and now we are going to something you have which will more than likely be delivered via cell phone. There will be other options but we are going to encourage everyone to use their cell phones, it’s the easiest, fastest and most secure. We are going to set it to authenticate every 2 weeks. Our plan is to roll this out to campus in the Spring baring any changes. If anyone wants to be an early adopter, we are looking for people to try it. If you would like to try it, email me and let me know. (Amanda did a demo on logging in using GUS Verify
- Tim Pearson -Outdoor Wi-Fi expansion location explanation. Showing map of picnic tables where Wi-Fi is available and outdoor all-weather access points that have been installed almost completely. Not necessarily placed symmetrically around because the Wi-Fi leaks out of buildings in some areas better than others. Coverage is being worked on at McPherson and at KTC. This was all done with Federal CARES ACT funding from COVID.
- Susan Dellasega-CTLT preparing classrooms for this new way we are teaching and learning. CTLT has had access to some of the COVID funding so we re-evaluated our classrooms technologies and the first thing we did was see if our classrooms were Zoom ready. First obstacle was audio so we evaluated classrooms that already had a microphone and what needed to happen to get that re-routed through the computer. The 2nd piece was the document cameras, those didn’t go through the computer, so they went through and re-routed all of the cameras. The next thing was video, we are trying to look at a higher end solution other than webcams. We have 10 PTC Optic cameras that are currently installed, (showed a picture) of cameras that mounted on walls and ceiling. Very happy with the quality of video. We are in the stage of implementing the technology and then we will be doing training of faculty that will be teaching in these environments. With COVID money, we are also addressing the projectors in the classrooms and upgrading technology for the future.
- Angela-ITS will now be taking over the billing aspect of Adobe. It is a shared cost around campus, everyone that uses it pays their fair share. We don’t have student licensing with Adobe. During the pandemic, Adobe made student licensing available for students, which is no longer available. We can not legally allow them to use a PSU license on their device. They can use it on a PSU device or they can purchase it and use it on their own machine. Dr. Smith is working on what this will look like in the future. He has talked about this may be used like a textbook, he has also said COVID money may cover some of this. If you have any questions, please let Angela know. Tim: this is a licensing challenge not a technical challenge. We were doing this successfully with Software 2 when Adobe allowed us to do so. This is an issue that system wide in Kansas, possibly nationwide, Adobe is hugely popular. We are looking at technical options and hopefully we can come up with a solution. Students are moving more and more out of computer labs to do their work. Angela: people across the nation are frustrated with this right now and looking for answers from Adobe.
- Angela-every year we put out an annual IT survey, we are preparing that now. One for staff and one for student. Different questions will be added that are more COVID related and remote learning related. Also, another survey on Survey Monkey just for ITC that may influence our next strategic plan and will focus on related lessons learned in COVID.
- Tim-Those that use Adobe, take a peak at open source alternatives to some of the popular Adobe applications.
Prezi link used during meeting:
September 8, 2020
ITC Meeting minutes 9.8.20
Angela Neria, Shari Brogan, Chris Childers, Jae Choi, Vince Daino, Brighid Dawson, Susan Dellasega, Scott Donaldson, Heather Eckstein, Paul Grimes, Luecrita Haraughty, Jordan Harding, Bill Hoyt, David Hurford, Andrea McConnaughey, Randy Roberts, Filipe Santos Araujo, Rachel Schenker, Lori Scott Dreiling
- Introduction
- Will wait at least a semester, possibly two before developing a new IT Strategic Plan given COVID, Funding, and learning from the IT needs during COVID.
- Mission statement takeaway-campus wide group with campus wide input
- Please share what’s happening in ITC in the groups you represent-this is a very important part of this group so we will know the red flags in your areas
- Introductions of members
- Campus IT groups explained
- Marketing and Communication
- College Deans Responsibilities
- ITC Strategic Plan FY 16-21
- discussed/tied to the University’s IT Plan
- Goals and objectives with specific action items
- All goals, objectives, and action items met save the SIS goal. Due to both funding and SIS market.
- This years focus in ITC:
- Learning how we can do our work and the future plan
- Increase and streamline course delivery
- Student Machine Specification requirements
- VDI and Software 2
- Training resources
- Increasing exterior wifi options
- Multi Factor Authentication Implementation
- Student Roadmap
- 8 week course development
- Next meeting is October 6th at 9:00am via TEAMS
- Filipe shared a student roadmap option from Brazil of more student driven course selection with self-serve options and visual prompts of what courses they could choose for the semester and why a course isn’t available for them i.e. not having completed the needed prerequisite. Angela asked Filipe if he would mind visiting with PSU developers about his experience on the SIS that he used at his former university. He agreed to do so.
Prezi link used during meeting:
April 28, 2020
ITC Meeting minutes 4.28.20
NOTE: This meeting was held virtually through MS Teams due to the COVID 19 Pandemic and PSU Campus facilities being closed for Face To Face instruction and work.
Angela Neria, Brenda Frieden, Christina Davis, Dai Ll, Diane Letner, Hazel Coltharp, Heather Eckstein, James Otter, Jordan Harding, Kelley Manley, Luecrita Haraughty, Randy Roberts, Randy Winzer, Scott Donaldson, Vince Daino
- Multi-factor authentication (MFA) policy vote link (via Survey Monkey) will be sent to email due to absences today. Vote is due FRI. (Follow Up Note: The MFA Policy was passed by ITC and the President's Council.)
- Implementation details
- Product duo
- Concerns of not having a cell phone/who pays and how much does it cost
(Angela-a cell phone does not have to be used to make this work. Duo offers dongles for these very reasons. Funding these dongles is being discussed now.)
- Apple device without USB port (Angela- an Apple dongle is available)
- Use of Office 365 (Angela -Will ask Amanda about use and login on a home machine.)
- If use on different machines (such as classroom instructional machines, would you have to log-in on each machine? Angela-not realistic to do this and we will work with Duo and other universities to determine how to handle.)
- IT Project Demo-Jeff Burns, Si Luc, Tommy Hoyt
- Degree Audit demo
- Transcript link-every course they have taken will be on the audit
- Advise individual student link will still be there
- Transfer credit and the college that credit was obtained will be on the audit
- AP courses should be showing on audit now-Jeff will reach out to Melinda to make sure
- Speed is a concern (Jeff-will be doing load testing-speed is about where it will be)
- Can you gather information for multiple students into one spreadsheet (Jeff-we are working to make sure this is tested and ready)
- Schedule of Classes demo
- Entering the course information process will continue to be the same
- Exporting data to Excel is available
- Concern of entering the entire department and getting all data combined
(Tommy-this should be available-if something is missing please let them know)
- Angela Neria- Thank you to everyone who is terming off. Thank you for your time and effort, you are appreciated. Certificates will be given when things are back to normal.
- Angela Neria- Strategic plan and ITC policy-look through by the end of May and send recommendations and comments to Angela
- Angela Neria- Let ITS know how they can help in this challenging time.
- (Heather-thank you concerning CARES questions and thanks to the Geeks for their help with student ID’s and kids upload own photo on the app and the photo is approved before ID is printed)
Prezi Link Used During meeting:
February 13, 2020
ITC Meeting minutes 2.13.20
Attending: Hazel Coltharp, Vince Daino, Christina Davis, Scott Donaldson, Heather Eckstein, Erin Sullivan, Luecrita Haraughty, Diane Letner, Dai Li, Kelley Manley, Tracy Rampy, Randy Roberts, Brad Stefanoni,
Jim Truelove, Randy Winzer, Gail Yarick
IT Project Overview – Luecrita Haraughty
- Degree Audit – Reminder: Old audit wouldn’t run with new Pitt State Pathway. Registrars is testing now. Committee is working through details with selected advisors testing. The committee will select some advisees to try it also. Go live before CARES June 1. Demos have been and will continue to be provided for faculty, staff, students. It has been presented to Faculty Senate. Soon meeting with USS and UPS as well as offering 3 demos in March for anyone interested on campus. Enrollment Management and Student Success are organizing all advisor training for mid-April until CARES.
- Maintenance in ITS - Updating code, system maintenance. Keeps the foundation under us.
- Storage Upgrade – Changing personal Pdrive to OneDrive and departmental storage to Teams. ITS is migrating data for you; trainings are ongoing. Sign up for training! Pdrive will be read-only for awhile before it goes away.
- Those who haven’t signed up will receive an email inviting them to attend training.
- Unifyed – Admissions is converting from Hobsons to Unifyed CRM. Weekly meetings to get to the meat of it. Mapping data, starting to configure the application. Want to use best practices and improve on a few things. Application – when a student applies it will be inside Unifyed. Date is mid-July, perhaps sooner. Will be used parallel w Hobson’s for a few months.
- Scott D – Unifyed has shared a test site to play in. Real time data. Reporting is very accessible.
- Truelove – Beneficial to be able to have data accessible and up our game. It will be less laborious than current system.
- Heather – How will majors be on Unifyed? Scott – They will be on there right away. Cleanly start Juniors on new system. When will training occur? User Acceptance training? Will it affect CARES? May-ish to mid-June. Hoping to bump July timeline.
- Scott – We could train departments how to use when they return in August to not disrupt CARES training. He is not sure Applications piece will affect departments vs Recruitment piece.
- Roadmap system – another level past degree audit; this will be a lengthy project.
