'Travel bug' leads student to study abroad
Monday, June 19, 2017 2:00 AM
News, Campus Culture
Pittsburg, KS
The experience changed her life.
“I absolutely loved Thailand. I loved the culture, and I caught a huge case of the travel bug,” said Vue, who grew up in Gravette, Ark. “I decided right then that I wanted to keep going. I didn’t just want to stay in the States. I wanted to get out and explore and learn.”
Vue’s passion for learning about new cultures led her to Pittsburg State University, where she is a double major in International Business and International Studies. And this summer, that passion led Vue to South Korea, where she is currently studying at Hanyang University.
“The opportunity to study abroad is one of the best parts about being a student at Pitt State,” Vue said. “I knew I could come to Pitt, which isn’t all that far from my hometown, and still have the chance to see the world. It’s really cool.”
While in South Korea, Vue is taking courses in ceramic arts and the Korean language.
“I love Korean history,” she said. “I’m excited to study ceramic arts because it’s such a huge part of the Korean culture. When I’m not in class, I plan to explore and visit all the palaces I possibly can.”
Vue credits the International Programs and Services Office at Pitt State for helping her accomplish her dream of studying in South Korea. Vue specifically thanked Assistant Director Angela Moots for her role in the process.
“Angela Moots really helped make this all happen,” she said. “I was a little worried about how I would pay for this, and she told me about the Gilman Scholarship.”
The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is a grant program that enables students to study or intern abroad, thereby gaining skills critical to our national security and economic competitiveness.
“Angela helped me apply for the scholarship,” Vue said. “I didn’t think I’d get it since so many students apply. But then I got an email one day saying I had received the scholarship. It was probably the best email I’ve ever received.”
Vue said all students should consider studying abroad.
“I think you really gain a new appreciation for your own culture when you study abroad,” she said. “When you get international experiences, you learn so much about new cultures and you see things you can’t see here in the U.S. At the same time, by learning about other cultures, you learn a lot about your own.”