Gus Cloud Job Aids

All PSU Employees

 Employee Self Service GUS Cloud Job Aids

Hourly Employees Only

Hourly Employee GUS Cloud Job Aids

Salaried Employees Only

Salaried Employees GUS Cloud Job Aids

Line Managers Only

Line Manager GUS Cloud Job Aids

Gorilla Geeks (x. 4600) can assist with the following:
If you cannot log into any services – GUS Portal, GUS Classic, email, GUSNet, etc, please see the Gorilla Geeks.
If you have issues entering time or leave on your time card – this does not include submission errors, please see Gorilla Geeks.
HRS (x.4191) can assist with the following:
If the only service that you can’t log into is GUS Cloud, please see HRS
If you have issues submitting time cards, please see HRS
All other GUS HR-related questions/problems/issues
Please contact HRS via email at and someone will reach out to help you.