- College of Ed Master Program 8-week course (AA) Online program. Starting with Masters in Ed Leadership and Specialist in Leadership. Switching to 8-week format to remain competitive and assist our professionals. May expand to other areas down the road. Keeping in house; not using outside company to facilitate.
- Event system – La Donna Flynn is leading this search, but haven’t heard news lately. Heather asked if this will integrate with our system to eliminate the manual process? Angela, Amanda, and Brad, who all sit on the committee, noted that they have not had meetings in some time. Angela will ask LaDonna where the search stands.
- Financial Aid Task Force (AA) Banner Financial Aid, Regent 8 (only FinAid), Oracle Student Cloud, Unifyed College Board.
- Unifyed Student info system update.
- PSU manually codes fed changes now, which is not the norm. Having a company that can keep up with the Federal changes would free up the time needed to work with students.
- Right now we are looking at modules, but many don’t fit our needs, or won’t be ready for a long time.
- Grant body is really pushing for Unifyed, and hasn’t OKed the money going to Banner, Workday, etc.
- Regents are talking about this being a state-wide partnering between schools.
- PSU Mobile App has been updated, and now has GUS Bus info. Vinnie asked if route map can be added. Angela will check to see how big of an issue that would be.
- GUS Portal Update. It is slated for the end of February or early March
- CHECK 2020 Conference – May 20 & 21st at Emporia State. Angela encouraged members to submit a proposal if they have something to share with the other Regents.
PSU's Private Cloud Discussion – Tim Pearson
- In 2008, PSU purchased storage and computing horsepower (servers in the data center). This cost about $400K. (Storage Area Network - SAN) This was purpose-built hardware.
- Two years ago we installed a private cloud system at $200K, twice the size of the previous system. This gives us survivability, like running in the Cloud. Backup data centers in Kelce and Axe. All the data we write and update is stored at WSU data center. These are commodity servers, Hewlett Packard.
- To run this in the public cloud, we estimated it would have cost $200K vs. running it here.
- Today, based on the 150+ servers that run on our campus, it costs us $7,479 per month which includes nightly backups, compared with over S20K for Amazon IBM or Microsoft, which don’t include nightly backups.
Multi-Factor Authentication Discussion (draft policy attached) – Amanda Williams
- Task force was formed in the Fall semester. Vote on this April.
- Charged with
- Policy
- How long before reauthenticate? Decided 14 days. Reevaluate after 1 year.
- How do we pay for this?
- Option 1 – University pay out of general fund since it will be used campus wide.
- Option 2 – University pay for half, and each division pay for the other half. Possibility of a grant being available. Focus on SSO systems, Canvas etc . . . work through what systems will have MFA.
State policy wanted this to happen October 2019.
There will be options for people who don’t want to use their personal mobile phone for authentication. Working through the details.
Want feedback from ITC group. Send to Amanda so she can take back to the committee.
Next meeting is April 28th, 2020, 9:00AM E102 KTC.
Prezi Link Used During meeting:
September 26, 2019
ITC Meeting minutes 9.26.19
In Attendance: Manaswini Bhamidipati, Hazel Coltharp, Austin Coughlin, Vince Daino, Christina Davis, Scott Donaldson, Heather Eckstein, Brenda Frieden, Luecrita Haraughty, Diane Letner, Kelley Manley, Jordan Harding, Tracy Rampy, Randy Roberts, Jim Truelove, Randy Winzer, Gail Yarick
Welcome new members: Heather, Jordan and Manaswini.
IT Project update – Luecrita Haraughty
- Three Project Pipelines –Approved by IT Project Governance Committee (which includes the President and VPs).
- Pipeline 1 – Currently working on Degree Audit and side pieces, FA new year development changes.
- Pipeline 2 – System maintenance, including identity, Oracle, Fall reporting.
- Pipeline 3 – Maintenance, support tickets, Oracle, Tableau.
- ITS also keeps “Unofficial Requests” list of possible upcoming work that may go to the governing committee. This list was shared.
Axe Library Update – Randy Roberts
- Grand reopening of first floor remodel is planned for October 8th at 2:00PM.
- Downsized number of computers and changed the spaces they were in.
Changes to state security policy – Amanda Williams
- Password policy per state of Kansas. PSU hasn’t updated our policy in 6 years.
- Password length will go from 7 to 12 characters.
- Remembered passwords are going to 24.
- Will vote on these changes at ITC’s November meeting.
- Randy W asked if there was a maximum limit to # of characters. Tim P replied it was very long; 250 plus.
- MFA Committee:
- Policy
- Frequency
- Funding Recommendation
- One product is Duo – will Demo Monday
- Heather E. commented that they use Hobsons, Retain and Connect and other systems; how are these protected? Should they have MFA? Amanda said that bringing these to her attention was appreciated and as the committee works through the details this kind of information is very helpful.
- The above policy is for SSO and employees/faculty/student employees . . . not students who do not work at PSU.
- Contact Amanda or others in this committee with questions or concerns.
Grant Update –
Scott Donaldson
- $176,000 grant received – Customer Relationship Management System Grant.
- Campus Consortium is doing the grant.
- CRM that would replace Hobsons.
Angela Neria
- ITS received $140,000 grant for fourth year in a row, which helps offset expenses of upgrading infrastructure. Now have 1G to desktop ability.
- Student Information System Grant: Made the first cut!
- Heather asked if Unifyed was a whole package. Yes, encourage everyone to look into Unifyed and see what they think.
- Scott – Not limited on how many applications we create. Can include international and graduate admission also.
Outlook Migration and Zimbra Vulnerability – Tim Pearson
- Schedule to switch from Zimbra to Outlook was accelerated due to a Zimbra vulnerability. For a first layer of protection ITS implemented VPN for Zimbra use while off of the campus network, and then switched to Outlook six weeks earlier to move away from Zimbra and the vulnerability.
- 12TB of data migrated from Zimbra to Outlook. Now have higher storage quota in Outlook than Zimbra had.
- Will turn off Zimbra system at the end of this semester, which will free up 18TB of storage and improve other applications and run on SSD space.
- Heather E thanked ITS for the smooth switchover, especially during CARES.
ACLSG Recommendation – Angela Neria
- Purchased LabStats to monitor campus computer labs. Used peaked usage data for reporting.
- Chromebooks and iPads can’t be tracked by LabStats.
- PSU is extremely over licensed on some software packages and savings can be gained for areas across campus..
- Recommended eliminating oldest machines first, and waterfall good machines where needed, for instance when an employee needs a replacement computer.
- Every area is asked to have 12 and 24 month milestones. (Library has 12/24/36 month milestones)
- Randy W commented that he gives mediated tests, so he uses laptop carts for these. (7 times in 16 weeks). Problem he sees with sharing carts is having a scheduling problem based on set course schedule.
- ACLSG group recommended that the Deans work with their faculty to think about ideas and solutions.
- Randy W offered that some schools make a requirement for bringing own devices.
- Austin – Will S2 be available for Macs? S2 is working on this and it is coming but not 100% yet.
- Randy W says managing laptop carts is difficult, because there isn’t a contact person managing the carts. COT manages them department by department, so there are several different ways they are being managed. Angela commented that many institutions use a scheduling system for faculty/staff for all sorts of labs.
- AN commented that checkout of machines was researched and discussed with other institutions including Emporia State and Wichita State. There are vending machines that can facilitate this. RW suggested looking at what Washburn is doing about loaning devices.
- Manny asked if PSU had a place to check out laptops, as she is facing this problem since her laptop has broken down and can’t afford to purchase a new one.
- The full report, presentation and data were shared with ITC by Angela Neria. In addition, Angela summarized the data and recommendations for the group.
Pitt State Pathway System Demo – Jeff Burns
- Olson wanted a new schedule and degree audit by mid-April, which was not doable in such a short time frame.
- Degree Audit – complete rewrite – found some discrepancies in Admin system that needed to be fixed.
- Old degree audit wouldn’t work with new Pathways system. Results and output now offer much more information, some needed by KBOR. Also working on making this mobile friendly.
- Also working on a roadmap so students can map 4 years.
- Randy W commented that some courses aren’t guaranteed to be offered in the future.
- Randy R commented that planning future needs of course offerings would be beneficial part of roadmap.
- Randy W asked if there is an option for students to look at “what if” they change their major. Jeff answered that there will be a “what if” option. It is in development now.
- Schedule of Courses – Wanted to make mobile friendly. After Pathway was done, went on to refresh Course Schedule.
- Course Schedule and Degree Audit were demo’d by Jeff Burns for the group.
Please find the Prezi used during the meeting:
April 11, 2019
CHECK Conference 2C – Barbara Herbert
- CHECK - Conference on Higher Education Computing in Kansas
- Annual conference hosted by Regent schools plus Washburn
- Sponsors cover cost of conference; registration is free
- 21 presentations over 2 days – presentations offered on a variety of topics related to Technology
- Good opportunity to collaborate/network with other institutions and learn from what others are doing
- PSU has been selected for 5 presentations
- PSU is hosting this year in Overman Student Center. Tour of B22 evening of May 22nd and 23rd.
- Link:
IT Project Update – Luecrita Haraughty
- Pitt State Pathway – Phase I - Developer team is currently working on this project. Created class schedule specifically for these courses, which will be rolled to other schedules in future.
- Published but not marketed yet. Still some changes to make it user friendly for students/advisors.
- Degree Audit will change as a result. Hope to have ready by next spring.
