adventures-in-robotics-23Adventures in Robotics is a series of hands-on workshops for children conducted each summer by the Pittsburg State University faculty. Children must be 9 years old by July 1st in order to enroll, with a recommended upper limit of 13. All sessions will be held in the laboratories and facilities of the Kansas Technology Center on the east side of the Pittsburg State University campus. 

Topics to be covered include the following: teamwork, programming, brainstorming, construction techniques, robotic basics, and electro-mechanics.

Students enrolling in Robotics II should have completed Robotics I or have experience with Lego(TM) Systems.

Adventures in Robotics I, Level I: 9am to Noon
Adventures in Robotics II, Level II: 9am to Noon

The price for each robotics session is $115.

If you have questions regarding the camp, please click here for Frequently Asked Questions - Robotics. If you still have questions, please contact Prof. Norman Philipp 620.235.4347.