Q: How are Student GUSMail accounts created?
A: Emails are now created automatically upon admission to PSU.
Q: When does a student's GUSMail account become their Primary Email in GUSClassic?
A: GUSMail (@gus.pittstate.edu) only becomes a student's Primary Email in GUSClassic once they are considered a pre-enrolled or enrolled student at PSU.
Q: How does a student make their GUSMail email account their Primary Email in GUSClassic?
A: It is important to note that a student's GUSMail address (@gus.pittstate.edu)must be set as their Primary Email in order to enroll at PSU. To do this see the directions on our GUSMail page.
Q: What is the Application to Login process for students?
A: The process from student application to PSU to their first PSU login can be found here.
Q: What does the Admittance Email that students receive look like?
A: The sample PSU Admittance Email can be found here.
Gorilla Geeks - 109 Whitesitt Hall - 620-235-4600 - geeks@pittstate.edu