Print Smart
  • Help PSU Print Smart!
  • Before Ordering that new printer, please consider:
  • Before printing a document, please consider:
  • Learn how PSU Students print on campus using GUSPrint:
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Due to rising costs, dwindling funding, and the need to be as sustainable as possible, we are asking that everyone consider creative ways to help reduce printing costs by printing less and using centralized network printing devices when they do print.  Please consider the following PSU Print Smart items:

Could my colleagues and I print to a centrally located printer in our department vs. printing to private printers in our offices?
  • By sharing a networked printer you could save funding on both a new printer and on toner.
  • Note, if there are items that you must print that are sensitive in nature, utilizing a printer in your office or a printer that is secure may be necessary.

GUSPrint is PSU's cloud-based printing solution.  GUSPrint is a user-friendly printing solution for Pittsburg State University students that can be found in several convenient locations across campus.  You can print from PSU computers and your personal devices.  In addition, Banana Bucks makes paying for GUSPrint even more convenient.  Check out the GUSPrint site for directions and full details on this service.


  • Document imaging and how you can reduce your department’s printing through electronic storage? If so contact us to learn more at x4600
  • Document retention and when/how to properly purge of University hard copies? If so, contact: