Memorial Day observance pays tribute to Medal of Honor recipients
Thursday, May 21, 2015 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Frontenac American Legion Post 43, with support from the Pritchett Trust, will host a Memorial Day observance at 2:30 p.m. on Monday, May 25, in the Veterans Memorial at Pittsburg State University. In case of rain, the event will take place in the Bicknell Family Center for the Arts at Ford and Homer streets.
In addition to recognizing the veterans for whom new pavers have been installed in the memorial, the event is a tribute to Medal of Honor recipients from the state of Kansas. Those recipients are listed on a newly installed black granite slab in the memorial’s upper plaza.
In recognition of the recent 40th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, Col. Bob Marshall, USMC ret., will introduce a group of visiting Marine Vietnam veterans from the 3rd Marie div., 3rd platoon.
The keynote speaker for the event will be Raymond Vail, of Arma, who is vice commander for the American Legion Department of Kansas. Judge Robert Serra and his 100-year-old father will present the Medal of Honor Marker.
The Pittsburg City Band will provide music for the event and a Marine color guard will present the colors. Don Morey, Commander for Post 43, will serve as master of ceremonies.