Solid State Physics emphasis | Pittsburg State University
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Study Solid State Physics

Major in Physics with an Emphasis in Solid State Physics

Our Solid State Emphasis

The Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics with an Emphasis in Solid State Physics features the core courses of a professional physics degree but includes specialized elective courses in solid state physics.This combination prepares students for advanced training in graduate school in either solid state or condensed matter physics.

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More about the Solid State Emphasis

Students who seek degrees through our program have access to:

  • PSU Thin Film Laboratory – A research lab dedicated to the growth and analysis of thin film deposition.
  • PSU Nanophysics Laboratory – A research lab dedicated to the growth and analysis of graphene and nanomaterials.
  • Courses with specialized training in theoretical solid state physics, data collection, and computer modeling.

Career Options

The Solid State Physics emphasis will assist students in matriculating to a graduate program in solid state or condensed matter physics, leading to an advanced degree.Students with advanced degrees can then go on to work for research facilities in private industry, government research labs, or universities.

Additional information

Physics - Solid State Physics Degree Map download

Catalog – see catalog for the School of Science and Mathematics