- Road Map to help students see what their 4 year schedule will look like; better planning for university.
- Shared look and features of Pathway. Still working on fine tuning with committee.
- Mobile friendly. Several students have experimented with Pathway to see if it is user friendly.
- Filtering and search capabilities are in the works.
- Vinnie asked if there will be a red-flag to notify or alert if there is not enough time to get from one building to another. Lue will take this idea back to committee.
- Very short time-line. Met first time in January; first deadline was met April 1st.
- Not ready to publish yet. During times Devs are working on it, it might be slow to respond.
- Link in Prezi:
- Outlook – New email client
- Part of Office 365 – Moving away from Zimbra. Breakover dates August 3rd & 4th
- A migration tool, CloudMigrator, is being used with an ITS test group currently.
- Hopeful to be able to move all historical emails.
- Hazel asked about importing calendars. Angela commented that other schools have warned us against trying to import calendars, as connections in calendars don’t transfer.
- Hazel asked about historical calendar staying in place. Zimbra will be open for about 12 months for reference. Re-entry will be necessary for future calendar dates.
- Instructions/trainings will be available to help PSU transfer to Outlook. First line of support will be to get PSU devices migrated. Then personal devices.
- ITS will send out benefits of Outlook Migration information.
- Question – What percentage of people open BulkE? ITS meets with every Dean/Chair each semester. It was suggested to use text messages or other ways to alert campus of the changes. ITS will also send a physical notice to snail mail boxes.
- Vinnie – Can ITS put a banner up to remind people, like the password banner?
- ITS is working on an extensive plan to make sure people are trained and ready for migration.
- Bulk-E will eventually go away.
- Abbi Fern has agreed to help us keep PSU updated about the migration with social media.
- Directions will be available.
- Trainings close to contract dates.
- Will be asking for volunteers to assist with training over the summer.
- Upcoming Pipeline projects
- Financial Assistance
- Online programs
- Some projects might be farmed out to outside firms to work on. ITS works with DevSquared on some projects.
- Scott – Hobsons has partnered with Microsoft. Application options should be available through Microsoft Office package in May. Oracle offers an option. TargetX has a CRM program that has application, but costs $80,000 per year.
- Outlook Migration Link:
ITEC Policy Update – Angela spoke for Amanda Williams
- State policies have been updated, so some changes will be necessary.
- Multi Factor Authentication will be required.
- Passwords will be longer.
- CampusGuard – ITS contracts with them to check for PCI compliance. This is needed to allow us to take credit/debit cards on campus. The more money we receive, the more complicated this becomes.
- Some procedural updates are needed around campus. ITS and CampusGuard will work with these departments to help update.
Computer Lab Update
- Data shows people are using campus computers very little.
- Carts were used very little.
- Committee will look at data after spring info is in. Then will probably look at each college and make a suggestion to Dean/Faculty to work through solutions and where labs are needed or should be phased out.
- Might need labs that are “testing centers”.
- Last year Academic Affairs spent over $600K for lab machines.
- Students in annual survey report more often that they don’t use labs.
- Direction of committee will probably be giving major recommendations, but specifics will be left up to colleges.
Review of ITC Goals/Objectives/Action Items – ITC Members were emailed the Policy Information for Review
- Revisions are in the works.
- SIS system – Great starting point.
- Financial assistance package that isn’t homegrown would be advantageous as Federal changes take effect, the package would automatically update instead of us updating.
- Space Utilization
- Lots of complete and ongoing items.
- Please look at this document between now and the end of school year and let us know if changes are needed.
- It’s almost time for a new plan.
Next Meeting will be in September 2019
February 11, 2019
LPA Update 3A2d – Amanda Williams
LPA audited PSU last March. They reported eight high and critical findings, which the auditors indicated were “middle of the road”.
- Outdated software and computers not updated – Vulnerability scanning is now being done once a month to find if updates haven’t happened. Working with techs to make sure updates are happening and that campus is consistent. This is complete with the goal met.
- Security Training –Every employee is now required to complete yearly. This is complete with the goal met.
- Proper data handling. Laptop encryption not mandatory yet, but ITS highly encourages this if you are taking machines anywhere, especially out of USA. Amanda will be working with campus on IT best practices for those taking University IT resources out of the country.
- A way to send sensitive info securely, not by email, is currently being tested with HRS.
- Data Center access – Background checks had been grandfathered in for some employees. Now access to data center requires background checks. This is complete with the goal met.
- Two factor authentication is being researched. Now in preliminary stage of this project. This will help keep credentials safe. This is not required however all regents are going down this path as it soon may be required.
CTLT Update On New Products 2E – Brenda Frieden
Academic Affairs has purchased two products for faculty use.
- VidGrid – Very intuitive - Capture screen reporting software that is used within Canvas. Available on the left toolbar. Taking place of Techsmith Relay, which had a limited number of accounts. Susan and Jennifer are offering training.
- Just purchased; not implemented yet. Will also work with Canvas. Video conferencing that faculty is welcome to use.
Library Remodel and Public Computer Update 1B3
- Basement phase of remodel is close to complete. It now has additional study rooms and a classroom. Very convertible to a large space for up to 100 people.
- Most exterior windows will be replaced.
- Phase 4 of the library remodel will start this summer. It will impact 75% of the first floor. Final design will be approved soon. Downsizing computers on first floor to a realistic number. Several old machines were replaced.
IT Project Update: Gen Ed Work, Outlook, and more 1,2,3 – AN reported for Luecrita H
- Development area – More projects than manpower. ITS is down four Developer positions to date. Two Dev Is have just been hired and will start February 25th. The two remaining positions will stay vacant. Devs being interviewed take a problem solving test in addition to regular interview.
- The number of projects is rising. New system purchases on campus must be integrated by Devs. ITS uses a Pipeline chart to organize and plan projects.
- Projects include:
- Gen Ed changes. Degree Audit rewrite impact.
- System maintenance updates
- Tickets – Lots of tickets. Approximately 40% of time spent on tickets. 40% on projects. Meetings 10%. Extraneous things 10%.
- In queue currently –
- GUS Cloud Recruit
- UPPS – ticket tracking upgrade. Will be able to pay everything online. No more payments handled at UPPS. Cash payments will be handled by Cashiers office.
- Software 2
- Block 22
- Moving email to Outlook
- Official Requests – Not in queue yet
- Teach Program (AA)
- Psychology Online Application (AA)
- International Upload of Student Documents (AA)
- PELL Accounting Process Changes (ADF)
- EDR (Adv)
- KBOR KSPSD Reporting – 2018 Fall & AY 2019 (AA)
- SEHP Daily Feed, BERF (ADF)
- Nursing Onling Application (AA)
- ITS will facilitate work between departments and outside contractors hired to implement systems.
- Unofficial Requests list was shared with the ITC group.
CHECK2019 Conference 2C – May 22nd and May 23rd
- PSU last hosted CHECK in 2013, which is a yearly IT conference for all higher ed institutions. PSU is expecting 150 people this year. Great networking event featuring tracks of IT topics. Campus is encouraged to share proposals of unique things to present. Participants don’t have to be in IT to attend. Free. Tour of B22 Wednesday evening. Dinner at Frisco Depot catered by Chicken Mary’s. If you or a student are interested in submitting a proposal, sign up at Speaker will be Brian “BAM” McClendon, who is an American software designer, developer, and engineer. He was a co-founder and angel investor in Keyhole, Inc., a geospatial data visualization company that was purchased by Google in 2004 to produce Google Earth.
Policy Review 3A See Link:
- Review the above and send Angela a note by March 1st if you have any concerns so it can be discussed at the next ITC meeting.
WF18 Computer Lab Data 1B3.
- Very general data was shared at ITC. Each of the Deans has been sent very specific data and asked to share with Faculty and Chairs as they see fit. Computer Lab committee is meeting to review data monthly.
- If there is data ITC would like to see on this topic, let Angela know. If LabStats can deliver the data, she is happy to share it.
- Still a lot of details to think about. Location, size, software, tools. Phasing things in and out. What would the impact of large labs going away be? Impact to other labs on campus? Does campus need a Testing Center?
- Functionality of some labs was brought up as an issue. For instance – if there is a broken printer in a lab, that lab is less likely to be used. Angela noted that if there were less labs, perhaps that would allow funding that could ensure that the labs are of higher quality with a true equipment upgrade cycles that would ensure working resources for our students.
- Planning needed for the future of better labs at PSU.
- COT has a tech fee that is much lower than peer institutions. This is being reviewed. However, that tech fee does help support COT machine upgrades for computers, printers, and others types of equipment.
CARES will be a huge factor for consideration.
November 6, 2018
Group Work – Attendees split into three groups and discussed all of the following items for 12 minutes per topic. Suggestions were written down.
- IT Project Management - Luecrita
- LPA Work - Amanda
- Computer Lab Data – Tim and Angela
Campus IT Updates
- Virtual PSU: Enrollment Management Services
- Howard and Scott shared 360* tour. They can edit and grow this app. $12,000 spent to start the project. Has sound in some places; currently offered in English, Spanish and Chinese. Interactive tool that offers maps, etc. If a department wants changes, email Howard and ask. Might be a fee if large changes wanted.
- Event system search committee: Internal Auditors Office
- La Donna Flynn is leading the committee to research and select event software for campus.
