The Gorilla Card is your official identification card and is valid as long as you are an enrolled student or employed by the University.
A valid, government-issued photo ID must be shown before a Gorilla Card will be issued. One of the following will be accepted (no exceptions): driver's license, passport, military ID or State ID.
Your official name, as it appears in the University database, will print on your card. The name on the photo ID you present to the Card Center staff for verification must match.
Each student, employee, and affiliate is entitled to carry only one active card.
Students must be currently enrolled in order to receive a Gorilla Card.
Faculty and staff must have completed all required employment documents with Human Resources Services before a Gorilla Card will be issued.
Retired employees of Pittsburg State University are issued a Gorilla Card at the request of the President’s Office.
Affiliate employees will be issued a Gorilla Card at the request of the affiliate’s on-campus director.
Facial features must be visible in the photograph for the Gorilla Card. Sunglasses are not allowed when your photograph is taken for the Gorilla Card.
Your Gorilla Card does not expire.
A lost, stolen or misplaced Gorilla Card should be reported immediately to the PSU Gorilla Geeks Office during regular business hours or to the University Police after hours.
If your Gorilla Card is replaced due to loss or theft, the missing card is deactivated and cannot be reactivated should you find it at a later date. Only the latest card printed is valid.
The Gorilla Card is the property of Pittsburg State University and is nontransferable. It must be carried at all times and presented and/or surrendered to University officials upon request. Unauthorized use warrants confiscation and/or disciplinary action.
New employees and students are issued their first Gorilla Card free of charge.
All cardholders pay $20 for replacement of damaged, lost, or stolen cards.
Requests for a name change, resulting in the issuance of a replacement card, costs $20. If it is determined that a name is incorrect in the database due to the University's error, no charge will be assessed to the cardholder for a replacement card.
Protect your Gorilla Card from damage by keeping it in a wallet or other secure place.
We do not recommend that you lend your Gorilla Card to others to use.
Do not punch holes, affix stickers, or in any other way, make modifications to your Gorilla Card. Such practices may create problems when trying to use your card for official University business and/or ATM, vending, or card swipe functions.
Gorilla Cards are NOT to be used as collateral in exchange for reference material and/or products checked out to an individual.
If a Gorilla Card is found, it can be returned to Pittsburg State University, Gorilla Geeks, 109 Whitesitt, 1701 South Broadway, Pittsburg, KS 66762-6001.
Digital Photograph: Your digital photograph will be printed on the front of your Gorilla Card and will be stored in the Gorilla Card database.
The University is not liable for financial loss or criminal repercussions associated with lost, stolen, damaged, or fraudulently used Gorilla Cards.
Use of the Gorilla Card constitutes acceptance of all Gorilla Card policies, terms and conditions.
Personal information is kept secure and confidential at the Gorilla Geeks Office. Outside parties do not have access to personal or account information unless express consent is granted or the University is required to comply with legal or government agencies.
If you add money to your account, it is assumed that you have read and agree to the refund policy and understand the disclosure statement, both of which are available on this Website.
There are no refunds issued for Banana Bucks deposits except in cases of withdrawal, transfer, or graduation from the University. In cases of withdrawal or graduation, complete a refund request at the Gorilla Geeks Office. Balances under $15 are not refunded. Money remaining in the account at the end of a semester will be available to you the following semester.
If a request for refund is not received within 12 months of leaving the University, the balance of funds in your Banana Bucks account will be turned over to the State Treasurer’s Office as unclaimed property. The University will assess an administrative fee of up to $15 on all Banana Bucks accounts 12 months after the account holder has left the University.
Cash withdrawals from this account are not allowed.
For questions concerning web issues, contact Gorilla Geeks at 620-235-4600 or at