Concert to feature music educators from across the area
Friday, July 17, 2020 10:00 AM
Giving Back, Alumni, Arts & Entertainment, News
Pittsburg, KS

The fourth concert of the Pittsburg Virtual Festival of the Arts, to be streamed across multiple channels at 7 p.m. on July 22, will feature an ensemble performance comprised of area music educators.
School districts represented include Columbus, Galena, Parsons, Neodesha, and Southeast in Kansas; Carl Junction in Missouri; as well as Coffeyville and Tulsa community colleges and Pittsburg State University.
The concert also will include members of the community who have expertise with specific instruments and a passion for music.
The playlist? A kaleidoscope of styles, says festival organizer Raul Munguía.
All but a few of the musicians have earned a bachelor’s degree in music education from PSU. Several have earned a master’s in music or are working toward one.
“This concert really highlights the thriving Pitt State music community,” said Assistant Professor Andrew Chybowski, who will direct part of the concert.
- Andrea Dinkel (2008), flute, Pittsburg, teaches instrumental music in grades 6-12 for the Galena School District.
- Christina Vail (2018), flute, Pittsburg, teaches music for the Neodesha School District.
- Kaitlyn Cox (2016), clarinet, Pittsburg, teaches elementary music for the Columbus, Kansas, School District.
- AJ Beu (2012, 2015), horn, Delaware, Oklahoma, is the director of instrumental studies at Coffeyville Community College.
- Danica Gibson (2004, 2006), bassoon, Galena, teaches music in grades 5-12 for the Southeast School District at Cherokee.
- Christine Lovell (2011), horn, Miami, Oklahoma, teaches band for the Columbus, Kansas, School District.
- Will Koehler (2011), trumpet, Pittsburg, teaches trumpet at Tulsa Community College.
- Trey Wadell (2008), trumpet, Pittsburg, teaches band for the Carl Junction School District.
- Bob Kehle, trombone, Pittsburg, is a professor of trombone at PSU, where he also directs the PSU Jazz Ensemble.
- Eric Stark (2018), tuba, Pittsburg, teaches band in grades 6-12 for the Parsons School District.
- Lori Kehle, piano, Pittsburg, is a lecturer in the PSU Music Department.
- Raul Munguía, violin, Pittsburg, is an associate professor in the PSU Music Department.
- Denissa Rivas de Munguía, flute, Pittsburg, is a lecturer with the PSU Music Department.
- Daniel Munguia (2020), cello, Pittsburg, works for the Crawford County EMS.
- Devon Turner (2020), harpsicord, Pittsburg, has been accepted to the prestigious McGill University in Montreal, Canada to do his masters.
- Susan Marchant, harpsicord, Pittsburg, is chair of the PSU Music Department.
- Kathryn Parke (1987, ‘90), soprano, Pittsburg, works for Via Christi.
The festival is a collaboration of The Bicknell Family Center for the Arts, the Pittsburg State University Department of Music, and local performers in an attempt to provide a concert-like experience during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Audiences may view the one-hour concerts streamed each Wednesday evening through mid-August on the Bicknell Center Facebook page, on PSU’s YouTube channel, on CAPS 13 TV, on, and at
Past festival concerts, including The J3 Band on July 1, Rebecca Cutler-Metzger and Robert Ensor on July 8, and the Bob Ensor Jazz Combo on July 15, can be viewed in the archives on those channels.