The Physical Education Emphasis fits the professional teacher education needs of each student. Candidates complete the required core of 15 (18 for thesis option) hours and 17 hours for the emphasis, totaling a minimum of 32 hours.
Options available for the degree include:
Thesis Option: This option is designed to prepare students for a doctoral program, for advanced professional careers, or for students wanting to complete an in-depth research experience.
Coursework Option: This option requires completion of coursework that demonstrates evidence of advanced coursework in an area of concentration. Departments will require evidence of competency through activities such as research papers, portfolios, practice, internships, comprehensive exams, or other individual work. Students should check with their major department for specific coursework requirements.
The Department of Health, Human Performance and Recreation (HHPR) is located in the Student Recreation Center. The HHPR faculty possess a wide array of specializations. The department offers undergraduate degree programs in Exercise Science, Recreation Services, Sport and Hospitality Management, and Physical Education, seven minors and certificates in Dance, Coaching, Exercise Science, Hospitality Management, Parks and Recreation, Sport Management, and Therapeutic Recreation, as well as a graduate program in HHPR. Within each of the degree programs, there are emphases/concentration areas from which students select the professional paths that best fit their needs.
Learn more about our program objectives.