PSU hosts Kansas Kids Fitness Day for area third graders
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Approximately 1,000 third graders from 18 schools in Crawford and Cherokee counties ran, jumped, stretched and danced at PSU's Carnie Smith Stadium on Friday, May 1, in an annual event designed to encourage lifetime physical activity.
Across Kansas, nearly 40,000 students at 40 sites participated in this year’s Kansas Kids Fitness Day.
Shelly Grimes, instructor in the Department of Health, Human Performance and Recreation, said the event is designed to teach children the importance of daily exercise.
“It’s important that kids realize they need to have daily physical activity if they want to be healthy adults,” Grimes said.
Students who participated in Kansas Kids’ Fitness Day at PSU rotated among a number of physical activity stations including karate, dance, parachute activities, football throw and relay races. Each of the stations was led by PSU physical education/fitness majors.
Grimes said this is the 24th year that PSU has hosted Kansas Kids Fitness Day and the fourth that she has coordinated the event.
“Dr. Tom Bryant had the idea to bring the event to Pitt State,” Grimes said, “and Dr Rob Hefley (HHPR chair) coordinated it for 16 years before I took over.”
Kansas Kids’ Fitness Day is a statewide project of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, sponsored by the Governor’s Council on Fitness, on the first Friday each May. For more, visit the Kansas Kids’ Fitness Day website at