Pittsburg State locker rooms to get new look
Thursday, April 16, 2015 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

The final touches are being applied to Pittsburg State University’s Robert W. Plaster Center in preparation for its April 21 ribbon cutting. This includes the installation of more than 200 lockers for the university’s football, track & field and cross country teams.
“It’s a major undertaking,” said Tom Myers, director of athletics facilities. “We’ve taken delivery of 125 football lockers and 96 lockers for our track & field and cross country teams. Each locker room has been designed to maximize space while still providing the perfect team atmosphere. It’s a major improvement over our current situation.”
The lockers were produced by Hollman Manufacturing. The group, located in Irving, Texas, has manufactured lockers for the Dallas Cowboys, the Chicago Bulls, University of Arkansas and Oklahoma State University.
“We wanted our locker rooms to reflect the tradition and expectations of Gorilla athletics,” said Jim Johnson, director of intercollegiate athletics. “Our athletes expect to play on the national stage every year and Hollman holds itself up to those same standards.”
The new lockers bring with them a new opportunity for fans in the form of a personalized locker sponsorship.
“It’s a great way for fans and former student athletes to be a permanent part of our Gorilla teams,” said Kendall Gammon, director of development for intercollegiate athletics. “Every active player’s locker will be included this program.”
Sponsorships are available for a one-time gift of $1,000 for track & field lockers or $1,500 for football lockers.
“The program allows our fans to combine their desire to help our student-athletes succeed with their passion for Gorilla athletics,” said Gammon. “It’s the best of both worlds.”
For more information about the Pitt State Locker Room Plaque Program, please visit pittstate.edu/plastercenter or call University Development at 620-235-4768.