Student broadcasters snare record awards
Thursday, April 2, 2015 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

When Pittsburg State student broadcasters pack for the annual Kansas Association of Broadcasters awards banquet in Topeka next week, they’ll want to leave extra room for all of the awards they’ll be bringing home.
The PSU students will receive a dozen first-place awards, seven second-place awards and 11 honorable-mention awards at the annual event. According to Associate Professor Troy Comeau, director of the broadcasting program, it’s not only the most awards PSU has won, but also in the most different categories.
“We have really put an emphasis on the idea that students should get a variety of different experiences in the broadcast field,” Comeau said. “This diversity will make our students more marketable in the workplace and being recognized in the various categories really makes me proud of the work our students have done this year.”
The PSU students competed in a variety of broadcasting categories against students from all other colleges and universities in the state of Kansas.
PSU’s first-place awards
- In the Complete Taped Radio Newscast category: Billy Drury and Lauren Barlows for “Fireside Chats”
- In the Radio Sports Play-by-Play category: Stephen McTeer and Amy Martin for “Rich Hill @ Jasper”
- In the :60 TV PSA category: Colin Terry for “Make A Wish”
- In the Internship Station Promo category: Kersee Currier for “Sporting KC Game Day”
- In the Internship Sports Feature category: Kersee Currier for “Sporting KC UMB Combine”
- In the :30 Graduate TV PSA category: Sydney Ward for “Breathe Easy:” Tobacco Free Campus
- In the Graduate Public Affairs category: Sydney Ward for “I am the Wood Industry”
- In the Graduate Enterprise News: Sydney Ward for “PSU Wood Technology”
- In the Graduate Documentary: T. Rob Brown for “Fistful of Dice”
- In the Undergrad research paper: Will York for “History of Children’s Programming”
- In the Graduate research paper: Sydney Ward for “Net Neutrality and Media Ownership”
- In the TV Live Newscast: SP14 TV Production Class for “GTV Show #588”
PSU’s Second Place Awards
- In the TV Enterprise News Package category: Mitch Longpine for “Dancing with the hometown stars”
- In the TV :30 Second Commercial-PSA or non com donor announcement category: Michael Caughron for “Campus Recycling PSA”
- In the TV Complete Live Newscast category: Chad Speer, Courtney Rusch, Damonte Taylor, Caleb Wood, Evyline Kangeri and Trey Dawson for “CAPS 13 News #607”
- In the TV Complete News Feature category: Caleb Wood for “Adrian Herrera”
- In the TV Sports Play-by-Play category: Zach Mitchell, Stephen McTeer and 2014 Sports Broadcasting Class for “Emporia vs. PSU Basketball”
- In the Graduate TV :30 Second Commercial-PSA or non com donor announcement: Bart Klick for “Vote”
- In the Graduate TV Enterprise News category: Marisa Hunn and Ryan Beck for “Out of Sync Reality (Ep.2)”