Southeast Kansas Biological Field Station | Pittsburg State University
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Southeast Kansas Biological Field Station

Field stations serve as outdoor laboratories for teaching and research as well as for protecting natural resources.

The Southeast Kansas Biological Station includes properties managed by the Department of Biology for the purposes of research, education, and service. These sites include the Monahan Outdoor Education Center, the Natural History Reserve, the Robb Prairie, and the O'Malley Prairies.

The two main properties (Monahan and Reserve) are located in the Brush Creek watershed in Crawford and Cherokee counties of southeast Kansas. The watershed - its land and water - reflects a legacy of ecological disturbance due to coal and lead/zinc mining in southeast Kansas. The properties and the surrounding area provide opportunities for understanding the restoration process and the ecology and biodiversity of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (woodland, grassland, wetlands, streams, strip-mine lakes) in the context of a human-modified landscape.

The Mission

The primary mission of this station is to promote an understanding of disturbed ecosystems and restoration ecology through research, education, and service.

Contact Information

The Southeast Kansas Biological Field Station is a member of the Organization of Biological Field Stations. The OBFS is a national network of field stations helping to support its members and their mission.

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