Human Resource Services

January Newsletter, published 02/27/25

Let's Go Gorillas!

HRS Newsletter

The Human Resource Services (HRS) newsletter will be housed on the HRS web page on the website. If you have questions or need assistance with any of the information in the newsletter, with most of the office working remotely the easiest way to reach us is to send an email to

Important Dates

December 23rd

Recommended Date for Employees to Turn in Time Cards for 12/13-12/26 Pay Period.

December 23rd 

Early Paydate

December 24th & 25th

Campus Closure for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Click Here to Access Job Aids for Special Time Reporting Procedures.

December 27th

Pay Period Starts

December 28th

Time Card Approval Deadline 3 p.m.

December 28th - 31st

Extra Days Off for Holiday Break. Please see the email sent out by HRS Director Lori Scott Dreiling here for reporting procedures on these days.

December 31st

HealthQuest - Last Day to Earn Credits Toward Your 2021 Premium Discount of $480

January 1st

Campus Closure for New Year's Day. Click Here to Access Job Aids for Special Time Reporting Procedures.

January 8th

Pay Day

January 10th

Pay Period Starts

January 11th

Time Card Approval Deadline 3 p.m.

January 15th

State of Kansas Women's Forum. Click here to register!

January 18th

Campus Closure for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Click Here to Access Job Aids for Special Time Reporting Procedures.

January 21st

Schedule a meeting with TIAA Representative Jay Albrecht. Click here for more details!

January 22nd

Pay Day

January 24th

Pay Period Starts

January 25th

 Time Card Approval Deadline 3 p.m.

Human Resource Services Schedule Adjustment

All HR services are available remotely. From Monday, November 23 to Friday, January 15, the Human Resource Services office will have limited on-site services available from 8am-12pm and from 1pm-5pm and are by appointment only. Employees are encouraged to email for assistance.

Fraudulent Unemployment Insurance Information

Fraudulent UI claims have been on the rise nationwide. Please refer to guidance put out on the HRS website here to help safeguard your identity.

For any questions or concerns, please email

Employee COVID Reporting Information

If any employee feels that they maybe eligible for COVID Leave because they are experiencing symptoms, getting tested, or have been identified as a Close Contact, please fill out the form at the link below. For questions please email and someone will assist you as soon as possible.

Employee COVID-19 Reporting Form

Important Time Card Reporting Procedures Over Holiday Break

This year both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are considered paid holidays by the state of Kansas. Click Here to Access Job Aids for Special Time Reporting Procedures.

It is highly encouraged by Human Resource Services that employees submit their time cards for the 12/13-12/26/2020 pay period by December 23rd, 2020 in order avoid any late payments due to missing the time card approval deadline at 3:00 P.M. on December 28th, 2020.

In addition Pittsburg State University has allotted time off for all non-essential personnel from Monday December 28th through Thursday December 31st as campus will be closed during this time. Please see the email sent out by HRS Director Lori Scott Dreiling here for reporting procedures on these days.

Lastly, Friday January 1st, 2021 is recognized as a paid holiday by the state of Kansas. Click Here to Access Job Aids for Special Time Reporting Procedures.

Other Important Updates

Tips for Working Remotely

Due to COVID-19 more and more employees are finding themselves working in a remote environment. Review the following links below with some helpful hints to help you do this successfully!

Leading Remotely

Managing Remote Workers

10 Tips for Working Remotely During Coronavirus

Rethinking Work and Thinking About the 'Next Normal'

COVID-19 Testing Available Locally

KDHE and the Crawford County Health Department have mobilized a drive-up COVID-19 testing service. Operated by Well Health Management LLC, the testing will be available 9am - 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday, through December 31st, 2020 on the parking lot of the Bicknell Family Center for the Arts (1711 South Homer Street).

More information and the link to schedule a testing appointment available Here.

COVID-19 Vaccination Information

Kansas Secretary Burns-Wallace has sent out information regarding COVID-19 vaccinations for State of Kansas employees. Click here for more information.

Honoring 40 and 50 Year State of Kansas Employees

This week the State of Kansas honored employees who have been employed with the state of Kansas for 40 and 50 years. Pittsburg State University is proud to recognize two employees who have received that honor, Susan Marchant and David Lomshek. Congratulations! 

Here is the video of this recognition from the Governor's Office. Their recognitions can be viewed around the 11 minute mark of this video!

Freeman Info on Mindful Eating

It's that time of year again. The time of year where there is not shortage of great food made available to us! Click here for good mindful eating practices this holiday season.

SMS Phishing Scams

The State of Kansas has issued out a notice that employees are receiving an unusually high volume of SMS Phishing Scams. Many employees have received fraudulent text messages trying to collect their personal information. Stay informed and click here to report fradulent attempts at gathering your information.

Benefits Information

Caremark Updates to 2021 Preferred Drug List (Formulary)

The Kasas Department of Administration has released the 2021 State Employee Health Plan Program Preferred Drug List (Formulary). For more information click here.

KPERS 457 Information

Employees interested in enrolling in KPERS 457 may click here for more information. You will need an enrollment code to sign up which will be provided here. This code expires on February 21st, 2021.

TIAA Information

TIAA Representative Jay Albrecht will be available to virtually meet with employees on January 21st, 2021. To schdule an appointment plese Click Here.

Click Here to see the updated TIAA Kansas Board of Regents Voluntary Retirement Plans changes.

HealthQuest Information

The last day to earn credits toward your 2021 premium discount of $480 is December 31st, 2020. For more information on important deadlines and Healthquest in general please Click Here to view the December HealthQuest Newsletter.

2021 HealthQuest Biometric Screenings will be available for sign up in the HQ portal. These have been scheduled for the following dates in the Governors Room: • February 8thApril 21stAugust 31stSeptember 1st • October 21st

HealthQuest Portal

Plan With Ease Improved Security Protocols

Plan With Ease is tightening it's security protocols. PSU employees may receive a letter in the mail with a PIN to help make their information more secure. Please review the updated login procedures laid out in the following email from PWE.

PWE New Login Instructions

Holiday Resources State of Kansas EAP

For more information on the State of Kansas Holiday Resources EAP click here.

Update From HRS

Director - Lori Scott Dreiling

This month’s newsletter has lots of important news about how to report your time during the holidays. Please read the information closely. We highly recommend that timecards are turned in early (by Wednesday, December 23) prior to campus closing. However, timecards are not actually due until Monday, December 28 by 3:00 P.M. We just strongly suggest that you turn them in early.

Even though we are closed from December 24 to January 4, it will still be important for employees to report payroll problems or questions, COVID-related issues (see the link to the form above), or any unemployment fraud concerns should also be reported to

All of us in the Human Resource Service office wish you a special and safe holiday season! Take care of yourselves and the ones you love! See you in 2021!