Packaging program among nation's best

  Wednesday, May 3, 2017 2:00 AM
  News, Milestones

Pittsburg, KS

Packaging program among nation's best

Pittsburg’s State packaging graphics program was recently recognized as being among the top in the nation.

The Value Colleges website this month released its list of the top 20 packaging program in the United States. Pitt State’s program is ranked number 16, behind large schools such as California Polytechnic State University, San Jose State University, Purdue University and the University of Florida.

In 2015, Pitt State’s Graphics and Imaging Technologies Department added the packaging emphasis to help students understand all that goes into designing graphics to be marketed in stores.

“No matter where you go or what stores you shop in, nearly everything you buy is going to be packaged in some way,” said Associate Professor Doug Younger. “Many times, it is the package itself that leads to a consumer buying the product. If it’s attractive, it sells. If the package design does not catch your eye, that product may sit on the shelves for quite some time.”

The Value Colleges website said the PSU’s program prepares students for a variety of career paths.

“The Graphic Communications degree emphasizes flexible basic knowledge that can be adapted to a variety of career paths, including designer, research, sales, and management, giving graduates entry into a growing field,” the Value Colleges website states. “Pittsburg State’s low tuition rate, in turn, makes for a quicker return on graduates’ time and money.”

The website also states that the packaging industry continues to grow in importance in today’s global economy.

“From materials science and engineering to design and marketing, packaging encompasses a wide range of skills and specializations, but many students with technical and design talents do not realize what options are available in packaging,” the website states. “There is a whole world of career opportunity ready to be addressed, and packaging science, engineering, and design programs are growing in colleges and universities across the nation.”

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