PSU launches new, secure Wi-FI system
Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:00 AM
Pittsburg, KS

A new Wi-FI system at Pittsburg State is boosting online security for students, employees and campus guests.
GusNET Secure Wi-FI opened to the campus June 2, in time for the 2014 summer session. The new system, which will replace the previous open network, requires a username and password to access.
Angela Neria, PSU’s chief information officer, said requiring a login adds an important level of protection for users’ online data.
“The key benefit of GusNET is that it offers a much higher level of security for your personal and professional data while using university Wi-FI,” Neria said. “On the original open PSU network, anyone can connect to the network, which allows anyone to intercept data.”
University employees also will be able to wirelessly print and access the P Drive over GusNET Wi-FI without being required to login to VPN (Virtual Private Network).
Students can access GusNET with their GUS ID and password. Faculty and staff will use the same ID and password that they use to login to their computers and the internal P Drive.
Campus guests will receive a login page to access “GusNET Guest” services, much in the way guests access hotel Wi-FI services. Guest access will last 24 hours.
Long-term guests, such as those here for a conference or visiting professors on sabbatical, can be sponsored by a university employee and receive extended access to the network. Sponsored GusNET will be available starting this fall.
The open PSU wireless network will remain available until Monday, Aug. 25. However, Neria encourages students, faculty and staff to connect to GusNET as soon as possible.
“While the open network can still be accessed through late August, it’s important that students, faculty and staff get on GusNET soon,” she said. “The importance of online security cannot be overstated in this age of stolen identities and other cybercrimes.”
Another benefit for students on campus this summer is that connecting now means they’ll beat the mid-August rush.
“When students come back for the fall semester, there will be a big rush to get on the new network,” she said. “If students are on campus this summer, they can connect now and be ahead of the game.”
Campus users need only login twice per year to access GusNET.
“GusNET will remember your device,” Neria said. “Users will only need to login using their ID and password twice per year. If a breach or threat were to arise, the campus community may be asked to login at that time in order to re-authenticate their devices to GusNET.”
For more information about GusNET, visit