Employee Eligibility

  1. “Eligible Employee” is an employee appointed to a benefits-eligible position at PSU and Military Science Faculty and Staff. Employee tuition assistance is available on the first day of the semester following the employee’s appointment start date.

  2. Employee's current performance evaluation must be "satisfactory" or better.

  3. Once accepted in the program, the employee must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of "C" or better for completed undergraduate level coursework and "B" or better for completed graduate level coursework to remain in the program.

**An employee who does not meet this criterion may request Work Release Time (see below). To request Work Release Time, the employee completes the Tuition Assistance Application, submits the application to his/her supervisor and then to HRS.

Class Eligibility

  1. Class (classes) must be taken for credit at PSU.

  2. Class (classes) may be undergraduate or graduate level.

  3. Class (classes) must be of educational value to both PSU and the employee and related to the employee's professional development growth.

Amount of Tuition Assistance

  1. Enrollment in up to 3 credit hours -- 100% tuition assistance.

  2. Pittsburg State University pays the tuition and fees associated with the course, excluding certain fees.

  3. The program does not pay for any textbooks or other materials associated with the course.

Work Release/Class Time Accountability

  1. A non-exempt employee will be authorized up to 3 hours of work release time per week to attend a class (classes) that is paid for through this program. For example an employee that takes a 1 hour course is authorized for no more than 1 hour of work release time per week. An employee that takes a 3 hour course is authorized for no more than 3 hours of work release time per week. An employee that takes a 5 hour course is authorized for no more than 3 hours of work release time per week.

  2. A non-exempt employee will be required to use accrued leave credits or make up any time for additional class hours taken above the authorized work release time and paid for through this program.

  3. An exempt employee is expected to perform the duties of his/her position regardless of time spent in Class (classes).

Application Deadlines

Deadlines for submitting applications to HRS are:

Semester/term Due Dates
Fall 2025 August 11, 2025
Spring 2026 January 12, 2026
Summer 2025 (Both Sessions)**  May 26, 2025

** Tuition assistance may not be available for summer semester.


Tuition assistance may also be available for employees to take the GED. Contact HRS for more information.


  1. The employee must meet PSU's admission requirements.

  2. HRS will determine employee eligibility for the program and will forward applications for university support staff employees to the appropriate Vice President or Department Head (President's Division) and applications for unclassified employees to the appropriate Vice President for approval of tuition assistance.

  3. There will be no appeal of the appropriate Vice President or Department Head's (President's Division) decision.

  4. The employee is responsible for reporting any taxable benefit for payment of graduate level courses as required by the Internal Revenue Service.

Employee Agreement

Acceptance of tuition assistance by an employee means the employee agrees to the following:

  1. The employee is responsible for qualifying for admission to PSU and the course for which he/she has been approved, including any pre-requisites, and for paying any related admission costs.

  2. The employee must notify HRS at least ten days prior to the course start date if he/she is not going to enroll in or drop the approved course(s).

  3. If the employee leaves employment with PSU before completion of the Class (classes), he/she agrees to reimburse PSU for tuition assistance received from this program for the Class (classes).

  4. The employee agrees to provide HRS with a grade report following completion of the approved Class (classes).

  5. The employee agrees to pay all applicable taxes for graduate level courses as required by the Internal Revenue Service.

  6. If the employee does not attain the minimum GPA required for this program, or if he/she withdraws after the refund deadline, he/she can reestablish eligibility for tuition assistance by completing at least one semester or unit of course work or equivalent at his or her own expense. Failure to reestablish standing in this program precludes further assistance.

Tuition Assistance Application on HRS Forms On Line