PSU announces new director of assessment
Friday, February 6, 2015 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Jan Smith, assistant vice president for institutional effectiveness, has announced the selection of Nora Hatton as the director of assessment at Pittsburg State University. Hatton most recently served as chair of the Business and Management Department and assistant professor within the School of Arts and Sciences and Professional Studies at St. Catharine College in St. Catharine, Ky.
“We’re fortunate to have found someone with the kind of
knowledge and experience that Nora brings to the position,” said
Smith. “Her background traverses both the academic and private
sectors with a common theme of data-informed decision making.
Provost Lynette Olson’s leadership in the field of assessment has
helped us make great progress as a university. I’m confident Nora’s
experience will help us continue our momentum in this important
“Pittsburg State University is well-known for its academics and focus on student success,” said Hatton. “I’m looking forward to becoming a part of this wonderful community and to helping the university continue to succeed.”
Smith thanked Randy Roberts and members of the search committee for their hard work.
“They had a difficult task but their hard work and expertise made the search a success,” said Smith.
Hatton earned her bachelor’s degree in business administration from Alice Lloyd College and her master’s degree in business administration from Morehead State University. She also completed her postgraduate work in education policy studies and evaluation from the University of Kentucky.
In addition to her academic experience, Hatton also spent nearly a decade in the private sector. She worked as a marketing and management consultant for Niece Enterprises in Willisburg, Ky., and as CFA of Priority Financial Services, Inc., in Elizabethtown, Ky.