Human Resource Services

July 2021 Newsletter, published 02/27/25

School is right around the corner!

HRS Newsletter

The Human Resource Services (HRS) newsletter is be housed on the HRS web page on the website. If you have questions or need assistance with any of the information in the newsletter, the easiest way to reach us is to send an email to

Human Resource Services Schedule

Human Resource Services office will have on-site services available from 8am-12pm and from 1pm-5pm, Monday through Thursday and from 8am to noon on Fridays during summer hours (until August 6). Appointments are accepted with individual HR team members as well. Employees are encouraged to email for assistance.

Important Dates

Sunday, July 25 Pay Period Starts
Monday, July 26 Time Card Approval Deadline 9 a.m.
Friday, August 6 Pay Day
Friday, August 6 Summer hours end
Sunday, August 8 Pay Period Starts
Sunday, August 8 Fall Appointments Begin
Monday, August 9 Time Card Approval Deadline 9 a.m.
Monday, August 9 New Faculty Orientation
Thursday, August 12 Service Award Pin/Charm distribution after Opening Meeting; Bicknell Family Center for the Arts - 9:00 am
Friday, August 13 Graduate Assistant Orientation
Friday, August 20 Pay Day
Sunday, August 22 Pay Period Starts
Monday, August 23 Time Card Approval Deadline 9 a.m.
Tuesday, August 24 USS Ice Cream Event in the Oval
Wednesday, August 31 Biometric Screenings in the Student Center
Thursday, September 1 Biometric Screenings in the Student Center
Friday, September 3 Pay Day
October 1 - October 31 Open Enrollment for State Employee Health Plan (SEHP)
Thursday, October 21 Biometric Screenings in the Student Center

State Holidays

You can view a list of the 2021 Holiday Schedule on our website here.

Other Important Updates

Employee COVID Reporting Information

If any employee feels that they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, getting tested, or have been identified as a Close Contact, please fill out the form at the link below. For questions please email and someone will assist you as soon as possible.

Employee COVID-19 Reporting Form

PSU Open Interviews

Do you know someone interested in working at Pitt State?  The HR team, along with others from the Physical Plant and elsewhere on campus, will be hosting open interviews and informational sessions about our openings each Wednesday from 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. at the KANSASWORKS Pittsburg office through the end of August.

 Open Interviews Flyer

Benefits Information

State Employee Health Plan - Member Newsletter - July 2021

Please Click Here to view the State Employee Health Plan July Newsletter.

Topics include:

  • Letter from the Director
  • Important Dates & Deadlines
  • Covid-19 Related Benefits
  • and more!

HealthQuest: Earn Credits for your Vaccines

You can now earn 3 HealthQuest Credits by self-reporting your COVID-19 vaccination. Log in to the HealthQuest portal, click on the COVID vaccine image on the righthand side of the screen, complete a short questionnaire, and click submit. Your credits will be awarded instantly.


Members of the SEHP that also participate in the HealthQuest wellness program can earn three (3) HealthQuest credits for receiving a Flu Shot. Members of plans C, J, N and Q will also receive $30 in HealthQuest Rewards dollars deposited into their HRA/HSA. 

HealthQuest Information

For more information on important dates and HealthQuest in general please Click Here to view the July HealthQuest Newsletter.

2021 HealthQuest Biometric Screenings will be available for sign up in the HQ portal. These have been scheduled for the following dates in the Governors Room:  August 31stSeptember 1st • October 21st

Full On-Site 2021 Biometric Screening Schedule is Now Open. Click here for more details.

HealthQuest Portal

TIAA/Voya 403(b) Retirement Plan Newsletter

Click Here to read the first quarterly newsletter from TIAA/Voya (for the 3rd quarter). 

These quarterly newsletters, jointly created by TIAA and Voya, are designed to communicate information about both the KBOR Mandatory and Voluntary 403(b) Retirement Plans. 


Your retirement account has a solid mix of investments to help you build savings for the future and manage risk. As times change, remember to review your account regularly to be sure it stays in line with your goals moving forward.

Take advantage of TIAA’s online advisor tool to get a suggested plan that considers all your retirement assets and any new goals for the future.

SEHP - SmartShopper

SmartShopper, an exclusive program for State of Kansas employees, makes it easy to save money and earn cash rewards when shopping for certain medical care.

This program saves you money on your share of the cost when you need a medical procedure or screening, and helps you earn cash when you select to have that procedure or screening done at certain qualified locations.

View flyer here

Learn More

Update From HRS

Director - Lori Scott Dreiling

Summer is a busy time for the Human Resource Services (HRS) team as we welcome new employees to the Gorilla family! We are looking forward to seeing everyone back on campus for the fall semester.  As a reminder, we are still observing summer hours until Friday, August 6. If you need to set up an individual appointment, email us at 

We’d like to welcome Heather Busch, Senior HR Specialist, to our HRS team.  She has been with Pittsburg State for almost 10 years; most recently as the Employer Relations Coordinator in Career Services.  Heather holds a BA in Psychology and a MS in Human Resource Development; both from PSU. Heather is knee-deep in learning the GUS Recruit process to help with upcoming Unclassified and University Support Staff recruiting efforts, as well as other HR processes.  Welcome Heather! 

For benefits-eligible employees who need to schedule an on-campus biometric screening (for HealthQuest incentive points), there are new appointment times available for the August 31, September 1, and October 21 dates.  Log into the HealthQuest portal here:  

Congratulations to all of our employees receiving service award recognition this year (September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2022).  The HRS team will distribute the pins/charms following Convocation on August 12 at 9:00 A.M. at the Bicknell Family Center for the Arts.  See you then!