Intensive English Program celebrates accreditation
Thursday, September 10, 2015 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

After many months of hard work, it was time, Thursday, for Pittsburg State University’s Intensive English Program to celebrate.
Students, faculty and other members of the campus community came together to celebrate the program’s recent accreditation by the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA).
“It was hard work, but it was worth it,” Christine Mekkaoui, program director said.
Provost Lynette Olson praised Mekkaoui and the program staff for the 18 months of work they put into writing the self-review required for accreditation.
“The commitment of your faculty and staff was just stellar,” Olson said.
President Scott also offered praise for a community that is welcoming and supportive of international students.
“Our community deserves appreciation for what they do to support students who come from around the world to study at Pittsburg State,” Scott said.
Mekkaoui said the work that went into earning a full, five-year accreditation from the CEA was time-consuming and arduous, but in the end well worth everyone’s time and talent.
“We are better because of the self-study,” Mekkaoui said.
For more on PSU’s Intensive English Program:
For more on the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation