Official Personnel File
An official personnel file is kept in Human Resource Services, 204 Russ Hall, for each university support staff employee. Important information about the employee's work history at PSU is kept in the file. It includes information such as:
Employees may request to view their electronic personnel file upon scheduling an appointment with Human Resource Services. Only an immediate supervisor and other University officials with an employment-related reason may review specific documents in an employee's personnel file without the employee's written authorization, unless review is compelled by a lawfully issued subpoena or other legal process.
A prospective external or internal employer, individual, or firm may request to view an employee's personnel file. This request will only be granted of the request is submitted in writing to Human Resource Services and is accompanied by the written authorization of the current or former employee. Federal and State agencies having a proper interest and an established need may review an employee's personnel file without written authorization of the current or former employee.
PSU may (and must upon receipt of a properly submitted open records request) disclose the following information to any individual:
Campus departments must check with Human Resource Services, 620-235-4191, before releasing any information about a university support staff employee.
Page revision date: 01/16/2019