The Legislative Division of Post Audit (LPA) is the non-partisan audit arm of the Kansas Legislature. Their mission is to inform policy makers by providing accurate, unbiased information through their audit reports.
LPA reports to the Legislative Post Audit Committee (LPAC), a bipartisan joint committee of the Kansas Legislature. It includes a total of 10 members. The LPAC committee selects the topics for LPA audits and directs the final distribution of those reports.
The LPA conducts various audits including performance audits, IT Security audits, and IT project monitoring. They also contract with external CPA firms to conduct financial audits.
Their IT Security audit evaluated the state of information technology security at PSU.
Their audit work is designed to determine how well the university adheres to the various ITEC standards or best practices across the following seven IT areas:
Kansas Information Technology Executive council (ITEC) is responsible for adopting: information technology resource policies, procedures, and project management methodologies for all state agencies; an information technology architecture, including telecommunications systems, networks and equipment that covers all state agencies; standards for data management for all state agencies; and a strategic information technology management plan for the state.
A team of auditors will spend a few days either on campus or remotely reviewing our policies and procedures; talking to other departments about specific IT security topics; reviewing employee lists; reviewing our hiring processes; and evaluating our IT security practices.
Once the audit is complete, we will get a report of things we do well and areas we need to improve.
The LPA cycle is every three years.