Exhibit reveals art, technology links

  Monday, April 27, 2015 2:00 AM

Pittsburg, KS

Exhibit reveals art, technology links

Perhaps nowhere do the lines between art and technology blur more than in the automobile. That’s evident in an exhibit this week of the work of a group of Pittsburg State University students.

The spring 2015 Automobile: Art and Design exhibit and presentations will be held from 4-6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 29, in the second floor alcove galleries of Russ Hall.

Students in the class, taught by Portico Bowman from the Art Department and Nico Prelogar from Automotive Technology, include both art and technology students. The students’ work, Bowman said, is a great demonstration of how tightly woven the two worlds of technology and art are.

Wednesday’s exhibit and presentations are open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.



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