Campus food pantry seeks donations
Friday, April 17, 2015 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

With nearly a full semester under its belt, the Gorilla Assistance Food Pantry at Pittsburg State is already enjoying encouraging success.
“At one point this semester, we had more volunteers than we knew what to do with,” said GAP director Brian Walker. “It’s great that so many students want to give their time to help with it.”
Located in 310 Whitesitt Hall, the food pantry provides free food items to students and university staff in need. It began as a hypothetical service project for a class assignment and quickly grew into a reality.
“Whenever students hear about the pantry, they like to hear that the service is offered on campus,” Walker said. “They are almost always wanting to help out in some way.”
Growth is the key to ongoing success, Walker said. More food donations are needed to help meet the needs of students.
“We can always use more donations,” he said. “For us to grow, we need the donations to come in. We have been pretty conservative early on because we didn’t want to give away more food than we’re taking in. Ideally, we’d always have plenty of food and never have to give sparingly.”
To help with that growth, students in an Advanced Marketing course this semester are helping to develop marketing strategies for GAP.
“Our goal is to help GAP grow because we know that it’s a wonderful program to have on campus,” said marketing student Desiree Clancy. “Students can greatly benefit from the pantry, and it’s very important to us to spread awareness of what it offers.”
Walker said he appreciates the help of the marketing students.
“It’s students like them that will help us grow and meet the needs on campus,” he said. “We appreciate all of the help we’ve received so far, and we look forward to continued success.”