Accounting instructor nominated for 'Women to Watch' award

  Thursday, October 8, 2015 2:00 AM

Pittsburg, KS

Accounting instructor nominated for 'Women to Watch' award

A Pittsburg State University accounting instructor has been recognized as an “up-and-coming star” by the Kansas Society of Certified Public Accountants (KSCPA.)

Gail YarickGail Yarick, an instructor in the Kelce College of Business Department of Accounting and Computer Information Systems, is a nominee for this year’s KSCPA “Women To Watch” award. Yarick was nominated in the award’s “Emerging Leaders” category

The “Women to Watch” award highlights the accomplishments of women in the accounting profession. The award was launched in 2005 by the American Institute of CPAs in partnership with several state CPA societies. This year’s award winners will be announced at the annual “Women to Watch” awards luncheon on Oct. 28 in Kansas City.

Yarick, who earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in accounting from Pittsburg State, said she is honored to be nominated for the award.

“It is a tremendous honor to have been nominated as a KSCPA Women to Watch emerging leader,” Yarick said. “Being recognized for my contributions to the accounting profession and community is very much appreciated. I’ve been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to interact and learn from some great leaders at Pittsburg State University and through my involvement with the KSCPA.”

Yarick began her career at Pitt State in 2007 as a project accountant in the Office of Facilities Planning. She began teaching as an adjunct professor in 2008 before transitioning to full-time faculty in 2009. She is currently pursuing a doctorate degree in advanced accounting from Northcentral University.



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