Students invited to use Pitsco Idea Shop for dragster competition
Wednesday, October 14, 2020 3:45 PM
News, Alumni, People and Society, Science and Technology
Pittsburg, KS

The Pitsco Idea Shop at Block22 in downtown Pittsburg is inviting 90 students in grades 6-12 to build their own C02-powered dragsters after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays and on weekends between now and Oct. 30.
On Nov. 6, dragster builders will be invited to compete in the inaugural Pitsco Idea Shop C02 Dragster Competition in conjunction with the grand opening of the space. Students will have a chance to win prizes and will be given a t-shirt.
Featuring technology and equipment like 3-D printers, band saw, laser engravers, scroll saws, and CNC routers, the Idea Shop is a partnership between Pittsburg State University and Pitsco Education.
Memberships to the Idea Shop are available to the public, but students who participate in the dragster competition will be able to use the space, equipment, and materials this month at no cost to prepare. They’ll each receive a kit with which to build their dragster and will be able to use the Idea Shop’s drill, coping saw, wood file, and other tools to complete it.
C02-powered dragsters are one of Pitsco’s first products, offered to teachers and students in kits starting in 1970. The hands-on learning experience was designed to teach basic engineering concepts, from Newton’s laws to identifying and minimizing friction.
“Our motto is ‘Think. Make. Innovate.’ and that’s exactly what this competition for students is all about,” said Matt Frankenbery, vice president of education at Pitsco and a PSU graduate. “The greatest success stories — including Pitsco Education — all begin with an idea.”
The lead sponsor for the event is Kansas Manufacturing Solutions, which is funding the kits, t-shirts, refreshments, and prizes.
Community members and dignitaries from the State of Kansas will have a chance to race dragsters at 2 p.m. on Nov. 6, while student races will begin at 4 p.m. using time slots to minimize the number of people gathering.
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