Human Resource Services

April 2021 Newsletter, published 02/27/25

Is it Summer Yet?!

HRS Newsletter

The Human Resource Services (HRS) newsletter will be housed on the HRS web page on the website. If you have questions or need assistance with any of the information in the newsletter, with most of the office working remotely the easiest way to reach us is to send an email to

Human Resource Services Schedule

All HR services are available remotely. Human Resource Services office will have limited on-site services available from 8am-12pm and from 1pm-5pm, Monday through Friday. Appointments are accepted with individual HR team members as well. Employees are encouraged to email for assistance.

Important Dates

April 16th 

Pay Day

April 18th

Pay Period Starts

April 19th

HealthQuest Webinar at 11:00 a.m.

April 19th

Time Card Approval Deadline 3 p.m.

April 21st

On Campus Biometric Screenings 7-11 a.m.

April 30th

Pay Day

May 2nd

Pay Period Starts

May 3rd

Time Card Approval Deadline 3 p.m.

May 14th

Pay Day

May 16th

Summer Hours Begin

May 16th

Pay Period Starts

May 17th

Time Card Approval Deadline 3 p.m.

May 28th

Pay Day

May 30th

Pay Period Starts

May 31st

Time Card Approval Deadline 3 p.m.

Important Tuition Assistance Program Information and Deadlines

The new enrollment dates have been released for employees wanting to take advantage of the wonderful Tuition Assistance benefit that is offered here at PSU. For more information follow one of the links below and please review the updated deadlines to apply.

Deadlines for submitting applications to HRS are:

Semester/term Due Dates
Fall 2021 August 9, 2021
Spring 2022 January 10, 2022
Summer 2022 (Both Sessions)**  May 30, 2022

** Tuition assistance may not be available for summer semester.

24/7 Nurse Triage Program Available for Employee Injured on the Job

The Kansas Department of Administration announced this week that a 24/7 Nurse Triage Program call center was put into place to help employees who are injured on the job. The number is 1-833-756-2007. Both the employee and the employee's supervisor should call this number together.

For more information please review the letter from the state by clicking here.

Also, there was additional communication from the state informing employees that they should call WITH THEIR SUPERVISOR. This can be reviewed by clicking here as well.

Summer Hours

Summer work schedules will begin on May 16, 2021 and will continue through August 7, 2021.

For questions or more information, please review our FAQs page by clicking here.

Other Important Updates

Fraudulent Unemployment Insurance Information

If you receive a Fraudulent Unemployment Claim from a State other than Kansas. You must access that state's Unemployment Website or call their number to report the fraudulent claim. 


**Important Update: Employees who had fraudulent unemployment claims made under their name in 2020 may receive a 1099-G for tax year 2020 from the State of Kansas. Click Here to view a memo from the State of Kansas. For procedures on what to do if you receive a 1099-G sent from the State of Kansas click here.**

Fraudulent UI claims have been on the rise nationwide. Please refer to guidance put out on the HRS website here to help safeguard your identity.

For any questions or concerns, please email

Special Open Enrollment Period for Long-Term Care Solutions

The Kansas Department of Administration has issued a special notice regarding open enrollment for Long-Term Care Solutions from March 25th - May 25th 2021. For more information click here to view the notice.

Employee COVID Reporting Information

If any employee feels that they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, getting tested, or have been identified as a Close Contact, please fill out the form at the link below. For questions please email and someone will assist you as soon as possible.

Employee COVID-19 Reporting Form

W-2 Information

Employees who receive multiple W-2's from PSU should refer to this IRS Notice for more information. Consult your tax advisor if further clarification is required.

2020 W-2's are now available digitally through the Kanas Department of Administration Employee Self-Service Portal. Instructions on how to access your W-2 can be found here!

Time Card Reporting Procedures - Overtime/Compensatory Time

Overtime/Comp Time is automatically calculated by GUS Cloud. Just enter your Regular hours worked each day and be sure that you select either Overtime or Comp Time for each entry you make.


If you are eligible for Overtime or Comp Time, then you will be compensated as such and this will be viewable on your payslip for that pay period.

You can find a GUS Cloud Job Aid to with more instruction on Entering Time by clicking here.

If you have questions, please email or call 620-235-4191.

2020 Total Compensation Statements Now Available

Total Compensation Statements for 2020 are now available in Gus Cloud.  The State of Kansas requests that Pittsburg State University provide each benefits-eligible employee with a Total Compensation Statement for the calendar year ending 12/31/20. This statement reports direct and indirect compensation for 2020.   The 2020 Total Compensation Statement does not replace W-2 forms or other income tax related information and is not intended for use in tax preparation.

For instructions on how to view/print your Total Compensation Statement, please use the following job aid:

Viewing Total Compensation Statements

If you have any questions about your statement please email Human Resource Services at or call 620-235-4191.

Benefits Information

HealthQuest Information

For more information on important dates and HealthQuest in general please Click Here to view the March HealthQuest Newsletter.

Also, here are some FAQs sent out by HealthQuest recently. Please review for any changes or events that maybe taking place! 

HealthQuest Faqs

HealthQuest will be hosting a Webinar for new members on April 19th, 2021 at 11:00 AM. Click here for more information.

2021 HealthQuest Biometric Screenings will be available for sign up in the HQ portal. These have been scheduled for the following dates in the Governors Room: • April 21stAugust 31stSeptember 1st • October 21st

Full On-Site 2021 Biometric Screening Schedule is Now Open. Click here for more details.

HealthQuest Portal

Special Notice Regarding 403b Retirement Plan Contributions

Please review this special notice regarding 403b retirement plan contributions by clicking here.

Last Reminder to Update Your State Employee Health Plan Prescription Savings Service

Activate your RX Savings Solutions Account now to spend less later! Click here for more information and to find out how.

TIAA and VOYA Information

Consider going completely paperless for your TIAA documents. For more information and to find out how, click here.

Get straightforward advice for your financial plan from TIAA by clicking here.

Get your Finances back on track in 2021 with VOYA Financial! Click here for more information.

Plan With Ease Improved Security Protocols

Plan With Ease is tightening it's security protocols. PSU employees may receive a letter in the mail with a PIN to help make their information more secure. Please review the updated login procedures laid out in the following email from PWE.

PWE New Login Instructions

Update From HRS

Director - Lori Scott Dreiling

Hello Gorillas and welcome to spring!  Outside our office in Russ Hall, the tulips are peeking out of the gardens.  It is very exciting – can’t wait for my first spring full-time on campus.  The groundskeepers at Pittsburg State are very talented!

If you missed it last month, Total Compensation Statements are now available in GUS Cloud.  See the instructions in the Human Resource Services (HRS) February newsletter on how to access your statement. 

The remaining dates for annual Biometric Screenings are now open!  Be sure and log in to HealthQuest and get your appointment scheduled quickly.  If they fill up, we can request more screening dates from the State but we need to do that soon.  Follow the link in this month’s newsletter.

Watch for the first installment of Benefits 101 Zoom in April!  First topic?  High deductible health plans with Health Savings Accounts. If you have specific questions about HDHP and HSA, let me know so I can address them in the Zoom.  More to come.

Enjoy your weekend!  (March Madness on my agenda!)