- Annual Campus Surveys out now: ITS and CTLT
- Nov required IT training begins: ITS
- Web site for students with machine specs by major: ITS
- Each college should specify what type of computer/equipment is suggested for their major.
September 24, 2018
In attendance: Angela Neria, Hazel Coltharp, Austin Coughlin, Vince Daino, Christina Davis, Scott Donaldson, Ashleigh Elbert, Brenda Frieden, Praveen Guraja, Luecrita Haraughty, Diane Letner, Dai Li, Kelly Manley, Jim Otter, Sara Peak, Tracy Rampy, Randy Roberts, Brad Stefanoni, Randy Winzer, Gail Yarick, Tim Pearson, Amanda Williams.
ITC Mission
- Shared mission statement.
- Reminded ITC members that it’s important for each member to share ITC information with their groups/areas and bring feedback back to ITC.
- Members shared their name, ITC representation and a fun fact about themselves.
Angela shared an IT Prezi and spoke about different areas of IT support on campus and which each area reports to.
Current IT Strategic Plan – Angela Neria (Plan was sent to members via email)
- Built by ITC to represent all campus stakeholders.
- Involved IT stakeholders from across campus.
- Tied to the University IT Strategic Plan.
- SWOT analysis utilized. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)
- Goal 1 – Expand Information Technology Resources
- Expand access to technology resources beyond the walls of campus.
- Software2 is in place.
- Desktop Virtualization is in place. (scaled)
- Research and pilot the use of an online technical support chat tool. (Done Spring 18)
- Seek funding solutions based on IT Cost Recovery Study.
- Applied for and received USAC Healthcare Connect Grant in FY17 and FY18. Have applied for in FY19.
- Institute new residence hall design and pricing. Completed.
- Goal 2 – Support Academic and Operational Excellence through Technology
- Select and implement a new Student Information Systems.
- Create technology conducive learning spaces.
- Assist the campus community in embracing existing and emerging technologies.
- Explore additional forms of technical assistance to support University online course offerings, as those offerings increase.
- Expand access to instructional design resources.
- Goal 3 – Implement Innovative and Sustainable Technology
- Standardize campus technology processes to create efficiency while maintaining our University mission and goals.
- Create an IT infrastructure and Development plan for campus that meets the increasing demands of campus clients.
- Enhance campus feedback loop to promote technology innovation.
18-19 FY Focus Areas
- Move to Outlook Email Fall ’19. Tim Pearson spoke to this topic.
- Tim Pearson – Currently researching how difficult it will be to migrate stored emails from Zimbra to Outlook. Quotas will go away; can store as much email as you want. This will save University funds in storage.
- Randy Winzer would like ITS to communicate to faculty and campus ASAP about Zimbra calendar entries possibly not transferring to Outlook seamlessly. Tim and Angela explained that until migration tools are tested there is not enough information to share with campus regarding calendar migration and what may or may not transfer to Outlook seamlessly.
- How will Outlook interact with Canvas? Exchange should be the same as Zimbra. Still testing.
- IT Security in response to the LPA Audit Summer ’19. Amanda Williams spoke to this topic.
- IT Security Audit was performed at PSU in the spring by LPA.
- Security Training is now required for all employees, GAs and student employees. If not done by October 31st, their account will be locked. Amanda will send emails to remind people to complete training. It takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
- Computer updates – Many campus computers were behind on updates. Please restart your computers and allow to update when prompted. Update software and browsers when asked to. End of life software puts the entire University network at risk.
- Office security checks. Make sure that hard copies of sensitive/confidential information are shredded or placed in a secure bin. Don’t place in unsecured receptacles.
- Hard Drive Encryption – Contact your tech if you have confidential info on your computer so that they can encrypt it for you.
- This information is going out to campus now and will continue to be released in preparation for LPA’s next visit.
- Computer Lab Study and Recommendation Summer ’19. Angela Neria spoke to this.
- Scott has asked a committee to study campus computer labs.
- ITS purchased LabStats to collect PSU computer lab data, and also sent surveys to lab owners to collect information that LabStats might not see. The committee will watch the data for 1 year to understand the big picture.
- The committee has been communicating with campus; face-to-face and via direct email about this study.
- The committee would like to define a lab and define mediated classrooms. The committee will define this as they learn more from the lab owners’ surveys and the LabStats data.
- The committee hopes to use many support tools for students including Software2, virtualization, and possibly checkout laptops for those in need.
- Software2 in place Fall ’19. Tim Pearson spoke to this.
- Access to certain software is based on the student’s credentials, and allows access depending on what classes and software needed.
- Special exceptions are available if needed as requested by instructors.
- Complete Foundry IT at Block 22 Fall ’18. Angela Neria spoke to this.
- Anticipated completion date is before end of fall ’18 semester.
Next meeting tentatively 11.6.18 in 316 Hughes Hall. Angela can meet with members individually that are unable to attend an ITS meeting. Angela explained that with a group this large it is very difficult to get every member to every meeting every time. Therefore, if special meetings are necessary she will work with members to set those up.
ACTION – AN send a Doodle poll to check alternative ITC meeting times and dates.
ACTION – AN to share Prezi with ITC
April 5, 2018
ITC Meeting Minutes 4.5.18
In Attendance: Angela Neria, Luecrita Haraughty, Dr. Mary Carol Pomatto, Kylie Edgecomb, Dr. Howard Smith, Erin Sullivan, Randy Roberts, Sara Peak, Tish Potter, Dr. Dai Li, Kim Little, Khamis Siam, Tracy Rampy, Caleb Thompson
IT Project Update – Luecrita Haraughty
- Oracle/GUS Cloud: Goals and performance management modules and Planning and Budget are complete. All USS and Unclassified will need to put in goals and have performance eval completed. Job aids are available
- Block 22: Work progressing, network and telephone cable being pulled. Lot of things happening.
- Infrastructure Upgrade: Migration of data, server, and computer power has been completed to the new system. Real-time back-up is happening at Kelce, Axe, and WSU. The old SAN will be moved to KTC for an additional daily backup.
- ImageNow: Finishing the SOW and Master agreement to begin the project. Still on target to launch at fall break. Training will be done in advance to assure users are ready
- KBOR KSPSD Annual reporting: KBOR may be changing the date this report is due moving it from Sept. 1 to Aug. 1. Universities have pushed back as this date is at the beginning of the semester and not a good time. Schedule to have a confirmed date on 4/5/18.
- Software 2: Planning to select lab computers ready with Software 2 by Jan. 2019. Students will need to be setup to ensure they have access to all the programs they need for their course work. Spring and Summer 18 will be used to identify software and processes.
IT Policy Review 3C
- No changes to the policies from ITC and LPA has not recommended any changes at this time.
- Any changes suggested by the LPA will be brought to the council next year for review.
Computer Lab Use Research 1B
- Study group will be formed. Dr. Scott, Dr. Olson, and ITS Leadership have determined group members.
- The group will have recommendations by end of Fall 18 on how to move forward with number of computer labs on campus.
- Angela shared some numbers to consider:
- Reduction of half the labs in 3 years would save $1M for the university.
- Forty-eight percent of students have said they do use campus computer labs.
- Group will collect data to see if they are true labs/classrooms or exactly what they are being used for.
- Purchase Labstats this summer and begin looking at data
- PSU needs to provide an option for students that do not have computers, example lease program, check out stations, etc.
- Mobile labs will be looked into as well.
ITC changes in membership
- FSIS Committee has been dissolved.
- ITC will add 2 more faculty members with a total of 4 with 1 from each college, one will at least be a senator.
- Angela Neria will go to President’s Council about who to add to ITC for the next two years.
LPA audit 3A, 3B
- Exit interview has 7 areas. Auditors scanned the network and touched any device connected to device on the PSU network, IP address. They checked operating systems and made sure that all OS is at supported status.
- We have many machines without up-to-date operating systems/browser etc. Main area of issue is in the academic area.
- PSU is required to work on getting this up-to-date. These machines have to be fixed, they are a security risk. This needs to be done by summer 2019.
- Policy – PSU has done a great job but not all campus IT professionals are following the policies and this must be changed.
- Phishing – Auditors sent out phishing to 90 peoples email that could be harvested from our web site. Only one person failed to the phishing. This was very good.
- Social engineering – How is PSU treating private data on campus? Auditors looked for passwords on notes, checked trash cans, and shredding information. There was two areas that were of risk. Shred boxes are a concern. Then should not be temporary shred/recycle boxes. The information/paper needs to go directly to the secure shred bin.
- Overall auditors said PSU is middle of the road.
- Angela Neria and Amanda Williams will go to Topeka in late April/May for report on our overall status. The auditor’s findings will be done for the LPA committee.
D&I Changes
- Development and implementation changes. Decrease in developers over the last year. Retirement and unfilled positions will allow us to give some money back to budget cuts and allow us to hire 2 junior developers.
- Ways ITS will deal with less workforce, won’t be able to work on as many projects and President’s Council will determine university priorities.
- Also the developers are doing Pitt Crews in the afternoons in ITS. This is collaborations and working to complete tickets and projects tasks efficiently. Going very well.
IT Strat. Plan Update (watch email)
- Brenda Frieden and Angela Neria are tasked with reviewing our IT strategic plan to see if we are on target and how to adjust due to funding, etc.
- Email will be coming out so ITC knows where we stand on the strategic plan
Goodbyes and Thank you's!
