Workshops are here to help aid you in many aspects of school. We work with you to help you with finals, mid-terms, studying strategies, and more!
The Spring 2025 semester will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 3 PM in 115 Axe Library.
Recordings of presentations, tip sheets, and study guides.
Build Your Personal Strategy for a Great Semester
This workshop assists students in setting goals for the semester and provides an overview of our workshop topics for the rest of the semester.
Build Your Strategy for a Great Semester Presentation
This is the presentation used during the Build Your Strategy for a Great Semester workshop.
Build Your Strategy for a Great Semester Zoom Presentation
This is a recorded presentation used for the Build Your Strategy for a Great Semester workshop.
Semester Plan
You can use the “Semester Plan” to place major projects, exams, etc. This allows you to see the big picture of what is due each week. It also allows you to plan ahead for weeks that have multiple items due/tests in multiple classes.
Take Action
The “Take Action” worksheet can be used as a resource to help break down tasks and set SMART goals.
Note Taking Tips
This will give you a brief overview on note-taking and how to get the most out of your notes.
Pre-Reading Notes
This gives you an outline to take notes as you pre-read your textbook.
Setting Priorities
The “Setting Priorities” worksheet serves as a guide to developing which tasks have high or low priorities.
Using Your Textbooks as a Success Tool
Our philosophy in the Student Success Center is that textbooks are a great tool for students, that lay the foundation for classroom learning. Using your textbooks can help your coursework become more engaging and can help you feel less lost in class.
Using Your Textbooks Presentation
This is the presentation used during the Using Your Textbooks as a Success Tool workshop.
Using Your Textbooks Zoom Presentation
This is a recorded presentation used for the Using Your Textbooks as a Success Tool workshop.
Types of Reading
This is a PDF outline about the different types of reading, their uses, and techniques for using each type. Feel free to use this outline to take notes, as you read through the workshop PowerPoint.
Reading Bookmark
This bookmark can be printed for reminders of what to look for when you are pre-reading a chapter.
Textbook Reconnaissance
How should you effectively read your textbook? This short handout gives you tips, on the steps you should be conducting, as you read your textbook.
Pre-Reading Notes
This is a template for taking notes during your pre-reading sessions.
Great Grades Begin with Great Notes
Learning to take notes and actually USE them is a great technique for success in college!
Note Taking Presentation
This is the presentation used during the Great Grades Begin with Great Notes presentation.
Note Taking Zoom Presentation
This is a recorded presentation used for the Great Grades Begin with Great Notes workshop.
Note Taking Checklist
This is a self-survey that can be used to evaluate your note-taking abilities. It can also serve as a list of best practices for note-taking.
Pre-Reading Notes
This gives you an outline to take notes on as you pre-read your textbook.
Note Taking Tips
This is a great handout for various types of note-taking and a guide for using your notes.
Time Management Strategies
Managing time well is one of the keys to success in college. Many students find this is an area they need to improve, as the freedom and flexibility of college is much different than the structure of high school.
Don't Put This Workshop Off Until Tomorrow Presentation
This is the presentation used during the Time Management workshop.
Don't Put This Workshop Off Until Tomorrow Zoom Presentation
This is a recorded presentation used for the Time Management workshop
Procrastination Survey
This is a self-survey that can be used to evaluate your procrastination.
Be Strategic with Your Time
This is a handout that helps you develop a time management strategy and allows you to track how you are spending your time. From the Sanger Learning Center at the University of Texas at Austin.
Semester Plan
This handout is used to track big events for each of your classes on the same page. Write the name of each of your courses across the top, and note the dates of important papers, assignments, or tests.
Setting Priorities
This is a great resource for learning how to prioritize the items on your to-do list. From the Sanger Learning Center at the University of Texas at Austin.
To-Do List By Area
Organize your tasks by separating them into specific areas such as personal, miscellaneous, and class titles.
Take Action Worksheet
This handout is used to create an action plan for a specific task. It teaches you to break down the task into smaller, more manageable pieces and use that to complete the task.
Surviving Mid-Terms
Learning to navigate studying for college-level tests can be a challenge for many students. Check here for test-taking resources and activities to help you prepare!
Surviving Mid-Terms Presentation
This is the presentation used during the Surviving Mid-Terms workshop.
Surviving Mid-Terms Zoom Presentation
This is a recorded presentation used for the Surviving Mid-Terms workshop.
Am I Preparing Well for Tests?
This is a self-survey used to identify test preparation strategies and areas of improvement.
