Summer classes begin June 1
Wednesday, May 20, 2015 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Classes for the first of two summer sessions at Pittsburg State University begin in less than two weeks, but university officials say there’s still time to enroll.
“Summer classes appeal to people for a lot of different reasons,” according to PSU Registrar Debbie Greve. “For some, it is a way to advance more quickly toward their degree. Others like the concentration on a single subject over several weeks that summer classes allow. Some students, with full schedules in the fall and spring, find summer a time when they can pick up a class that they can’t fit in during the other times of the year. And, finally, there are many professionals who come back to school in the summer months for continuing education.”
The first summer session begins on Monday, June 1, and runs through Friday, June 26. The second summer session begins on Monday, June 29, and runs through July 24.
In addition to the regular summer classes, the university offers a number of short courses on a variety of topics.
For detailed instructions about enrolling for the summer session, call 620-235-4200 or visit the PSU Registrar’s website at and click on the Enroll Summer 2015 link. Click on the Schedule of Classes link on that same page and select the 2015 Term to see a complete list of summer classes offered.