- Angela thanked all members and recognized those ending a 2 year term:
- Kylie Edgecomb
- Misty Gorman
- Kim Little
- Lucy Lotspeich
- Taylor Panczer
- Sara Peak
- Mary Carol Pomatto
- Tish Potter
- Tracy Rampy
- Khamis Siam
- Erin Sullivan
- Caleb Thompson
- Certificates handed out
- Cake was served.
February 26, 2018
ITC Meeting Minutes 2.26.18
In Attendance: Angela Neria, Kylie Edgecomb, Luecrita Haraughty, David Hurford, Dai Li, Kim Little, Taylor Panczer, Sara Peak, Tish Potter, Randy Roberts, Melinda Roelfs, Khamis Siam, Erin Sullivan, Mary Carol Pomatto, Lucy Lotspeich. KW took minutes.
IT Project Update - Luecrita Haraughty
- 17 Open projects, 3 to 4 in waiting.
- Oracle/GUS Cloud implementation is continuing. HCM Goals and Performance Management is going on now. Job aids and videos will follow. Will be able to enter job goals and line managers will be able to do performance evaluations.
- Currently finishing Planning & Budget portion. Heading for live environment.
- Taleo – Recruitment piece of GUS. HR is still working on things, so ITS portion is holding for now.
- COB is starting a Professional Online MBA program. Kickoff meetings in next few weeks. ITS will provide them with a lot of data.
- Continuing to work on KBOR reporting. There will be changes in summer meetings and reporting.
- Old SAN (SSD drive) storage is being replaced by Vista/Hedvig, a cloud that is private to PSU. Data will be migrated soon. In testing process now. Most was paid for with grant money.
- ImageNow will be upgraded to version 7. Fall break is target date. Allows departments to scan and have an electronic file cabinet instead of printing.
- Academics is searching for a better way to look at course evaluations and perform them online. Task force meetings going on now.
ITC Printing Suggestions 1A, 1B, 2C, 2D, 3A (Group Work)
- Scott asked that ITC brainstorm on how to print less and create ideas to lower costs of printing. Last year PSU spent over $135K for toner. New copiers are 75% to 95% less expensive per print job.
- ITC spent 10 minutes discussing ideas. Below are their responses.
- Policies for personal printing (no printing for personal reasons)
- Toner/paper quotas
- Top down initiative
- Combining departments for copiers
- Not printing syllabi
- Tests (some online / Canvas)
- ImageNow – utilize workflow
- Better utilize Canvas (no more printed assignments)
- Smarter printing – fonts, print front/back, use programs other than Word. (i.e. In Design)
- Use recycled paper
- Donate paper
- Eliminate need to print document, then scan using copier.
- Air Ink? Toner from emissions.
- Collaboration on Yammer, SharePoint training and other tools.
- Faculty require less printing for assignments
- Upload assignments and documents to Canvas, Google Docs, etc.
- Committee and Senate agendas/minutes not printed.
- Security items sent to copier or networked printers. Train on security codes for release of sensitive documents.
Computer Lab Use Research 1B
- Part of ITC security plan. What labs are being used or not used? Dr. Scott gave ITS the directive to look at finding savings.
- Currently PSU has 79 labs/kiosks. 1570 computers on campus, which equals 4.5 students per computer.
- ITS hopes to install LabStats to monitor what software is being used on campus and how often. This might help decrease licensing and help make decisions.
- If PSU stopped replacing half of the computers, we would save approximately $1,000,000 in three years, considering the software costs that are needed to realize this plan.
- All other Regent schools are either on this path or have made reductions.
- Mary Carol Pomatto - Each nursing student pays between $500 to $1000 in standardized testing fees, as they can’t test on their personal machines. Mary Carol asked that the committee carefully consider specialized situations.
- Scott has asked AN to create a committee to research this.
- IDEA – Check how enrollment would be impacted? For instance, when 30 students come to enroll at once, they each need a spot, which eliminates individual appointment times.
ITC changes in membership
- FSIS Committee is considering dissolving, with the idea that two more faculty members be added to ITC. This would mean that there would be one faculty member from each of the 4 colleges on ITC with at least one being a Senator. This would likely make ITC more diverse and enrich our conversations/planning/etc.
LPA audit 3A, 3B
- PSU is the only Regent that hasn’t been through LPA visit yet. LPA is on site the week of March 5th.
- This will help guide PSU on what to do to be more secure.
FY 18 IT Surveys 2C, 3C - attached for your review
- We are now looking for trend data from four years of data.
- More people took the survey this year than previous years.
- Question from Sara Peak was posed about how those that responded to the survey rated email. 70%+ were in favor of changing to Outlook. Angela said that ITS will begin evaluating a move to Outlook and learn from others that have made this move before proposing it as a Project.
IT Policy Review 3C
- ITS looked through these policies, and didn’t see anything that needs changed.
- AN asked ITC Council to review these policies and let us know if they would like to suggest any changes by March 9th.
PSU's ITS recognized by Adobe! 3C
Adobe Creative Cloud wrote an article about PSU’s deployment of Active Directory to utilize third-party products.
November 15, 2017
ITC Meeting Minutes 11.15.2017 –
In Attendance:
Angela Neria, Luecrita Haraughty, Dr. Mary Carol Pomatto, Dr. Peter Rosen, Taylor Panczer,
Kylie Edgecomb, Tracy Rampy, Dr. Howard Smith, Erin Sullivan, Randy Roberts, Hilary Unruh,
Lucy Lotspeich, Melinda Roelfs, Sara Peak, Tish Potter, Dr. Dai Li, Kim Little.
Guest Speaker: Tim Pearson
Angela Neria started the meeting.
1. Luecrita Haraughty gave the IT Project update:
Discussed ongoing payroll work and Oracle testing phase of budget and
performance goals.
There are 20 open projects actively worked on.
Finished annual KBOR report, data warehouse and 1098 T’s.
Discussed Block 22.
Future upgrade on ImageNow.
Continued testing on Software2 app.
2. Randy Roberts spoke about the Axe Library third floor renovation:
The University Authors event held on the third floor November 14, 2017 and
opened to students November 15, 2017.
Patiently waiting on furniture.
Will have a print release station.
There will be many USB and charging ports available.
3. Guest Speaker Tim Pearson discussed the SAN (storage area network) Replacement:
Replacement SAN will be paid for with KANRen Grant.
4. Follow up trainings on PrintSmart Brown Bags:
If your department wants one on one training please let ITS know! Contact
Angela or Becky Qualls.
Upcoming Brown Bags held in Overman Student Center Kansas Room 1, 12-1pm.
o Nov. 30 – Adobe Forms
o Jan. 10 - New Copier Systems
5. VPN website:
The VPN policy has been approved. Information to be released to campus soon!
6. Pitt Start website in progress:
Dell and Apple offer special pricing and promotions for Pittsburg State University's students, faculty, staff and alumni!
Students urged to check with advisors for the type of computer needed for
Please share website comments with Angela.
7. EDUCAUSE 2017:
Angela Neria, Jeff Burns, Becky Qualls and John Kuefler attended the November
conference. Becky presented a poster session on Training. Angela, Jeff and John
presented “Fostering Innovation at Every Level centering on professional
8. E&I National Award for Active Directory login credentials presented to Jeff Burns, John
Kuefler and Nathanial Shaw.
September 28, 2017
ITC Meeting Minutes 9.28.2017 –
In Attendance: Angela Neria, Sara Peak, Luecrita Haraughty, Dr. Mary Carol Pomatto, Dr. Peter
Rosen, Brenda Frieden, Randy Roberts, Erin Sullivan, Tish Potter, Dr. Khamis Siam, Misty
Gorman, Hilary Unruh, Lucy Lotspeich, Dr. Dai Li, Taylor Panczer, Kylie Edgecomb.
Guests: Becky Qualls, Tracy Holzem, Luecrita Haraughty, Amanda Williams, Eric Springer.
Angela Neria started the meeting.
- Introductions:
Dr. Peter Rosen (Chair and Associate Professor Accounting and Computer
Information Systems) and Taylor Panczer (Program Coordinator for Campus
Activates) are new to ITC this year.
- Luecrita Haraughty gave an IT Project update:
A large portion of GUS Cloud (Finance and Procurement and HR) completed.
Now working on other projects such as KBOR Reporting, IPEDS Outcome
Measure Report, Campus Communication Log (tracking student retention),
Collegiate Link Software for Student Organizations (Gorilla Engagement),
Maxient Phase 2 (Student conduct – will now have class schedule and photos),
Parking Registration Update and ImageNow upgrade.
- Becky Qualls and Tracy Holzem presented Gorilla Geeks Chat Demo:
Gorilla Geeks Chat is on GUS Portal, Canvas, and the IT Support Portal.
Powered by Skype so screen share and adding others to the conversation is
Gorilla Geeks Chat will not replace Gorilla Geeks but instead instantly answer
questions online. Becky and Tracy help when needed but the Gorilla Geeks are
who mainly receive notifications.
When chat session is over conversations logged and tickets created.
- Becky and Tracy presented the new IT Support website:
Here you can request services and view general support.
Any time you submit a ticket you can see ticket detail.
New to PSU information for faculty and staff. Will soon have a New to PSU for
- Eric Springer and Amanda Williams discussed VPN Policy:
Discussed changes made to policy due to flexible schedules. You now no longer
need your supervisors’ approval. Office of Information Services has changed
department name to Information Technology Services. Also modified
consequences section of policy.
