Bid Day 'best feeling in the world'
Friday, August 15, 2014 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

With smiling faces and arms wide open, the three sororities at Pittsburg State welcomed their newest members during the annual Sorority Bid Day event on Friday, Aug. 15. The event, which culminates a week of sorority rush and recruitment activities, was conducted in The Oval.
More than 135 new sorority members were introduced to their “sisters,” and for many of them, it was the thrill of a lifetime.
“Going into Bid Day, I was extremely nervous and excited all at the same time,” said freshman Juliana Cook, a nursing major, “but the second I opened my bid card and found I was in Sigma Sigma Sigma, it was the best feeling in the world.”
Megan Smejdir, PSU program coordinator for Campus Actitivies and Greek adviser, said the Bid Day activity is a great way to start a new semester.
“Bid Day, being on the last Friday before the new fall semester, is such a great time because the women are stoked about it,” she said. “The sorority sisterhood is real and genuine, and you could see how happy all of the women were to welcome their newest members.”
For many of the members, the days leading up to Bid Day were both thrilling and tiring. Once Bid Day arrived, however, they were all smiles.
“This week was the longest week of my life,” Cook said, “but the second I was welcomed into the arms of all my sisters, I knew I was home.”
There are three sororities at PSU, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Sigma Alpha and Sigma Sigma Sigma.