PSU business students bring home wins from statewide competition
Wednesday, April 28, 2021 4:00 PM
Academics, News
Pittsburg, KS

Eight students in the Kelce College of Business at Pittsburg State University racked up 18 first place wins, seven second place awards, and four third place awards in the Kansas PBL Leadership Conference this month.
As members of PSU’s Phi Beta Lambda Chapter — the college version of Future Business Leaders of America, an organization that prepares members for careers in business and business-related fields — they competed in a total of 37 events.
Students were required to submit their work, take tests, and present virtually to a panel of judges. They’ll now advance to the national competition in June.
“Achieving this level of success and having these wins on their resumé will definitely give them a leg up when it comes to landing their first job,” said David Hogard, director of Academic Advising, Career Readiness, and Enactus. “We’re excited for them, and we’re proud of the way they represented PSU."
Award winners include:
Amanda Becker, of Weir, Kansas
- Accounting Analysis & Decision Making (with Olivia Mitchell) (1st) Financial Concepts (1st)
- Microeconomics (2nd)
- Organizational Behavior & Leadership (1st)
Taylor Brynds, of Cherokee, Kansas
- Client Service (1st)
- Help Desk (1st)
- Job Interview (1st)
- Macroeconomics (1st)
- Management Concepts (2nd)
Sarah Clausen, of Cherokee, Kansas
- Desktop Publishing (with Wyntr Jacobs) (1st) Entrepreneurship Concepts (1st)
- Marketing Concepts (1st)
Samuel Holman, of Cassville, Missouri
- Computer Concepts (1st)
- Cyber Security (1st)
- Microeconomics (1st)
- Programming Concepts (1st)
Wyntr Jacobs, of Pittsburg, Kansas
- Desktop Publishing (with Sarah Clausen) (1st)
Olivia Mitchell, of Waverly, Kansas
- Accounting Analysis & Decision Making (with Amanda Becker) (1st)
- Accounting for Professionals (2nd)
- Accounting Principles (2nd)
- Justice Administration (3rd)
- Organizational Behavior & Leadership (2nd)
Cierra Rose, of Louisburg, Kansas
- Information Management (1st)
- Insurance Concepts (2nd)
- Justice Administration (2nd)
- Macroeconomics (3rd)
- Retail Management (1st)
Jeremy Walls, of Linn Valley, Kansas
- Financial Concepts (3rd) Information Management (3rd)