Faculty and staff are encourage to use VPN when logging on for secure
Amanda said acceptance of the policy might happen twice a year during
password changes.
- Angela presented the Print Smart website:
Brown bags scheduled to educate on helpful tools such as ImageNow,
SharePoint, OneDrive, Canvas, Adobe Forms, Skype and Yammer.
Be on the lookout for Mr. Bulk-e Tech Tips!
ITS working with Marketing and Communication to promote Print Smart with a
video featuring President Scott.
- Angela presented the PITT Start website.
This website is not live yet but will be an IT resource for students, staff and
Will feature computer and software purchasing information and will offer
education discounts on other products as well.
The next ITC Meeting will be November 15, 2017
Hartman Room 332A
April 20, 2017
ITC Meeting Minutes 4.20.2017 –
In Attendance: Angela Neria, Tish Potter, Barbara Herbert, Dr. Khamis Siam, Sara Peak, Jamie
Compton, Randy Roberts, Kylie Edgecomb, Caleb Thompson, Brenda Frieden, Dr. Dai Li, Hilary
Guest Speaker, Amanda Williams
Angela Neria started the meeting.
ITC Agenda:
Feedback Needed:
Printing Efficiencies Guidelines
Bulk Purchasing
IT Lifecycle Policy
Campus IT Updates
Feedback Needed:
- Printing Efficiencies Guidelines – Help PSU Print Smart!
o Randy Roberts mentioned for retention reasons have Steve Cox from archives
weigh in on this.
o Angela will take to Presidents Council
- Bulk Purchasing -
o News about Dell – Locked in contract pricing for bulk purchasing July 2017
through July 2018.
o We hope to work with more companies in this manner. Brenda Frieden said they
buy many Epson projectors, maybe can bulk purchase in this way.
- IT Lifecycle Policy - Angela discussed IT Lifecycles Policy regarding End of Life and
Best Practices and the IT Lifecycle Policy Task Force. Voted that this policy be taken to
President’s Council.
Campus IT Updates:
- Block 22 IT Task Force Update
o Barbara Herbert and Angela Neria discussed wiring, security and IT needs for
Block 22.
o GUS App Store Pilot Application – Nine faculty involved, only area who did not
apply was the College of Education. Software 2 representatives were on campus
last week, worked with support and campus techs.
- Dorm Wifi Redesign Project
o As soon as students are out, access points will start to be put in. Six students
hired to help since this will be a solid summer project.
- New Ticketing System
o Barbara Herbert discussed Team Dynamix. Enhanced help desk features, chat
and chat reporting, asset and reporting component.
- GUS Cloud Status
o Starting third parallel payroll, and it’s looking very good! Training starts May 15,
2017. Fall training will be available for those who are not on campus this
summer. This fall there will also be the first Oracle upgrade, Release 12.
- IT Security Audit Updates
o LPA expected to be here this summer.
o Amanda Williams discussed audit changes including account lockout procedures
for Zimbra, Administrative System and Active Directory.
o Add verbiage to the ADFS login pages that will address conditions of access with
a link to our Acceptable Use Policy.
o Add user agreement button acknowledging the Acceptable Use Policy as part of
the password change process.
o Formal checklist for OIS hardware and software purchases. When working with
other departments we will encourage them to use this checklist as well.
o Add to the password policy a statement explaining the unnecessary permissions
for terminated employees/contractors is revoked in a timely manner.
- New Policies:
Information Technology Security Policy
Incident Response Plan
IT Lifecycles policy
March 16, 2017
ITC Meeting Minutes 3.16.2017 –
In Attendance: Angela Neria, Alex Wiedemann, Barbara Herbert, Dr. Dai Li, Dr. Howard Smith,
Dr. Khamis Siam, Dr. Mary Carol Pomatto, Kim Little, Kylie Edgecomb, Melinda Roelfs, Randy
Roberts, Sara Peak, Tish Potter, Tracy Rampy, Hilary Unruh
Angela Neria started the meeting.
- Campus IT Updates
- Group Work:
o Printing Efficiencies
o Bulk Purchasing
Campus IT Updates:
- Enrollment Management and Student Success Video Project – Dr. Howard Smith spoke
about the EMSS video project. Jacob Anselmi is the singular videographer on campus
and simply cannot make all the videos needed or requested. There has been training of
48 novices, equipment purchased, and video training. HHPR, Family and Consumer
Sciences, Nursing, and the Library are working on completing videos. SGA is now
involved, people are checking out the equipment left and right. Videos posted on
departmental websites and on You Tube.
- New Library Resources – Randy Roberts discussed the Axe Library remodel.
o Partial basement remodel as well as the expanded special physical collections is
completed. Adobe Creative Cloud on computers, video area available, and
equipment for check out, more seating space. The 3rd floor will be the next floor
to be remodeled. 3rd floor shelving will be halved, double seating space intended
to be a quite zone. Printing release station.
o Digitization program - digital program for electronic thesis, yearbooks, special
collections etc. In the past 18 months over 9,000 downloads produced at
Pittsburg State.
- Block 22 IT Task Force Update – Angela Neria
Task Force includes the City of Pittsburg, Housing, OIS, CIBD, Parking and Police, Physical
Plant, Facilities Planning, Campus Life, KTC. Covers (5) IT topics:
1. Security
2. IT support
3. Maker spaces
4. Telecom
5. Networking
- GUS App store Pilot Application
o - faculty can apply to use during summer and
- GUS Cloud Status and Alliance - Barbara Herbert
o Finance and Purchasing is completed. Core HR was completed the end of Feb.
Working on parallel payroll two weeks ahead of schedule. Go live is in July.
- Alliance – Higher Education Conference
o Barbara Winter, Angela Neria, Barbara Herbert presented a panel discussion
about implementing Oracle on campus.
IT Life Cycle Policy
IT lifecycle task force has met to pick up where we left off
- End of Life/Support for systems connected to the university network and for web
- Exception Form for consideration of exemptions
- Share best practices
Dr. Howard Smith asked about old equipment used at home. Angela said Techs need to know
where the equipment is and if there are upgrades available. Howard said the equipment was
lent out with the knowledge there would not be upgrades to these computers.
Printing Efficiencies
- A&M study response needed from ITC regarding printing efficiencies to be shared with
campus and KBOR.
- Share suggestions on how PSU can increase printing efficiencies and reduce costs long
- ITC members were asked to write ideas on post it notes on how to reduce printing. A
statement needs go out to campus regarding printing efficiencies to reduce costs.
Next meeting is April 20, 2017 in Hartman 332.
February 16, 2017
ITC Meeting Minutes 2.16.2017 –
In Attendance:
Angela Neria, Barbara Herbert, Brenda Frieden , Caleb Thompson, Dr. Dai Li, Dr. Howard Smith,
Dr. Khamis Siam, Dr. Mary Carol Pomatto, Erin Sullivan, Jaime Compton, Kim Little, Kylie
Edgecomb, Lucy Lotspeich, Melinda Roelfs, Randy Roberts, Sara Peak, Tish Potter, Tracy Rampy,
Hilary Unruh, Shawn Naccarato (guest speaker).
Angela Neria started the meeting
- Block 22 Update: Shawn Naccarato
a. Block 22 IT Task Force: Angela Neria
- GUS Cloud Status: Barbara Herbert
- Residence Hall Wifi Redesign Update: Angela Neria
- Efficiencies: Angela Neria
a. Software2 Pilot Applications
b. Chat Tool
c. Streamline purchases, printing, etc.
1. Block 22 Update – Shawn Naccarato presented Fostering Partnerships and an
Innovative Campus Culture.
Center for Innovation and Business Development – 1. Strategic alignment of educational
program strengths and lifelong talent development, 2. Economic development and quality of
place, 3. Research, knowledge and innovation strengths.
Block 22 is envisioned to be a unique, living learning community developed in partnership with
Pittsburg State University and the City of Pittsburg. It will combine 100+ units of student
housing with more than 16,000 square feet of innovation space for students to explore their
own entrepreneurial ventures, while also contributing to the success of local entrepreneurs.
The combination of residential space with the University CIBD offices and a new business
incubator will lead to greater economic revitalization for the community and endless learning
opportunities for students.
Buildings include the Commerce Building, Baxter Building, National Bank Building and the Opera
House Hotel.
The Commerce Building, aka The Foundry, will include CIBD offices, Social and Community
Spaces, Coffee Shop, Retail, Hacker/Maker, Incubator and Co-working Spaces.
Project Summary –
- Transformational opportunity for the university, students and community.
- Made possible through a partnership with City of Pittsburg, individual donors and
private developer.
- Leverages multiple tax-credit programs (some of which are underutilized in Kansas) to
minimize overall debt.
- Operated and managed by Pittsburg State University through a long-term lease.
- Does not require any additional university financing or state funding.
- Projected to be cash flow positive in first year and is financial sustainable at higher than
average vacancy rates.
a. Block 22 Task Force – Angela discussed Block 22 IT Task Force, which includes
members of OIS, the City of Pittsburg, Housing, CIBD, Parking and Police, Physical
Plant, Facilities Planning, Campus Life, KTC
2. GUS Cloud Status Update –
- Implemented Finance and procurement.
