Attorney General appoints PSU police chief to Crime Victims Compensation Board
Friday, May 15, 2020 2:30 PM
People and Society, Alumni, News
Pittsburg, KS

Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt announced the appointment Friday of Pittsburg State University Police Chief Stu Hite to the Crime Victims Compensation Board.
The three-member board, established by the Kansas Legislature in 1978, convenes monthly to review applications from crime victims applying for compensation, and to vet those applications, to cover loss of earnings and out-of-pocket loss for injuries sustained as a direct result of violent crime.
Hite’s appointment will end in March 2022.
“Stu Hite is a well-respected career law enforcement officer,” Schmidt said. “His wide range of experience in law enforcement and working with crime victims will be a great asset to the board. I thank him for his willingness to serve.”
Hite spent 30 years working for the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office, 30 years, most recently as a detective lieutenant, before joining the staff at PSU in 2018 as director of University Police and Public Safety Services.
Hite, who is also a graduate of PSU, has served as president of the Kansas Peace Officers Association and trained at the FBI Academy.
“It’s an honor to serve victims in a different capacity through my appointment to this board, and I’m humbled to have been chosen,” he said.