General Test Tips & Examining Returned Tests
Read over the handout for tips on how to review a test or quiz!
POSSE Handout for Objective Tests
Plan, Organize, Schedule, Study, Evaluate are the steps in the POSSE strategy. This also includes information for preparing for exams.
Test Tips and Examining Returned Tests
Use this worksheet to evaluate your performance on returned tips. Also contains general test-taking tips.
Faculty Connection 101
Relationships with your instructors are vital in college. The workshop covers topics such as suggested conversations, the use of office hours, and the benefits to strong student-faculty connections.
Faculty Connection 101 Presentation
This is the presentation used during the Faculty Connection 101 workshop.
Faculty Connection 101 Zoom Presentation
This is a recorded presentation used for the Faculty Connection 101 workshop.
Stress Management
As a college student, you may feel as if you are being pulled in a million directions! This workshop is presented by Taylor Panczer, the Program Coordinator of Prevention and Wellness at Pittsburg State. In this workshop, we will discuss stress and what it looks like in our everyday lives, coping mechanisms for stress, and what self-care is and why it is important.
Stress Management Presentation
This is the presentation used during the Stress Management workshop.
Stress Management Recorded Presentation
This is a recorded presentation for the Stress Management workshop.
You can also visit Pitt State's Prevention and Wellness website
Academic 911
It is mid-semester and you may have received a mid-term grade report of D or F in one of your classes. What can you do to rescue your grade?
Academic 911 Presentation
This is the presentation used during the Academic 911 Workshop.
Academic 911 Zoom Presentation
This is a recorded presentation used for the Academic 911 workshop.
Obstacles Worksheet
This is a resource you can use to identify obstacles to your success.
Pre-Reading Notes
This is a template for taking notes during your pre-reading sessions.
Semester Plan – End of Semester
Use this worksheet to identify major papers, tests, and assignments for each of your courses.
Research Rescue
This workshop is presented by our Pittsburg State librarian, Robert Lindsey, and features in depth explanation of how to use library resources for research papers and projects including Summon and interlibrary loan.
Research Rescue Presentation
This is the presentation used during the Research Rescue workshop.
Learning in an Online Environment
Getting the most out of an online class can be different than face-to-face learning! In this workshop, we talk about some strategies to provide structure for an online student.
Learning in an Online Environment Presentation
This is the presentation used during the Learning in an Online Environment workshop.
Learning in an Online Environment Zoom Presentation
This is a recorded presentation for the Learning in an Online Environment workshop.
Money Matters
Do you need help creating a budget or learning about credit? Money Matters shows you how to create a budget and spend your money intentionally. We also discuss technology that you can use to get in control of your finances.
Money Matters Presentation
This is the presentation used during the Money Matters workshop.
Money Matters Zoom Presentation
This is a recorded presentation for the Money Matters workshop.
Countdown to Finals
During the last month of the semester, looking ahead to your finals and starting to prepare early can help make you more successful.
Countdown to Finals Presentation
This is the presentation used during the Countdown to Finals workshop.
Countdown to Finals Zoom Presentation
This is a recorded presentation for the Countdown to Finals workshop.
Am I Preparing Well for Tests?
This is a self-survey used to identify test preparation strategies and areas of improvement.
Keyword Bookmark
This bookmark identifies keywords used on exams to help indicate instructions.
POSSE Handout for Objective Tests
Plan, Organize, Schedule, Study, Evaluate are the steps in the POSSE strategy. This also includes information for preparing for exams.
Test Tips and Examining Returned Tests
Use this worksheet to evaluate your performance on returned tips. Also contains general test-taking tips.
Setting Priorities
The “Setting Priorities” worksheet serves as a guide to developing which tasks have high or low priorities.
Fact Check
Don't be fooled with fake news! This workshop is presented by our Pittsburg State librarian, Jorge León, and features strategies for you to use when you scroll the Internet for articles and images.
Fact Check Presentation
This is the presentation used during the Fact Check workshop.
Fact Check Zoom Presentation
This is a recorded presentation for the Fact Check workshop.
Study Strategies for Finals Week
As dead week arrives, study strategies change their focus to apply for finals tests. Learn how to get the most out of final reviews and how to spend the last week studying before the final.
Study Strategies for Finals Week Presentation
This is the presentation used during the Study Strategies for Finals Week workshop.
Study Strategies for Finals Week Zoom Presentation
This is a recorded presentation for the Study Strategies for Finals Week workshop.
Test Tips and Examining Returned Tests
Use this worksheet to evaluate your performance on returned tips. Also contains general test-taking tips.