- There are two pieces to HCM, 1.Core HR and 2.Payroll.
o Core HR is completed and is set to go live next week.
o There will be three more cycles of parallel payroll testing, go live is July 1,
2017. Training for entering and approving time will start the first week of
May. There will be video training as well as hands on training.
o Sara Peak said starting this week changing any personal information in GUS
might interfere with the completed Core HR data. It is okay to view personal
info but do not change it. Dr. Howard Smith suggested this information go
out to campus.
3. Residence Hall Wifi Redesign –
- Angela said we are working closely with the Housing Department, tracking issues
currently facing students in the residence halls. The new design includes an
access point in each room.
4. Efficiencies –
a. Software 2 Pilot Applications – Information will begin going out to campus for all
those interested in applying.
b. Chat Tool – Dr. Howard Smith is very interested in discussing more with Angela.
c. Streamlining purchases, printing, etc.
Next meeting is March 16, 2017.
November 17, 2016
ITC Meeting Minutes 11.17.2016 –
In Attendance: Alex Wiedemann, Angela Neria, Luecrita Haraugty (in for Barbara Herbert), ,
Caleb Thompson, Dr. Howard Smith, Dr. Khamis Siam, Erin Sullivan, Jaime Compton, Kim Little,
Kylie Edgecomb, Melinda Roelfs, Randy Roberts, Sara Peak, Tish Potter, Hilary Unruh, Tim
Pearson (guest speaker).
Angela Neria started the meeting
- Campus IT Updates
- Group work –
GUS Cloud Update
Storage Alternatives for Campus
IT Plan Action Items
Campus IT Updates
Angela presented ECAR Student Study 2016 –
Educause Video – Top 10 IT Issues of 2016 –
GUS Cloud Update – Luecrita Haraughty
- GUS Cloud Finance and Procurement went live Oct. 1, 2016.
- Procurement office training on dashboard.
- Implementation done, now on to post support phase.
- Completed month end for October.
- Jay Hodges made a Finance, Procurement, and HR training material website.
- Monthly user groups meeting in the works.
- There is an online Yammer group for Finance and Procurement. Yammer was
very busy the first couple of weeks!
- Skype is also proving to be a very useful tool. Jamie Compton said to use the
support tools, this is fast help! Also use support extension 4850 and support
email address for additional support:
o Finance Support:
o Procurement Support:
o HR Support:
o General Support:
- GUS HR – Delayed implementation until March.
- Parallel testing is going on now.
- In GUS Cloud "Brush-off the Bell and Watch the Worklist". The Worklist is the
most reflective of the current status of all of your to do's.
OneDrive – Tim Pearson
- OneDrive – the control over who can see your documents is in your hands. You
can share your documents with whomever you want. You will give them the
option to view or manage the documents.
- The PDrive has 5 gbs of storage, with OneDrive it is virtually unlimited.
Software 2 App Store Demonstration and Discussions – Tim Pearson
- Software 2 – Campus software transferred to server, students go to an app store
to download software onto their machine.
- Student Convenience
- Online Courses
- Labs – There are 79 labs on campus. With Software 2 App Store, there will be
less need for so many labs; this equals cost savings and more room available on
- There is a trip scheduled November 16, 2016 to Missouri University of Science
and Technology. They use App Store campus wide. If interested in going please
contact Angela.
The next ITC Meeting will be January 19, 2017 in Kelce room 121.
October 20, 2016
ITC Meeting Minutes 10.20.2016 –
In Attendance: Alex Wiedemann, Angela Neria, Luecrita Haraugty (for Barbara Herbert), Brenda
Frieden, Caleb Thompson, Dr. Howard Smith, Dr. Khamis Siam, Erin Sullivan, Jaime Compton,
Kim Little, Kylie Edgecomb, Melinda Roelfs, Randy Roberts, Sara Peak, Tish Potter, Hilary Unruh,
Amanda Williams (guest speaker).
Angela Neria started the meeting –
Campus IT Updates
GUS Cloud Status –
o GUS Cloud Procurement and Finance went live Oct. 1, 2016.
o Developers are working on HR pay role for first pay period in December.
o Jaime Compton stated their biggest issue right now is reports being available
for end of month reporting.
o Angela discussed HR payroll and video training for campus.
o Marketing materials for GUS include support numbers, support email,
Yammer group, Skype.
Annual IT Survey:
o Student Survey and Faculty/Staff Survey released soon.
Catch Box – OIS now has two PSU Catch Boxes, other departments can check out for
use. Please contact Angela if interested in reserving one.
Cyber Security Awareness Month -
Amanda Williams presented cyber security tech tips and awareness scenarios.
The Cyber Security Oval Event will be 10.21.2016 from 10am – 1pm.
Gorilla Geeks 10 Year Anniversary Event –
In conjunction with the cyber security oval event, students can visit the Gorilla Geeks
to create a scripted snap chat video and/or bring in Ewaste for a chance to win a
Samsung tablet provided by CDW. First 25 students will receive a Geeks Est. 2006
tee shirt!
Software 2 App Store Demonstration and Discussions
Software 2 – Campus software transferred to server, students go to an app store
to download software onto their machine.
Student Convenience
Online Courses
Labs – There are 79 labs on campus. With Software 2 App Store, there is the
possibility of reducing labs that can’t be kept up to par with the latest updates
and offer major convenience to students; this equals cost savings and more
room available on campus.
There is a trip scheduled for November 16, 2016 to Missouri University of
Science and Technology. They use App Store campus wide. If interested in going
please contact Angela.
The next ITC Meeting will be November 17, 2016 in Room W110 in KTC, 9-10am.
September 15, 2016
ITC Meeting Minutes 9.15.2016 –
In Attendance: Angela Neria, Dr. Khamis Siam, Caleb Thompson, Dr. Mary Carol Pomatto, Randy Roberts, Dr. Howard Smith, Dr. Dai Li, Dr. David Kuehn, Tish Potter, Erin Sullivan, Alex Wiedemann, Sara Peak, Brenda Frieden, Kylie Edgecomb, Melinda Roelfs, Kim Little, Jaime Compton, Hilary Unruh.
Angela Neria started the meeting –
Mission Statement : Pittsburg State University seeks to create an environment that aggressively employs the application of emerging and proven technologies in support of all aspects of the university’s activities and initiatives. The Information Technology Council plays a critical role in creating this environment.
To do so, the ITC provides a mechanism for campus-wide input on the use of information technology resources. The council develops and recommends to the Presidents Council appropriate policies, standards and procedures that facilitate the effective and efficient use of these critical resources.
In addition, the council will develop an IT plane and oversee its implementation, ensuring the plan is in alignment with the university’s strategic plan.
Angela stressed that ITC members play a critical role in planning and meeting IT goals. She asked that all members be sure to take information shared at ITC to the groups that they represent and share their feedback with ITC.
- Introductions – Members of ITC stated their names, what group they represent while serving on ITC, and their history with PSU.
- University Strategic Plan -
Academic Excellence
Student Success
Campus Culture
- University IT Strategic Plan
- Built by ITC to represent all campus stakeholders
- Involved ITC stakeholders
- Goal 1 – Expand Information Technology Resources
- Objective A – Expand university technical support – need to be creative.
- Objective B - Seek funding solutions based on last year’s IT Cost Recovery Study.
- Goal 2 – Support Academic and Operational Excellence through Technology
- Objective A – Select and implement a new Student Information System.
- Objective B – Create technology conductive learning spaces.
- Objective C – Assist the campus community in embracing existing and emerging technologies.
- Objective D – Explore additional forms of technical assistance to support University online course offerings, as those offerings increase
- Objective E – Expand access to instructional design resources.
- Example - Did you know there are 79 computer labs on campus? It is hard to keep them up to date. Do we need that many labs? This is something ITC will help determine.
- Goal 3 – Implement Innovative and Sustainable Technology
- Objective A – Standardize campus technology process to create efficiency while maintaining our University mission and goals
- Objective B – Create an IT infrastructure plan for campus that meets the increasing demands of campus clients.
- Example - The dorms use 87% of internet from 10am – 2am. Most are using Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube.
- Objective C – Enhance campus feedback loop to promote technology innovation.
- Getting Involved - Members will receive a survey asking what they would like to be involved in. List what you are interested in to be paired up and to discuss in small groups with outside visitors in the future.
- Campus IT Updates –
- Randy Roberts –
- Remodel of Axe Library including expansion of special collections, new workstations, and digitization program.
- Created five additional rooms for students, faculty and staff for collaboration; some of these has audio and visual capabilities. To book and reserve the rooms online go to:
- Digital collections include faculty and staff research and thesis.
- OIS has a backup data server in the basement in the event of an emergency. There is also one off site at Wichita State. WSU is interested in having their backup at PSU as well.
- GUS Cloud Update –
- Angela Neria stated Go live for Finance and Procurement is Oct. 1, 2016. HR Go Live is Jan. 1, Multiple trainings taking place to learn the system. SWAT team selected to re adjust system and lead trainings.
Meeting Times –Angela will email a poll to receive feedback if flip flopping morning and afternoon every other month would work for members. The next meeting 10.20.2016 in the Champions Room in the Weede. Hilary will bring sugar free candy for Khamis J
April 21, 2016
ITC Meeting Minutes 4.21.2016
In Attendance: Angela Neria, Tracey Mussa, Erin Sullivan, Dai Li, Khamis Siam, Melinda Roelfs, Cody Lindbloom, Bruce Dallman, Brenda Frieden, Randy Roberts, Joe Enesch Hilary Unruh.
