Company Day to be largest in PSU history
Thursday, September 18, 2014 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

As Bruce Dallman walked through the Kansas Technology Center during Company Day 2013, he couldn’t help but feel astonished at the number companies represented.
“It was definitely the largest Company Day we’ve hosted,” said Dallman, dean of the Pittsburg State College of Technology. “It was just amazing to see professionals from more than 145 companies in our building networking with our students. It was an awesome sight.”
Well, Company Day 2014 sees last year’s number and raises it a few.
“It’s quite possible we’re going to end up with close to 200 companies at this year’s event,” Dallman said. “We have between 180 and 190 registered now. That’s absolutely incredible and very, very exciting.”
The largest COT Company Day in PSU history will take place from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 24, at the KTC. Company Day is a networking event for both students and the companies represented.
The event began as a showcase for construction companies but soon expanded to include engineering technology, automotive technology, graphics and imaging technologies, electrical technology and wood technology.
“No matter what your major is or what field you hope to go into, there are companies here to network with and learn from,” Dallman said. “That’s what makes Company Day such an important event for our students. There is something here for everybody.”
For industry professionals, the event opens their eyes to the unique facility that is the Kansas Technology Center.
“Every year, we hear from someone who has seen the KTC for the first time,” Dallman said. “They’re blown away. They are simply blown away. It’s not uncommon for some of our strongest industry relationships and partnerships to form at Company Day once these companies see our facility.”
All of that makes the annual growth of the event even more encouraging for the COT faculty and leadership.
“These people are taking time away from their normal work day to come here and spend time with our students,” Dallman said. “That they keep coming back and that new companies sign on is a testament to the value of this event. We’re very proud of what we’ve developed here, and we’re all very excited to host what is again the largest Company Day in our history.”
For more information about Company Day, visit
For more information about Company Day, visit