University reports decline in testing demand and positive rate
Thursday, September 24, 2020 8:45 AM
Pittsburg, KS

The Bryant Student Health Center at Pittsburg State University reported Wednesday that the number of positive COVID-19 cases involving students continues to decline.
Currently, 12 students are in active isolation, down from 24 students in the last week, and the number of those quarantined also fell for the third straight week to about 50 students, according to Taylor Panczer, COVID-19 case manager at PSU.
In the seven days leading up to Wednesday, Sept. 23, the Bryant Student Health Center tested 33 individuals, down 50 from the previous seven-day span. Of those, eight tested positive. Eight tests were pending as of Wednesday afternoon.
Among faculty and staff, four new cases were reported in the most recent seven-day period. Currently, four faculty/staff are in isolation and five are in quarantine due to possible exposure. Since the university began tracking in March, 14 faculty/staff have reported infections, and 36 have had to quarantine for any reason.
Panczer noted that the only tested/positive numbers the university can reliably report are those from the Bryant Student Health Center. Isolation and quarantine numbers will differ from the Crawford County Health Department report due to student being tested elsewhere and then later reporting as PSU students via the health department.