Angela Neria started the meeting –
- Celebration! Angela handed out certificates to each member congratulating them on an outstanding year.
- ERP Update –
- Timeline - May need to move go live date financials from July 1st to Oct. 1
- Keeping motivation high by having pizza parties, Woohoo Wednesday’s, taking breaks, having snakes and drinks available when working late.
- KU will be on campus April 29, 2016 to discuss Oracle. They are moving from PeopleSoft to Oracle.
- Training/Support – Finance training will start and be hands in the Overman Student Center. Trainings will also include videos and Yammer group for Oracle questions.
- IT Strategic Plan Review –
Goal 1 - Expand Information Technology Resources
Goal 2 - Support Academic and Operational Excellence through Technology
Goal 3 - Implement Innovative and Sustainable Technology
March 3, 2016
ITC Meeting Minutes 3.3.2016
In Attendance: Angela Neria, Barbara Herbert, Liz Mascher, Tracey Mussa, Erin Sullivan, , Sara Peak, Dai Li, Peter Rosen, Lee Young, Khamis Siam, Melinda Roelfs, Cody Lindbloom, Hilary Unruh.
Angela Neria started the meeting –
- Campus IT Updates
- Group Work: Themes, Action Items and Prioritization
- Evaluation of ITC for President’s Office
Campus IT Updates:
- ERP Update - Barbara Herbert
- The ERP project is going through 3 rounds of testing.
- The financial team is finishing up the second round of testing
- The third round should be completed by the end of this month.
- HCM (Human Resources) is now finishing up their configuration workshop and will begin testing.
- HR is set to go live Jan 1, 2017.
- IT Survey Results - Angela
Angela had printed survey results, these were handed out and main points were discussed.
- IT Lifecycle Update - Angela
Draft in place - Not released yet. Very simple, if it's at end of life, it cannot be on the university network for security purposes.
Presidents Counsel has shared additional membership recommendations.
- Federal Healthcare Connect Grant - Angela
• A not for profit has to apply for this Federal grant
• For this year, we are working with an Arkansas Consortium to apply– PSU would pay $1,500 if we receive the grant, if we do not receive the grant, Arkansas won't charge us $1,500
• 65% savings on Internet Service Provider (ISP) costs
• We are waiting to hear on the 2016 application
• KS Regent institutions are considering developing a KS consortium for a 2017 application
- KanShare Opportunity - Angela
Super computers (used for research), KU, K State and Wichita State have these and are asking if other Regents may find value in accessing them. Billed on usage. Angela asked if parties are interested to please let she or Tim Pearson know. Tim has also sent an email to the Academic Area to ask if there is any interest.
- IT Conferences - Angela
MHEC Tech Conference - Workshop in Chicago. 12 Midwest states that put together contracts *SEE OIS UPDATES.
Educause Conference - John K. presented with Ball state about the PSU app. Angela presented with Stanford about stakeholder groups choosing software packages for campus.
CHECK Conference – May. In Washburn. Proposals for presentations due March 18th.
- LPA IT Security Audit - Angela
KU, KS, Emporia have gone through the audit twice. PSU has not been asked until now. LaDonna Flynn has the LPA audit rubric OIS asked her to perform an internal audit on OIS so that we knew what to expect. In the end, LPA decided to hold off on auditing PSU until the ERP implementation is complete.
Group work -
- Reviewed the 3 Themes that arose from the IT Strategic Planning Results:
- Reviewed the Action Items
- Prioritized
January 14, 2016
ITC Meeting Minutes 1.14.2016
In Attendance: Angela Neria, Randy Roberts, Barbara Herbert, Liz Mascher,
Tracey Mussa, Erin Sullivan, Joe Ensch, Bruce Dallman, Sara Peak, Brenda Frieden, Josh McElhaney (conferenced in), Dai Li, Peter Rosen, Lee Young, Khamis Siam, Melinda Roelfs, Hilary Unruh.
Angela Neria started the meeting –
- Campus IT Updates
- SWOT Analysis Results and Group work.
Barbara Herbert and Angela shared Campus IT Updates
- ERP Update – There are four stages to the Oracle Cloud implementation. Finance 2. Human Resource 3. Budget and 4. Talent Management.
- Barbara stated the testing part of finance has been completed, testing and configuration for Human Resource (HCM) will begin February 1st and continue through February and March. Oracle will be on campus for three weeks. This is a completely different group of Oracle people and workshops than Finance. They will go over how the system works, the different screens used, and testing configuration.
- HCM will go live once configuration has been analyzed.
- Goals and performance management will begin once HCM goes live. Barbara Winter, Jim Hughes and staff have been heavily involved. Barbara and Jamie Compton will begin a traveling “roadshow” to talk to departments in small groups.
- The accounting process and chart of accounts will change through Oracle.
- Student tuition assessment and payment is being tested. There will be student communication and modification so they will not be impacted in a negative way.
- Melinda Roelfs asked if students will continue to pay by CashNet. Barbara answered yes, and the experience for the student will be similar but better. Student invoices will be easier to read for the students.
- Lee Young asked if there will be processes changed in the area of residence hall payments. Barbara said the assessment process will be on our end. We will assess, review the bill, send information to Oracle, and if there is an error the student will be able to see what the error was on their bill.
- Angela added that we have to look at data and make sure it is clean and correct.
- ABC Event System –
- ABC SignUp is who Advancement purchased the new event system though.
- We have 20 licenses available for purchase. Please contact Denise Quier @ 620-235-4762 or for more information.
- Becky Qualls has been offering trainings on the new system. 30 people have attended so far.
- There have been 30 events entered in the system, some are live events and some are examples for training.
- Popular features include copying an old or existing event, printing name tags, labels and signup sheets. The ABC Event Systems offers great reporting, and setting a limit for people registration.
- Gorilla Geeks will help set up events for those departments that only have one or two events per year.
- Liz Mascher asked if old events can still be seen in the old GUS event system. Barbara said yes, the event system in GUS has been disabled but old events can still be seen.
- My GUS Portal – Angela said the new My GUS Portal will go live Jan. 21, 2016.
- Feedback – there has been lots of positive feedback, especially from students.
- is where you can find the system in beta now
- SSO – Anything with a white check mark is single sign on.
- Khamis Siam asked how long the single sign on is open for until it times out. Angela said she will check with John Kuefler but believes that it varies. GUS times out after 40 minutes. Zimbra does not time out. Etc.
- Search Feature – Log into My GUS to access the search feature.
- Favorite Features – Search and bookmark favorite apps. There will be an online video available and a brown bag lunch will be offered for trainings on the new features.
- Angela showed examples of what she created under her Favorite Apps. The new features seem very easy to use and are mobile friendly.
- GusPrint –
- Lessons learned – Students liked using their mobile devices but did not like having to pre choose their print location. Now there is a new feature: Print Anywhere. They can print from any mobile device, select Print Anywhere, and release the job at ANY GusPrint release station once they arrive at the station of choice.
- The three library print stations are being used heavily but other locations such as the student center are not being used as much.
- To draw more attention to other locations there will be a PSA ran on CAPS 13.
- Brett Dalton will send out messages on social media
- Table tents will be placed in the student center.
- Tracey Mussa said there has been some usage in Hughes but not a lot. There was also complaints about color copy printing prices.
- IT Survey Results
- There was good feedback and the data is now being formatted into a more readable document.
- Vision for wifi/dorms – There is a rule against wireless printers and routers in the dorms. If there is a wireless issue, 95% of the time it is because they or their neighbor have a device that is interfering with the signals.
- 87% of internet use on campus is from dorms. There has not been a price increase on internet fees in 14 years.
- It was determined that cable is not being used as heavily in dorms, students are primarily streaming Netflix.
- Bruce Dallman asked what the distribution of fees is. Angela stated that the fees are based on the number of wired drops each department had 14 years ago. It’s based on the number of lines, not usage fees. Angela suggests internet fees become like a utility fee.
- According to the IT survey, students have no interest in attending IT trainings that are offered on campus outside of class
- IT Lifecycles Considerations –
- This is a concern that was identified by the ITC several years ago and is now getting some traction due to the importance of moving EOL items (especially OSs) off of the network for security reasons.
- We have a continued issues with supporting EOL items on the University network, which puts us in great danger as there are no security patches for these items.
- Surveyed techs and their current practices for end of life on software, hardware, etc.
- The hope is to create a policy focused on ensuring that campus is secure, hence the policy would focus on Operating Systems (OSs) and browsers at this time. The policy would need to be reviewed each year in order to stay abreast of threats, etc.
Next Angela went over the SWOT Results
- SWOT analysis report – Emerging themes :
- Related to collaboration
- Related to IT manpower
- Related to training clients, learning spaces, instructional design, etc.
- Related to campus culture as well as client skill/demands/comfort
- Related to mandate (KBOR, state, fed, accreditation, etc.)
- Related to budgets
- Related to IT standardization (systems, processes, etc.)
- Related to IT stability (systems, planning, disasters, threats)
- Related to communication efforts towards campus
- NOTE: Need more information to determine what the member was trying to express.
Angela broke everyone up into three groups.
Group Work:
- Define items in black. Give feedback for those items.
- Review Themes
- Are they accurate?
- How do they relate to PSU Goals?
- Does your group see any goals emerging from the themes? Please list.
The next ITC meeting is March 3rd 1:30 in the CTLT.