President Scott joins DI athletics summit
Wednesday, July 22, 2015 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Pittsburg State President Steve Scott has been named to a group of college and university leaders who will convene in Indianapolis next month to build the foundation for the future of college sports.
Scott will join college presidents,
athletics administrators, faculty and students from across the
nation at the NCAA Division I Strategic Summit on Aug. 4 and 5. He
is one of just three Division II reps to be invited to the summit.
The others are Judith Bense, president of the University of West
Florida, and Timothy Ladd, faculty athletics representative at Palm
Beach Atlantic University.
While the summit will focus on DI challenges and opportunities, DII and DIII leaders have also been asked to participate. Scott said he is honored to be invited to the summit and is looking forward to being a part of conversations about the future of amateur athletics.
“For a variety of reasons, the NCAA is at a crossroad in its history. I'm pleased to be included in the discussions that are likely to shape collegiate athletics for the coming decade. It's important for DII interests to be represented, and I'm honored to bring that perspective to the summit,” Scott said. “For Pittsburg State to be represented at this level is certainly good for the university."
According to the NCAA, the participants were selected to serve on one of four strategic planning groups that will study four different aspects of college sports. Scott will serve on the Division I collegiate model of amateur athletics group.
For more information on the summit, visit