Gus' Diary: Love my 'mini' Gorillas
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

Dear Diary,
I recently had a wonderful opportunity to spend time with more than 3,000 elementary school students as part of Operation College Bound. It was an amazing experience, and it was made especially enjoyable by all of the little ones in their Pitt State shirts. (Not that I play favorites, or anything…)
To be there with them – seeing their smiles, hearing their laughs and feeling their energy – was a great thrill for me. It’s in those moments when I’m reminded just how awesome it is to #BeAGorilla. Spending the good part of a Monday morning with those children warmed my Gorilla heart.
The best part about that day was that it was just one of many moments lately that I’ve been able to enjoy with area kiddos.
Before Operation College Bound was Paint the Town Red week, which featured several activities in which I got to hang out with what I like to call “mini Gorillas.” I got to visit the local elementary schools to see their awesome PTTR decorations. And let me tell you … they were awesome!
I got to be there when our mini Gorillas got autographs from the full-size Gorilla athletes. Then, it got even better when we all went to Brandenburg Field for the balloon launch.
Of course, we took our group pics and even a few selfies. I must admit … I love me a good selfie. And those memories will always stick with me.
I hope everyone who is associated with events such as those know just how much fun I have and how much it means to be invited.
And I really hope I get another chance soon to hang out with the awesome kids in the area.
They make me feel young again.
-- GUS